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DS homebrew announcements > Colors! v1.05

#136623 - Jesse - Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:45 am

Colors! v1.05 is ready for download.

Colors! is a simplistic digital application for Nintendo DS based on modern painting-techniques developed for drawing tablets in programs like Photoshop. By taking advantage of the pressure sensitivity of the DS touch-screen it becomes a perfect portable digital sketch-book.

Major updates for this version are:
* Compability update - Should solve a lot of save corruptions and lock-ups
* New user-interface by Ernst (
* Full opacity brush option
* Border around canvas to allow more panning


Last edited by Jesse on Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

#136626 - Jesse - Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:57 am wrote:
I still prefer Jesse spending time on the line-thickness by pressure control above all other suggestions :) For me that would make it complete.

Yes, that and general brush precision will be my top priority for v1.06.
Also I intend to get the "pressure controls brush-size" brush in there.
After that I think I'm pretty happy with stage 1 of the offline feature-set. :)

#136628 - Jesse - Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:01 pm

KeithE wrote:
Jesse - I'd be willing to donate a DS motion sensor to you if you would add some motion-sensing features to colors - it would be fun.

That would be lovely to fool around with and I'm very flattered for the offer. The blowing feature is an awsome idea and I love the addition of merging that with the motion-sensing feature. Still, there are other features I would prefer spending time on until I get that far down the todo-list, so I'll get back to you in a month or so. :)

But if anyone has one of those DS-cameras, let me know. ;)

Last edited by Jesse on Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

#136629 - Jesse - Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:03 pm

x999x wrote:
Would it be possible to have the L/R buttons control the playback speed?

I've moved the playback to the top screen in v1.05 and I intend to have some playback controls on the touch-screen instead, so control of playback speed seems like a good idea there.

#136631 - laurens - Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:25 pm

I was just going to ask about a rewind and forward feature in the playback thing because some creations just have playbacks that takes hours to watch and I you can't return without resetting my DS.
And on top of that if I'd like to see how a part is made in a image then I need to watch the whole playback. So a rewind and forward feature would be greatly appreciated.

That's about all I have to say except for the fact that I love this app! But I think everyone does so I don't bother mentioning it for real.

#136632 - stu - Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:32 pm

laurens wrote:
I was just going to ask about a rewind and forward feature in the playback thing because some creations just have playbacks that takes hours to watch and I you can't return without resetting my DS.
And on top of that if I'd like to see how a part is made in a image then I need to watch the whole playback. So a rewind and forward feature would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry for the shameful plug yet again, but Jesse talks about this specific feature in the interview he did with us.
Radio Ninty 4

Anyway, well done on another awesome update, lovely UI!

#136633 - Jesse - Fri Aug 03, 2007 12:44 pm

laurens wrote:
I was just going to ask about a rewind and forward feature in the playback thing because some creations just have playbacks that takes hours to watch

I understand the need, but there is no way for me to do a rewind since the information I store for the playback only allow it to play in one direction.

Still, it would be possible to store a key location that you can skip back to to replay from there, and that is something I will consider.

#136634 - dy - Fri Aug 03, 2007 1:25 pm

is it just me or does Colors! 1.05 not work on the SuperCard Lite? ive tried sclt.dldi, moonshell dldi, and no dldi and all i get is a white seems to freeze there...

am i doing anything wrong? v1.04 was fine except for the saving...

#136635 - - Fri Aug 03, 2007 1:28 pm

Great stuff!!!

The full opacity brush in combi with bigger brush size is going to be a very usefull one!

#136638 - jetboy - Fri Aug 03, 2007 1:46 pm

Got this from some local forums (translated to english):

I dont know what was added to the newst version, but on my m3 perf. it doesnt work. with or without DLDI. Old versions were working fine.

Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#136639 - dy - Fri Aug 03, 2007 1:51 pm

so that makes it m3 and SuperCard Lite.... oh well a few bumps on the road are expected...

keep it up jesse! really looking forward to try the new features

#136641 - chrisis - Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:19 pm

Actually, I've got the same problem with two white screns on a Supercard CF (patched with regular Supercard CF DLDI). Seems to be a problem with all Supercards, not only the lite...

#136642 - leonardozimbres - Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:30 pm

yes! Its working now on my supercard sd rumble! Saving and nice!

