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DS homebrew announcements > Chex Quest 1.1 Alpha for DS Doom

#120915 - Link_of_Hyrule - Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:16 am

Here as i promised a video of Chex Quest DS

EDIT 4/15/07:

Chex Quest 1.1 Alpha
I added the extra files you need to run chex quest ds and i added the correct sounds but I dont know how to enable music wish doom ds yet but it would be awsome if we could get that working the music files are in the .wad files but they are not playing ill update you when i find out how to do this please know that im new at this stuff and i credit the original makers of doom ds for all thier coding all i am doing is making the chex quest .wad files work with it :)

Click here to get Chex Quest for ds doom!

Click here to get DS Doom if you dont already have it

You can find the old version here

Since i got my new ds today i figured i would post some screen shots of the chex quest mod for doom ds i have worked on anyways they are pretty big pictures

EDIT chex quest intro lol:

i got the original chex quest files from here

Thanks to the ds doom crew and to doom legends! I hope you guys like this!

EDIT: Updated URLS for both chex quest and ds doom adding new ds doom version please know i am sorry i have been unable to support this better im in the proccess of moving when everything settles down i plan on working on this more and removing some doom stuff that shouldnt be there sorry about that lolz :P

Last edited by Link_of_Hyrule on Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:02 pm; edited 7 times in total

#120994 - Link_of_Hyrule - Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:24 am

ok does anyone know how to get a file to load as a pwad on doom ds?

#121017 - Dood77 - Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:18 am

I remember chex quest! i played it when i was like 9 because my mom didnt like doom (go figure) but sadly i dont know much about the inner workings of doom/DSdoom

#121018 - Link_of_Hyrule - Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:25 am

well it should be pretty easy to port according to this one doom dev i talked to but he doesnt know anything about pdboom or doom ds so he could help all he said was that it needed to be added as a PWAD file

#121023 - daninski - Thu Mar 08, 2007 7:14 am

can you do this one too whilst you're there ;)

#121036 - Link_of_Hyrule - Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:04 am

Great news every body i seemed to have gotten chex quest to work on ds doom this is not thoroughly test but i'll post the .wad file later as chex quest is free i dont see any reason why i cant give you this file so far it seems to work pretty well but the sounds seem to be wrong but im sure i can fix that pretty easily

also to the last post i would love to make that work for ds doom i think i may be able to if you supply me with a link to where to download it rather then just a video! thanks to all the devs at ds doom!

I added the sound and music files to the prboom.wad file they work but so far i havent heard any music i dont remeber when the music plays and how to turn it on/off but heres the files! This is chex quest 1 and 2 hope everything works correctly!

EDIT: added files to the edited top post

#121491 - Oliv5400 - Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:06 pm

How do you convert a TC for Doom 1 to DoomDS ? there is a lot of cool mod that's can be fit in our favorit dualscreen ;o).. !

#121692 - Link_of_Hyrule - Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:58 am

im not realy a doom moder so i have no idea what your talking about but im learning if you have any PWAD files then i can make a .wad file that should run on the ds like chex quest does but right now my ds is broken im waiting for my friend to solder on the new part i got so i cant test any code to see if it boots or not but i will try testing it with the ideas ds emulator but i dont know how accurate it will be or if it will even work for test at all i should hopefuly have my ds fixed by friday if not im going to have to buy a new one

just so you know this was a mishap that i caused not my software i was checking something out when i was putting the case back together the on/off switch snapped off lol

anyways yeh post any .wad files you have and ill see what i can do

#122334 - Oliv5400 - Sun Mar 18, 2007 7:03 pm

We need 2 files : one is a IWAD like doom2.wad and a PWAD like prboom.wad.
So the free legal TC (total convertion) doom PWAD file like halflife.wad, quake2.wad, etc.. needs doom2.wad to work.
DSDoom can't load more than 1 wad + prboom.wad.
I try to merge halflife.wad+doom2.wad->doom2.wad and the game load the structure but hang at the end.
I think the pwad prboom.wad must be change.. but how ?

#125698 - Link_of_Hyrule - Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:55 am

ok i edited my top post and added the new files have fun :)

P.S. sorry it took so long for me to get another working ds but ive been busy :(


controlls do you guys think i should change the controlls to be the same as metroid prime hunters? or should i keep it the same i could even just have multiple config files one metroid style one this style

Last edited by Link_of_Hyrule on Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:23 am; edited 2 times in total

#125700 - Jinroh - Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:17 am

Awesome, I love Chex Quest, almost as much as I love DooM. I've been trying to play it on the DS Port but to no avail. This however, brightens my spirits. Good going.
The lone Wolf howls, driven by pride he presses on. Knowing not where he goes, but only where he wants to be.

#125701 - Link_of_Hyrule - Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:24 am

EDIT: ok i put the video up in the top post :)

#126169 - jefklak - Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:42 pm

looks nice :)
did you use my render "hack" to display the map on the second screen?

if you based the code on ds doom 1.1 --
midi playback is still missing, you won't have music effects.

#126198 - Link_of_Hyrule - Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:12 pm

I have not modified any of the code of ds doom at this point I dont have the knowledge to do that but if someone wants to help me out with this it would be great maybe we can even add the into back into the game somehow and a .wad file selector would be pretty cool so you could have doom and chex quest on your card at the same time and any other doom mods you want.

#137430 - Link_of_Hyrule - Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:05 pm

Links should now be working sorry about that guys happy downloading! I hope to get more work on this as soon as i have time!

#137608 - laurens - Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:35 pm

Can someone re-upload the file, the current link doesn't seem to work for me

#137818 - Link_of_Hyrule - Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:52 am

hmm ill see what i can do

#140004 - matriculated - Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:44 pm

Thanks to Link for getting this working. If there a way to have the demos play correctly when letting the game run by itself? I think what's happening is that the demos from the original Doom are runnning in the Chex Quest maps. It's a small thing really but my son loves watching the demos run in DSDoom but I have a problem with him seeing demons being blown away by shotguns. ;)