#77732 - Lazy1 - Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:29 pm
I've been thinking, we really need a standardized way to get the full path where the .nds file was launched from.
For example, if I wanted to have multiple mods of wolf3d on my compactflash card I would need to know where the nds was started from.
Since there is currently no way ( atleast that I know of ) to get the application path that means 1 mod per cf card.
( Current method is to have game files in /wolf3d )
If the path was stored by the nds loader in an area of memory and kept safe just long enough, the current directory could be switched to where the .nds file is kept and allow multiple mods on the same card.
This would also allow other apps to keep their specific files in the same dir as the app rather than dumping everything either in a pre-determined folder or the card's root directory.
For example, if I wanted to have multiple mods of wolf3d on my compactflash card I would need to know where the nds was started from.
Since there is currently no way ( atleast that I know of ) to get the application path that means 1 mod per cf card.
( Current method is to have game files in /wolf3d )
If the path was stored by the nds loader in an area of memory and kept safe just long enough, the current directory could be switched to where the .nds file is kept and allow multiple mods on the same card.
This would also allow other apps to keep their specific files in the same dir as the app rather than dumping everything either in a pre-determined folder or the card's root directory.