#132193 - Link Of Ice - Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:22 pm
Hey, two questions: Firstly, anyone here not currently busy with a ds homebrew project; also whom is good at coding Ds games want to help get a homebrew zelda well on its way? The game has been started. LinkW has a few mockup screens, and has one thing a walking demo. Due his busyness he could use help from others in the ds homebrew community. So anyone up for the challenge?
Just PM me, and email LinkW at linkw@surrendergames.com and he will give you what you need to do. Also, he will add you to the credit list.
Secondly, can anyone here help port Ocarina Of Time 2d from the Computer to the DS and create anoth online/lan quest. I'll come up with the story behind it. All anyone would have to do is is just port it and add the other quest
Just PM me.
#132195 - Link Of Ice - Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:26 pm
I'm asking people here because I din't have any coding skills. I'm just recruiting people for TLOZ: Hero Of Time DS. Also, I'm trying to get some people to port the other one and add a multiplay (Lan)/single play quest to it. It would be amazing. If anyone want to do the ocarina of time 2d thing, I'll have the story writen out for the single play/ multiplay (lan) quest. All anyone would have to do is code the game to the DS and code the second single play/ multiplay
(lan) quest.
#132205 - relpats_eht - Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:10 pm
Quote: |
All anyone would have to do is code the game to the DS and code the second single play/ multiplay |
This may appear a bit shocking, but that in itself is asking quite a bit. This is homebrew, if all you can contribute is a story line, you are probably out of luck in seeing your dreams to completion. Ideas are plentiful, programmers and artists are in short supply; however, almost no one will program for an artist, things usually work the other way around.
I am not even being cynical here, this is optimism.
- relpats_eht
#132211 - dantheman - Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:15 pm
I'd have to agree with relpats here (nice name btw, the_stapler, XD). I'd also like to add that if this is the same LinkW I know from another forum, then I know he's 12 and probably doesn't have a firm grasp on the way game development tends to work.
In addition, I wasn't aware there even was a completed OOT2D for the computer (and I'm a mod at Zelda Fan Game Central, so something like that would have been big news), so I would find it difficult to port a game that doesn't even really exist. Do you have a download location for said game?
#132220 - gm112 - Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:21 pm
Linkw, just give it a rest. You've only had some walking demos and never made anymore progress from that. Aside from that, good luck on getting other people >_>.
#133357 - Link Of Ice - Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:59 pm
i'm not lynkw. plus, why not? it sounds like a good idea. You never see anyone make any good zelda homebrew ds games. Actually theres only one, and it not done. SO whats the fun in that if its not done.
#133364 - Devil_Spawn - Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:48 pm
OR, use the tools available to learn how to code
#133588 - gm112 - Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:31 am
Link Of Ice wrote: |
i'm not lynkw. plus, why not? it sounds like a good idea. You never see anyone make any good zelda homebrew ds games. Actually theres only one, and it not done. SO whats the fun in that if its not done. |
You're definitely linkw. Your e-mail address makes it too obvious.
#133592 - Dood77 - Sat Jul 07, 2007 9:21 am
Uh, if you're referring to the email posted in his first post, he says directly that its linkw's, not his.
If I use a term wrong or something then feel free to correct, I?m not much of a programmer.
Original DS Phat obtained on day of release + flashme v7
Supercard: miniSD, Kingston 1GB, Kingston 2GB
Ralink chipset PCI NIC
#134528 - HackModford - Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:26 pm
Please Port Zelda OOT 2D for DS. Pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Use your talents for God's glory!
#134534 - dantheman - Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:47 pm
HackModford wrote: |
Please Port Zelda OOT 2D for DS. Pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Question: what exactly will it be a port of? Usually the word "port" implies that the product being ported already exists. I would be highly interested to see a completed OOT2D project, as I have seen several people attempt it and give up after a while.
#134710 - Link Of Ice - Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:36 am
Well, Daniel Barras is still working on his form of the game. http://www.TRMgames.net
#134741 - dantheman - Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:29 am
It would still need to exist before it could be ported. To be honest I highly doubt Daniel Barras aka TRM is still working on OoT2D, but if he is then that's great. Considering that he hasn't shown anything more than screenshots to "prove" its existence since 2003 though, I wouldn't get your hopes up.
#134810 - Link Of Ice - Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:20 am
But if he did, would anyone here port it? and add an additional Ds multiplay (lan) quest to it?
EDIT: Or would anyone here want to edit Lupi's Homebrew Zelda ds demo source and make it into a completely different game? http://usuarios.lycos.es/lupidangame/
Also, If you look on TRM's website it says coming soon and it has the game menu of OOT2D up. The site just recently went under construction and the this screen was put up a few weeks ago
#134814 - dantheman - Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:40 am
It's been "coming soon" since Christmas 2003. Even if it does come out, what's the chance that he'll make it open-source? Highly unlikely.
Looking at that page, it does not look like lupidan released the source code for his demo, meaning that a port would not be possible.
#134815 - knight0fdragon - Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:05 am
why not just invest the time in learning the language, then create some kind of demo yourself, perhaps after you have something working, others may want to contribute or team up with you
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