#70704 - iceman7 - Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:59 am
so....let me get this straight:
When I follow the instructions of Waffle and turn my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector into a SoftAP, I can use my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector for dowloading the E3 demo's (WiFiMe style)?
#70711 - MaHe - Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:53 am
Only if you use Linux, then - yes. It's not (yet) possible under Windows ...
#70790 - iceman7 - Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:49 pm
ok, but why does it work on Linux and not on Windows? Because Linux doesn't have some kind of security that Windows have, or just because the program is made for Linux?
I tought, it's kinda strange, because the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector only works under Windows with the original drivers.
And how is the development process going, to get the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector working with WiFiMe(on windows ;)), are you guys almost finished?, you guys are doing a great job for the DS gamers community :)
#71089 - iceman7 - Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:11 am
ok thnx for the explanation :)
but are you guys (still) working to get WiFiMe working with the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector under Windows? If yes, when is it expected to be released?