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DS Misc > Multiplayer Dr. Mario on NDS: What are my options if any?

#148609 - cyntax - Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:01 pm

I'd like to play 2 player Dr Mario on my Nintendo DS and DS Lite. Seems it's the only game I can get my wife to play.

Nintendo hasn't released an official DS port yet, and the GBA version won't work with the wireless multiplayer on the DS, so I'm wondering if there's anything I can do through homebrew, aside from running DSVNC to connect to a PC running it in a NES emulator, (though maybe that's an option if it's fast enough...)

I guess my questions are:

-Are there any NES/Snes emulators that support 2 player in anyway yet? (over wifi or with some dual control scheme on 1 nds?)

-Is there any homebrew Dr. Mario clone in the works? (sorry, i can't code, if i could i would ;) )

-Anyone got any clever ideas to get this running on my DS's? maybe u can plug a second DS into the first through some sort of serial connection to use it as a second controller for 2 player nes games? Or maybe assign half the buttons on the DS to 1 player, and the other half to the other so that we could play it on 1 DS.

I could use DS2Key to control the game from our DS's, but the display would still have to be on a pc, not so good for when we're on the road.

Any thought's appreciated!

#148611 - cyntax - Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:08 pm

i notice that with nesds you can control both players from the touchscreen and the ds buttons... so that could work but it would be very awkward since p2's controls would be in between p1's d pad and buttons. wonder if that's could be configured to not be as awkward somehow...

#148624 - tepples - Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:36 am

cyntax wrote:
-Is there any homebrew Dr. Mario clone in the works? (sorry, i can't code, if i could i would ;) )

Vitamins, part of freepuzzlearena, is a Dr. Mario clone for PC that supports 2-player mode. An experimental port to GBA was rushed out to beat WarioWare to the punch as the first native Dr. game on the platform. But that won't help with your specific request for Ni-Fi support.

I could use DS2Key to control the game from our DS's, but the display would still have to be on a pc, not so good for when we're on the road.

Laptop + 2 USB gamepads?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#148631 - cyntax - Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:44 am

vitamins sounds cool, i'll have to check it out when i get some time. Wonder if the gba port could get an upgrade to NDS + Wifi? I don't think the USB controllers + Laptop option is gonna work due to my lack of money to purchase a laptop.

I found this:

Looks like someone has hard wired a snes controller for use on the DS, so if I did that it would free up room on the touchscreen for player 2. Not sure if i'm willing to crack open my ds for that quite just yet.

Also, it looks like a version of Dr. Mario is coming as a WiiWare title..

Maybe it's popularity will get nintendo to make a ds version.