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DS Misc > noisy D-pad :/

#75604 - ejr - Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:25 pm

I bought used NDS few days ago and I have a little problem. When i'm pressing down direction on dpad it creaks. It stops for a while after a puff into dpad (there is a slit around it) but then it happens again and its a little annoying. So i wonder if somebody knows what could help me with this problem? There is some kind of rubber under dpad or something?

#75669 - dualscreenman - Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:00 am

Hmm. That's weird. The D-Pad always made a click sound, is this sound more like a squeak? I don't know what could be the problem.
dualscreenman wrote:
What about Gaim DS? Gaim pretty much has support for all IM programs.
tepples wrote:
"Goshdammit, the DS is not a Gaim-boy! It's a third pillar!"

#75670 - ejr - Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:14 am

Yes its more like squeak and while the down direction is making that sound its a little bit more resistant. Sometimes its coming back to normal position (after pressing it) a little bit longer than the rest of the directions :/

#75672 - swimgod - Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:22 am

i told you not to spill coke in the ds!
but really...
it sounds like you spilled something into it,
its basicly sticking it sounds like :P
maybe a factory defect

1x WII 2x remotes
2x NDS/L(FMv7-ORG:v4,FMv7-org:DSL)
2x 1gb (MicroDrive{typeII}&SanDisk{typeI})
1x SuperPass2
1x Supercard-CF

MoonShell skins

#75673 - ejr - Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:44 am

I just bought it 2 days ago and I there was no time for eating or drinking anything since then ;). Ill ask previous owner of the console and maybe he'll tell me smth about it... but Im still waiting for other ideas what it can be and how should i fix it :)

#75677 - Flood_of_SYNs - Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:49 am wrote:
It is also a very good cleaning agent and often used for cleaning electronic devices such as contact pins (like those on ROM cartridges), magnetic tape deck and floppy disk drive heads, the lenses of lasers in optical disc drives (e.g. CD, DVD) and removing thermal paste from CPUs. It is also used to clean computer monitors, and used by many music shops to give second-hand or worn records a newer looking sheen.

Isopropyl alcohol (Rubbing Alcohol) is what I use to clean plastic parts.
You could take it apart to make it easier to clean the grim out of the d-pad.

Just be sure to let the alcohol evaporate before applying power to the device.

#75715 - Xtreme - Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:22 pm

The sounds comes because the D-pad is battered. So there is plastic powder in those plastic pieces. Just clean it with alcohol.
*Don't even think about drinking it in the same time. Too risky. :D*
My Theme
DS Lite (FM_V8a) ** R4 Revolution (2GB Transcend) ** SuperCard Lite (2x 2GB Transcend)

#75759 - ejr - Wed Mar 15, 2006 7:56 pm

Ok so I opened my console. Everyting inside is CLEAN etc. Ok, I took out those buttons and rubber which is under them. Both looks clean and everything is ok but still i cleaned it with alcohol and then assembled everything. Everything was good for about an hour... I was playing, pressing down direction etc and now it returns back to squeaking. Its just... LOL