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DS Misc > Viewing Downloaded HTML Websites?

#149967 - Mythran - Mon Jan 28, 2008 7:08 am

I'm looking to be able to view websites that i already have on my sd card..i have the r4, and have tried dsorganise for this, with only half results...i can open the main html file no problem, but when i try to click links that navigate to other html files on the card, it doesn't want to click..are there any settings i can mess with, or another program i can use?

[edit]i tried using that okiwi browser, but it ran so slow on my ds i couldn't take i'm not sure if that will work either

#150044 - Mythran - Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:56 am

well if noone knows of another html viewing app, does anyone know what the drive letter or location would be for the "url" on the card so i could trick dsorganise into thinking it's a website?

the url when opening an html file on your hard drive would be

i'm using the r4 revolution w/ the latest firmware on a crimson/black ds lite

#150061 - sonny_jim - Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:43 pm

You could always try using the browsers in DSLinux (links and retawq) but they aren't the easiest in the world to get used to to.

#150062 - dualscreenman - Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:21 pm

The DSOrganize web browser might be easier for you. Plus, it doesn't require a RAM expansion pack like DSLinux does.
dualscreenman wrote:
What about Gaim DS? Gaim pretty much has support for all IM programs.
tepples wrote:
"Goshdammit, the DS is not a Gaim-boy! It's a third pillar!"

#150088 - Jeremysr - Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:59 pm

It shouldn't be too hard for DragonMinded to make links work when viewing .html files, or let you browse your SD card with the web browser... maybe ask him to do one or both of these features.

#150110 - Mythran - Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:54 am

sonny_jim wrote:
You could always try using the browsers in DSLinux (links and retawq) but they aren't the easiest in the world to get used to to.

its sad to say, but i really dont know how to use it..i downloaded it and was in a "dos prompt" similar black screen white text, but thats as far as it got..i've used linux a little in the past(fedora core 7), but it was more like mac i need that expansion to run it?

dualscreenman wrote:
The DSOrganize web browser might be easier for you. Plus, it doesn't require a RAM expansion pack like DSLinux does.

this is the browser i've been will load the html files fine and have blue underlined links just like normal web pages, but they wont click to go to the linked file

Jeremysr wrote:
It shouldn't be too hard for DragonMinded to make links work when viewing .html files, or let you browse your SD card with the web browser... maybe ask him to do one or both of these features.

thanks..i'll definitely do that

#150113 - sonny_jim - Wed Jan 30, 2008 3:49 am


I downloaded it and was in a "dos prompt"


You youngsters and your flashy GUI's, back in my day you had 16K and a rubber keyboard grumble grumble. ;-)

To start links or retawq (the included browsers) type retawq (or links), then enter. There's more information on the DSLinux wiki.


do i need that expansion to run it?

For retawq, probably not. Links probably will require some form of RAM expansion

EDIT: Of course, all of this is superfluous if the paths are hardcoded as Windows values (ie C:\html\blah)

#150114 - Mythran - Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:03 am

sonny_jim wrote:
You youngsters and your flashy GUI's, back in my day you had 16K and a rubber keyboard grumble grumble. ;-)

hah yea, well its mostly because i was never a linux user...not that i didnt want to, i just didnt have access to a comp w/ it on at all... i had to wait and experiment w/ it on my own, and never really got it..i'm sure its like driving stick..a bit of a learning curve, but after that, you dont want to go back to being able to control everything

thanks for the info though, i'll throw that back on my card and see if that works

#150116 - tepples - Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:43 am

Mythran wrote:
i downloaded [DSLinux] and was in a "dos prompt" similar black screen white text, but thats as far as it got..i've used linux a little in the past(fedora core 7), but it was more like mac osx

When you used Mac OS X, did you ever run Terminal?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#150134 - Mythran - Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:59 am

tepples wrote:
When you used Mac OS X, did you ever run Terminal?

yea, but not really enough..i know its pretty much Unix, right? i hadn't really ever had much of a need to play with the terminal too much, as all I'm using my mac for is graphic design work and such. it's something I've wanted to mess with and learn, but somehow i always got distracted.

