#95507 - Turambar - Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:56 pm
I made a port of Pizza Worm for the DS. For those who don't know, Pizza Worm is an old game where you are a worm that eats pizza and grows bigger, and unlike other similar games, you can rotate in any angle. You can find the official homepage of the original pc game at http://www.zorlim.net/pizza_worm/ (which now seems to be down for some reason...)
The game was written in pascal, so I basically had to rewrite the hole thing.
To use it, you have to place the highscores file (PWORM.000) in the root of your card. It uses the rein modified version of chishm's libfat.
In the highscores screen, you can press R for a 2 players game in the same DS. Player 2 uses A and Y to move. You can then press L to get back to 1 player mode.
Also it remembers the last entered name, and you can submit the highscore using START, so you don't have to take out the stylus every time.
You can get the game here.
And here is a screenshot [Images not permitted - Click here to view it]
I use the Headspin's Simple Keyboard Example, and for the music I used Dennis Kincheloe's DS MOD player.
Please tell me what you think.
Last edited by Turambar on Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:35 am; edited 6 times in total
#95510 - Sausage Boy - Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:16 am
So it's kinda like Nibbles, one of the first DS homebrew games? :P
Looks really nice, a shame I can't test it ATM.
"no offense, but this is the gayest game ever"
#95516 - retrohead - Sun Jul 30, 2006 1:05 am
Plays nice on Dualis but i get a fat_init error on my supercard :( Any chance of fixing that?
#95525 - Turambar - Sun Jul 30, 2006 2:08 am
Try this one, if it still doesn't work, then it's a problem with chishm's libfat, and I can't fix it.
The game runs in Dualis, but the music is messed up :(
Also, I think it craches when trying to save the highscores...
#95528 - retrohead - Sun Jul 30, 2006 2:36 am
Same problem with this file fatInit ERROR displayed on bottom screen after about 3 seconds
#95532 - Turambar - Sun Jul 30, 2006 2:58 am
Okay, I made a new version, where if fatinit fails, it'll still run the game. You won't be able to see the highscores or make new ones, but you can still play the game. You can get it here.
#95540 - Sektor - Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:27 am
Nice job, it's almost an exact clone of pizza worm. Tested on M3CF. Can you make it start faster? There's an unskippable delay while the title screen is displayed. The quit option just displays "bye" but doesn't reset the DS or launch a menu on M3CF. There's a method to launch a menu here. Moonshell can launch .nds files on many devices, so might want to look at that source if you think fast exit is really important.
Last edited by Sektor on Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:09 am; edited 1 time in total
#95550 - chatterbug89 - Sun Jul 30, 2006 5:11 am
Oh wow...I remember playing that as an old dos game on my laptop a long time ago....I remember the extremely annoying music ^^ I'll have to check it out. I'll add some better feedback tommrow ;-)
I think the snake craze is starting...first my game that i'm still working on (Super Snake DS) and now this ^^ Snake is comming back!
EDIT: I've been playing wiht it..and it's pretty cool ^^ However, I noticed a couple things you may want to look at.
1. When you get a pizza...the snake keeps movign straight, but the end of the snake doesn't. Instead of growing and deleting, it grows, then deletes or...bleh..hard to explain and i'm tired :S
2. After getting a high score, then playing another game, then dieing...the start up screen comes up with a blank high scores list and you can't do anything. :(
#95556 - Turambar - Sun Jul 30, 2006 6:30 am
chatterbug89 wrote: |
1. When you get a pizza...the snake keeps movign straight, but the end of the snake doesn't. Instead of growing and deleting, it grows, then deletes or...bleh..hard to explain and i'm tired :S |
I don't think I understand what you are saying. When you eat a pizza, you start to grow, so the tail doesn't move while the front does. When it's done growing, the tail starts to move again (by "deleting" it).
chatterbug89 wrote: |
2. After getting a high score, then playing another game, then dieing...the start up screen comes up with a blank high scores list and you can't do anything. :( |
mmmh... I can't seem to reproduce it, but it probably has something to do with the fatlib... maybe I shouldn't be using an lib in alpha. The problem is that the old lib doesn't work for M3SD, so I can't test anything if I use that one.