#136643 - moket - Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:37 pm

The full opacity brush in combi with bigger brush size is going to be a very usefull one!

woot ! the bigger size give the soft brush true power and the full opacity allows fine strokes.
The labels on the UI are back and it's much appreciated too.
On my M3lite/DSlite I have to launch the soft by pressing "start" now ("a" doesn't work at all) and everything is ok. I don't need to patch the rom with DLDI though.
Really nice work Jesse. thanks a lot.

#136644 - Jesse - Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:04 pm

Could anyone who had the previous version working but are having troubles with the new one email me if they would like to help out.

#136650 - crulee - Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:31 pm


It works for my super card lite rumble. Thanks so much! I really appreciate all the effort you put into this program. It works great!

#136651 - - Fri Aug 03, 2007 3:43 pm

dy wrote:
so that makes it m3 and SuperCard Lite.... oh well a few bumps on the road are expected...

keep it up jesse! really looking forward to try the new features

On M3DS Simply it works the same as previous version: Just great!

#136652 - chrisis - Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:20 pm

hello jesse,

the previous version did work for me without any hassle. I don't know how I could be of help for you (I'm a simple user, no programmer at all), but anyways, I just mailed you, so feel free to contact me!

#136655 - gas.mim - Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:29 pm

Jesse wrote:
Could anyone who had the previous version working but are having troubles with the new one email me if they would like to help out.

I can confirm. Jesse have helped me and now Colrors work fine on my SuperCard SD (now i can SAVE)
Thanks a lot and wait for some pics form me :)

#136656 - TheYak - Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:32 pm

Thanks for 1.05 Jesse!

That circle around the brush-size really helps me out. Also, I didn't even realize I wanted a completely opaque brush, but that comes in handy quite often too!

I like the pan/color pick cursors.. they also remove some of momentary confusion about what button does what when I've rotated the DS.

Hell, all the improvements are great, the panning border helps too.. I don't know if it might be slowing things down a bit though with the larger surface size.

DSL Onyx w/ R4 & 1GB Kingston SD. FlashMe'd v.7

#136657 - gas.mim - Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:38 pm

Jesse wrote:
Could anyone who had the previous version working but are having troubles with the new one email me if they would like to help out.

I confirm. Jesse have helped me and now Colors work fine on my SuperCard SD (now i can SAVE)
Thanks a lot and wait for some pics from me :)

#136658 - Jesse - Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:53 pm

Alright. Thanks to Christian and Giuseppe I found out what was causing the problem. I've updated executable in the v1.05-archive with a version that should work for everyone, including SuperCard (and hopefully the M3 perfect as well).

Let me know if there still are problems!

#136675 - errabes - Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:26 pm

Wow thank you a lot, now it works perfectly on Supercard Lite using the usual DLDI patch.
Maybe I'll be able to draw something worth showing, someday... Anyway it will stay on my card.

#136688 - Joaqo - Fri Aug 03, 2007 9:28 pm



Recommendations for version 1.06:

- Higher resolution (why not? is it limited by RAM?)

- Playback controls... : play(>), pause(||), speed:x0.5(}), x1(>), x2(>>), exit playback(X)

- When you press the eyedroper button, the cursor should appear on the same place it got the color the last time

- MORE SAVE SLOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Colors! playback viewer... PC edition (yay) (it would be too difficult to export the animation as a GIF or Flash animation so I'm not asking for that :) )

- Better pressure callibration: START>callibrate>"Are you using a DS lite with even callibration?" if yes, goto simple callibration, else, "DS fat" goto advanced calibration. "no"> drag hard from here to here, then from here to here and to here and to here.... Touch soft here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here. Calibration Complete. Voila, perfect callibration :P

- etc. etc.


#136690 - Joaqo - Fri Aug 03, 2007 9:35 pm

The SELECT button is being lazy... it should be used for something :)


#136692 - calcprogrammer1 - Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:01 pm

If there was a PC playback viewer, why would it be so hard to go from animation to animated GIF? You just capture each frame of the animation, then put it into a GIF animation sequence, or even just capture each frame to a folder and use something like Gimp to make the animation.
DS Firmware 1, Datel Games n' Music card / Chism's FW hacked GBA MP v2 CF

There's no place like

#136694 - Jesse - Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:07 pm

Joaqo wrote:
- Higher resolution (why not? is it limited by RAM?)
Yepp. It's limited by RAM. I could probably cram out a little bit more resolution since I've got a few hundred kb's free in v1.05, but that could change as I implement new features.