[edit] when i tried the retawq command, it gives me a screen's worth of stuff, then says "out of memory: killed process 69"..this mean i need the expansion? if so, i dont know if that's happening any time soon

#150140 - sonny_jim - Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:01 pm


when i tried the retawq command, it gives me a screen's worth of stuff, then says "out of memory: killed process 69"..this mean i need the expansion?

Yes it does, unfortunately it seems DSLinux has recently got a little too big to run without a Slot-2 RAM expansion.

#150151 - Mythran - Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:59 pm

sonny_jim wrote:
Yes, unfortunately it seems DSLinux has recently got a little too big to run without a Slot-2 RAM expansion.

...figures...oh well, looks like i'm gonna have to wait until i get a slot 2 the one that comes w/ the official nds browser big enough? or should i get something that's got an sd card slot(if one like that exists)

#150155 - sonny_jim - Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:40 pm

Personally, I'd get a Supercard SD Slot-2 as I've been quite happy with mine. I think the M3 Slot-2 is quicker though. There's a list of supported Slot-2 devices here.

The Opera expansion will provide enough for most things and it's probably easier to get hold of, but I think the upcoming Q2 build (if Simon manages to get his code sorted, fingers crossed) will require more than the Opera expansion can provide.

#150156 - Mythran - Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:11 pm

i see...thanks for the info on that..i should have some time tonight to check that stuff out...btw do you have any idea if the either the supercard or m3 slot 2's are compatible w/ the r4? or doesnt it really make a difference..i've heard that the r4 and m3 are pretty much identical anyway, but was just wondering if you knew off hand.

as of now, i guess there isnt any other option to do what i wanted it to do, or at least none that anyone here knows of...well i'm gonna check out buying a slot 2 expansion, i'll probably need it for a lot more in the future anyway..thanks again

#150179 - Quirky - Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:07 pm

Mythran wrote:
I'm looking to be able to view websites that i already have on my sd card..i have the r4, and have tried dsorganise for this, with only half results...i can open the main html file no problem, but when i try to click links that navigate to other html files on the card, it doesn't want to click..are there any settings i can mess with, or another program i can use?

[edit]i tried using that okiwi browser, but it ran so slow on my ds i couldn't take i'm not sure if that will work either

bunjalloo should be able to browse the files... you'll have to give it the name of the first one to go to (i.e. enter a URL such as "file:///path/to/file.html") but after that it'll browse links to relative files. Give it a go and let me know how you get on!

#150190 - sonny_jim - Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:49 am

Mythran wrote:
tw do you have any idea if the either the supercard or m3 slot 2's are compatible w/ the r4? or doesnt it really make a difference.

It shouldn't make any difference.

#150210 - Mythran - Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:37 am

Quirky wrote:
bunjalloo should be able to browse the files... you'll have to give it the name of the first one to go to (i.e. enter a URL such as "file:///path/to/file.html") but after that it'll browse links to relative files. Give it a go and let me know how you get on!

Bunjalloo worked thing there any way to bookmark/favorite the files so i can just pull them up quick after? if there is, i couldn't figure it out..didnt see anything about it in the readme either. if not, no big deal, it still at least works with what i need it to

thanks a lot :)

sonny_jim wrote:
It shouldn't make any difference.

ok..i'll keep this in mind, i'll probably be getting one or the other in the next couple weeks...thanks for the help

#150211 - Quirky - Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:44 am

Mythran wrote:
Bunjalloo worked thing there any way to bookmark/favorite the files so i can just pull them up quick after? if there is, i couldn't figure it out..didnt see anything about it in the readme either. if not, no big deal, it still at least works with what i need it to

Sadly not, but it is on my to do list.

#150257 - Mythran - Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:27 am

Quirky wrote:
Sadly not, but it is on my to do list.

oh well, it still works great anyway, and i just made sure the files are in small, easily named folders for quick navigation..thanks again, and i'll be waiting for the bookmarking in future updates!