Anyone know of an alternative to save the highscores somewhare??
#95557 - Sektor - Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:05 am
You can save to SRAM. That will make it work on flash carts and most CF/SD devices but FAT support will still be required for GBAMP and datel MMD.
The backlight should be turned off on the bottom screen when not in use and both screens when the lid is closed, although it's unlikely anyone is going to drain their battery with this game. Highest i've got to is 170.
Last edited by Sektor on Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:01 am; edited 1 time in total
#95603 - HtheB - Sun Jul 30, 2006 2:26 pm
A few months ago I talked to Zorlim...
I asked him if it was possible to port the Zorlims Arcade Volleyball game to the DS.. but he said it will be too difficult...
so.. you going to port the Arcarde volleyball game too? :(:(:(:(
(its more fun ^_^)
#95644 - Turambar - Sun Jul 30, 2006 5:54 pm
oh! I just realized I forgot to include the .ds.gba... Don't Supercard users need this to play? How are you guys playing it? I've now added it and changed the link in the first message.
I'll look into using SRAM, but I'll probably do it during the week.
HtheB: What Arcade Volleyball game? Do you have a link so I could check it out?
#95665 - HtheB - Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:15 pm
Turambar wrote: |
oh! I just realized I forgot to include the .ds.gba... Don't Supercard users need this to play? How are you guys playing it? I've now added it and changed the link in the first message.
I'll look into using SRAM, but I'll probably do it during the week.
HtheB: What Arcade Volleyball game? Do you have a link so I could check it out? |
check PM:)
#95668 - chatterbug89 - Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:17 pm
It happens for me every single time using the GBAMP. I play...if I gain a high score, it lets me enter it and press enter. Then I can press A to play again. If I happen to gain yet another high score, after the game is over, it goes to the highs core screen, blank, and everythign freezes (the nice music still plays though :-P).
As for its movement...
Also, just forget about what I said about the movement...The way it works anyways...i dont think my idea would apply :S
#95680 - Turambar - Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:37 pm
chatterbug89 wrote: |
It happens for me every single time using the GBAMP. I play...if I gain a high score, it lets me enter it and press enter. Then I can press A to play again. If I happen to gain yet another high score, after the game is over, it goes to the highs core screen, blank, and everythign freezes (the nice music still plays though :-P). |
Does it freeze before asking to enter your name? And if you don't make a highscore the second time, you can still see the highscore list and it doesn't freeze?
#95714 - chatterbug89 - Sun Jul 30, 2006 8:22 pm
Sorry...here, i'll explain in as much detail as posible about what happens and what I did to cause the problem. :)
For the record, i'm using the GBAMP.
1. Turn on DS.
2. Start up Pizza Snake with moonshell
3. wait for the intro to load...
4. Pressed A
5. Pressed A again to start the game.
6. Lost game and gained High Score.
7. Enter High Score name
8. Pressed enter.
9. Pressed A to start a new game.
10. Lose game and gained another high score.
After that...right after the game ends...the pizza worms high score screen comes up with a blank area for where the scores would be..and no way to enter a new high score. Pressing anythign else does nothing.
So to answere you first question, you can't enter a high score the 2nd time you get a high score.
And...two parts to answere you 2nd quesiton.
1. If you continusly lose and dont' get a high score..the game doesn't freeze and always displays the high scores after losing.
2. If you lose a bunch of times, then get a high score...wheather you win or lose in the next game, you just get the blank high scores screen area and are not abl eot do anything. ;-)
Hope that helps.
