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DS Motion Sensor > DS Motion Card email list and news topic

#116809 - KeithE - Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:23 pm

I am going to set up a DS Motion Card email list as a way for me to quickly inform people of updates relating to the DS Motion Card.

The list will be one way only(from me to you), and possible topics include:

Updates to the DS Motion Card software library
New demos/games/apps that support the DS Motion Card
New product release schedules
Restocking schedule updates
Additions to the retailer list

Email volume will be low - 0 to 2 emails per week. I take email privacy very seriously, so your email address will not be shared with anyone. I will also post the major announcements here on this forum - the email list is a way for people who are interested to receive the information immediately, without having to check the forum.

If you would like to be added to the email list, send me a PM or contact me through the email address in the quickstart guide on If you don't mind, please let me know what you are doing with the DS Motion Card and/or what you plan to do with it.

Last edited by KeithE on Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

#123255 - KeithE - Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:04 pm

2 DS Motion Card news items:

1) DS Motion Cards are back in stock! Contact me to place a wholesale order, or find them at your favorite web shop.

2) Slot-2 DS Motion Pak development is progressing well. Function libraries have been written, and the circuit boards have been ordered. There is no scheduled release date yet, but they will definitely be ready by the beginning of Summer.

#124418 - KeithE - Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:56 pm

3 new games/demos have been added to

Physics by Sirpoonga

PixelBounce by me

Triple Rotation by me

#125465 - KeithE - Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:21 pm updates:

Added 1 new game - Eclipse Driving by mastertop101

Added label graphics for the upcoming slot-2 DS Motion Pak

#129563 - KeithE - Wed May 23, 2007 8:01 pm

1) The Slot-2 DS Motion Paks are ready. Check out for pictures.

2) New ndsmotion functions were added to libnds on May 22. The new functions allow developers to write games that work with the DS Motion Card, the DS Motion Pak, and the MK6 Motion. A new release of libnds will not be created for a while, so the new ndsmotion functions need to be downloaded from devkitpro CVS -

3) Developers - please recompile your motion-sensitive games with the new ndsmotion functions so that owners of any of the 3 motion sensing DS cards can enjoy your games.