#139405 - Mr. Picklesworth - Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:36 pm
I have here a 1 GB compact flash card that I want to use. The trouble is that it does not work with a basic USB flash card reader, and I lack one that will read it. The only CF reader I have that will read the thing is my Supercard CF. My other two flash cards work fine with the usb reader.
It seems the best way to transfer these files would be to boot a wireless file transfer program on one card, then swap over to the 1 GB card so it can be written to. DSFTP is not cooperating, unfortunately. Is there anything specifically built for hot-swapping the storage device?
MKDS Friend Code: 511165-679586
MP:H Friend Code: 2105 2377 6896
#139406 - calcprogrammer1 - Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:49 pm
Sounds to me the best way to do what you want to do is use a two slot system, DSFile would work, as I think (but am not sure) that the SCCF is natively supported in Libfat. You'd need a microSD or SD based Slot-1 card like the R4, M3DS Simply, or Games n' Music.
A swappable system would be pointless because transferring a 10MB file would involve swapping the card maybe 4 times.
The only other possibility is WiFi, though DSFTP would be the way to do that, there may be a network transfer app in DSLinux you could try too.
DS Firmware 1, Datel Games n' Music card / Chism's FW hacked GBA MP v2 CF
There's no place like
#139407 - Mr. Picklesworth - Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:58 pm
DSLinux was my first thought, too, but the trouble is it dies the moment it loses the flash card. DSFTP is unable to access files if I insert a different card than the one it was booted with.
I guess this is a bit of a niche thing, but maybe someone else has bumped into this exact bother.
Come to think of it, you reminded me of the DSLinux stand-alone NDS file build. Maybe that one has (or can run) ftpd and has a magical resilience to having a mounted drive yanked out and swapped for something else... (And then, maybe it can still use the flash card for some reason. I shall find out shortly!)
MKDS Friend Code: 511165-679586
MP:H Friend Code: 2105 2377 6896
#139409 - dantheman - Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:11 pm
The .nds build of DSLinux can't access the filesystem, so even if you can hotswap the CF cards it won't do you much good.
#139415 - calcprogrammer1 - Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:50 pm
If I knew how to hotswap cards, I'd add it to DSFile. The problem is I have a GBAMP, so you have to hotswap the whole cartridge, not just the CF (take GBAMP out, remove CF, insert new CF, reinsert GBAMP). I was trying to add support for this but couldn't get it to work.
It sounds like the easiest thing might be just to buy a supported reader or a Slot-1 card (such as Games n' Music, my friend got it for $20, I payed that much for a basic USB 1.1 CF reader), boot a SCCF-patched DSFTP or DSLinux with it, then stream the files, but you might need to use something like DSFile to copy the ftp.conf file to the CF so that DSFTP will boot properly on it.
DS Firmware 1, Datel Games n' Music card / Chism's FW hacked GBA MP v2 CF
There's no place like
#139416 - Mr. Picklesworth - Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:01 am
Yes, my evil brother has a slot-1 card. I can borrow it from him and try DSFile. (Looks like an excellent program, by the way. Thanks!)
I have a vague memory of booting DSO on one card and swapping another one in moments before it figured out the file system. It may be possible to create an ftp.conf file and boot DSFTP in the same way.
By the way, I've remembered that Moonshell has a great feature allowing for hot-swapping, where if you hold Start it will load the binary into memory but not boot it until Start is released. This way, I can safely swap the card without the new program having any trouble.
MKDS Friend Code: 511165-679586
MP:H Friend Code: 2105 2377 6896