#95765 - retrohead - Sun Jul 30, 2006 11:15 pm
Still fatInit ERROR with ds.gba renamed to .nds on supercard, you say it must be a fatlib issue, perhaps you could use the rein source as most other apps (beup for example) use that for saving and release as a seperate version aswell as a chisms fatlib version
#95857 - Sylfurd - Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:40 am
It works pretty well for me on my GBAMP, good job, nice sounds and gfx :)
#95935 - floep - Mon Jul 31, 2006 5:15 pm
HtheB wrote: |
A few months ago I talked to Zorlim... |
This guy is my hero. I loved Zorlim's pizzaworm game when I was a kid. Too bad his website is down... I'll try your pizzaworm port soon. very soon.
#95975 - Turambar - Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:42 pm
retrohead wrote: |
Still fatInit ERROR with ds.gba renamed to .nds on supercard, you say it must be a fatlib issue, perhaps you could use the rein source as most other apps (beup for example) use that for saving and release as a seperate version aswell as a chisms fatlib version |
I made this version that uses the old fatlib. It should work with every device that uses a CF card, but since I have an M3SD, I haven't been able to test it. Please tell me if it works.
#96059 - Sektor - Tue Aug 01, 2006 2:47 am
Both versions work on M3CF.
#96349 - Mota - Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:36 pm
Whoo, a portable version of a Zorlim classic... all works perfectly on my gbamp2, even saves the hiscore table. I didn't try it on my supercard due to the warning about fatlibs.
I played this for hours on my old 486, so glad you included the 2player mode as this is where we had the most fun!
#96386 - Turambar - Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:50 am
I made a new version that uses the rein modified fatlib, so it shoulsd support both CF and SD cards, and I don't have to use an alpha lib. You can get it here
Sektor: You can now skip the intro screen by pressing START.
#96435 - Sektor - Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:20 pm
Nice work. I used to play this game years ago. I had played many snake games before it but this was the first I played with 360 degree turning. I have played Zorlim's Arcade Volleyball aswell but it's not as fun as Pizza Worm and I prefer the original CGA arcade volleyball.
I think button A would be better for skipping the intro since if I accidentally push Start twice then I will quit the game and I have to power cycle the DS. You could also change it so Select doesn't instantly end a game. Maybe you could ask if the user wants to end their game.
#116067 - laurens - Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:23 pm
Does someone still have this game? I can't find it anymore and all the download links seem to be death! (sorry for the major bump)
#116133 - Sektor - Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:22 am
Pizza Worm 2.1G. Great game. I hope the author releases the code or adds DLDI support.
#116160 - laurens - Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:22 pm
Sektor wrote: |
Pizza Worm 2.1G. Great game. I hope the author releases the code or adds DLDI support. |
Thanks for uploading!
#158939 - Falafel - Sun Jun 22, 2008 2:46 pm
Hmm, sorry to bump this up. But I really loved pizza worm on the pc when I was younger and I would love to play it on the DS. But for some reason all the downloads that were online once, are down!
Does someone still have it?
#158956 - Turambar - Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:14 am
Here it is. Hopefully it still works.
About adding DLDI support, I haven't been following DS homebrew for a while, so I don't know much about it. If someone could point me to some information about it I'll look into it in a couple of weeks when I'll have some free time.
#158957 - Sektor - Mon Jun 23, 2008 6:48 am
Good to see you are still around. I thought Pizza Worm would never be updated to save on modern devices. If you release the source, I'll be happy to update it but if you want to do it yourself:
Install latest libnds and devkitARM.
Add -lfat to the makefile before before -lnds9
Delete gba_nds_fat.h and gba_nds* related files since they aren't needed
Change #include <gba_nds_fat.h> to #include <fat.h>
Change the gba_nds_fat init command to fatInitDefault();
Change FAT_fopen to fopen.
#159271 - Falafel - Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:15 pm
Thanks turambar!
#162141 - El_Posible - Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:17 pm
Turambar wrote: |
Here it is. Hopefully it still works.
About adding DLDI support, I haven't been following DS homebrew for a while, so I don't know much about it. If someone could point me to some information about it I'll look into it in a couple of weeks when I'll have some free time. |
Yes, that still works :)
Thank you.