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DS Misc > A game well fit for the DS...

#77983 - MatLeOuf - Tue Apr 04, 2006 10:50 am


I found this game quite some time ago, but it's only recently that I thought it could be perfect for the DS. It's called Liquid War ( and apparently there's source for the Linux version. The goal is to destroy the opponent by converting its pixels into your color by overwhelming them (it's not that easy to explain, but when you play it, it's really evident).
I know you don't like suggestions of this kind but, anyway, if anyone likes this game and feels like porting (don't know if it's the correct word in english...) it to the DS, I think it could really worth it. And a multiplayer version would just rock :)

#79152 - Fenderocker - Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:10 pm

Wow! that game would be awsome for the DS! A few more features and it would be awsome!

#79273 - MatLeOuf - Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:34 pm

I'm happy to see that at least one person on this forum shares my thoughts ;)
It's just sad that it seems you're not the kind of person to be able to make this happen (do not take this the wrong way...)!

#79277 - Sausage Boy - Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:27 pm

I've already been talking to ufoot about porting this to the DS. The game is fairly memory hungry, but most of the memory is used for things used to create meshes (which are needed for levels), the meshes aren't that big. The best way is probably to create the meshes on a PC and distribute them in the same file as the level.

Version 6 of Liquid War is currently being written, and one of the most important changes is increased modularity, the seperation of the liquid war algorithm from the rest of the game. I decided to wait for that before doing anything.
"no offense, but this is the gayest game ever"

#79383 - MatLeOuf - Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:11 am

Good news!
Keep us updated with your work on it then :)