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DS homebrew announcements > DonFactory Maps (Gimped Yahoo Maps for NDS)

#122785 - tsunami0ne - Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:40 am

The files are here:

It's based off of Yahoo Maps v1 which kinda sucks. This preview build sucks too, it takes forever to load up the map (you'll notice it freeze for a quite a long time when almost all the bytes have been downloaded), it has to make a network call to my webserver before it can actually download the map data, and so on... I want to clean up the source code a bit before I release the source.

For some reason when I try to download the map file (GIF) from Yahoo, the DS never receives it so that's why I made it so that my webserver requests the map file, and then sends it to the DS...

Oh and remember, this is an online app, so make sure your router settings are already set up from a WFC game.

#122825 - Darkflame - Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:14 pm

well, still a very nice idea and im glade someone did one.
Not sure why it didnt get much attention.

Of course, Id say GoogleMaps would be probably give cleaner/quicker data, but that would mean segmented jpeg decodeing.
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