- When you press the eyedroper button, the cursor should appear on the same place it got the color the last time
That makes sense.

- MORE SAVE SLOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know, I know.

- Colors! playback viewer... PC edition (yay) (it would be too difficult to export the animation as a GIF or Flash animation so I'm not asking for that :) )
This functionalty is something I hope to be able to do through the Wifi support and improved online gallery.

- Better pressure callibration
Yepp. Still working on that.

Thanks for the feedback!

#136695 - stonelove2 - Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:17 pm


I would like to thank you for this really great application. I recently bought a DS and got Colors!1.05 today after having searched for a stuff like this. I really enjoy it.

you can see my first try here : :)


from france

best regards

(I have "Supercard One" and I can't save, but I'm not really experienced with the system, how to patch etc.. I will find ;-)

#136701 - masscat - Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:05 pm

Joaqo wrote:
- Colors! playback viewer... PC edition (yay) (it would be too difficult to export the animation as a GIF or Flash animation so I'm not asking for that :) )

I put together a Java application/applet that can playback Colors! .drw files. It does not support more recent Colors! features (Y flip and soft brush) and does not produce correct renders but allows quick and easy viewing.
edit: It would be easy enough to produce an animation of the playback as, as calcprogrammer1 said, the app could save a picture per playback frame.

Joaqo wrote:
- Better pressure callibration: START>callibrate>"Are you using a DS lite with even callibration?" if yes, goto simple callibration, else, "DS fat" goto advanced calibration. "no"> drag hard from here to here, then from here to here and to here and to here.... Touch soft here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here. Calibration Complete. Voila, perfect callibration :P

The problem with pressure at the side of the screen for newer DSs, I believe, is the result of the DS construction and therefore mechanical. Correcting in software may not give good results (there will not be a large difference between light and heavy touch).
The ability of pan the non zoomed paint canvas in version 1.05 is a good solution. The addition of the hand icon is excellent, giving visual feed back as to which mode you are in.

#136705 - Jesse - Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:40 pm

I found a small bug in the event-recording of Colors! v1.05. It didn't remember the default color selection (the red brush) correctly, so anything you paint with that brush will be broken during playback. I've updated the v1.05 archive with a fix for that.

#136707 - calcprogrammer1 - Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:53 pm

I really like the new version! The interface is even more refined than before (and that's saying something, Colors! has always had an excellent interface), the opaque brush mode is great for making backgrounds and solid colors without having to scratch your DS screen by pressing hard, and the brush size, icons, improved pan mode, it's all great :)
DS Firmware 1, Datel Games n' Music card / Chism's FW hacked GBA MP v2 CF

There's no place like

#136753 - TheYak - Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:01 pm

I'm curious how the gallery image removal system is set up. Is it a single-click? I just find it strange that mine was dropped since it was so neutral (bridge, not horrid, not great, just bland).
DSL Onyx w/ R4 & 1GB Kingston SD. FlashMe'd v.7

#136757 - - Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:52 pm

edit: ...A second one just disappeared :/
edit update: they reappeared :)

Last edited by on Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:31 am; edited 1 time in total

#136780 - Joaqo - Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:21 am

masscat wrote:
- The ability of pan the non zoomed paint canvas in version 1.05 is a good solution.

For my DS it's not a complete solution >:(

there is also a little portion in the middle of the screen of my fat DS which senses a little less pressure than it should...


Another idea for C! '06

- You added a brush which paints only with a 100% alpha stoke. Sometimes you need a regular pressure thoughout a stroke (at 50% alpha, for example) but you can't get it because your screen won't cooperate... Thats why I'm proposing a pressure slider next to the set pressure button :d

- When you press the eyedropper button, the cursor should appear on the same place it got the color the last time

- It does appear on the same place... unless you use the pan tool... the eyedropper cursor appears where the hand cursor was.

#136781 - manbitesdog - Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:26 am

Don't worry about your pictures disappearing. I believe jetboy has set it up so that a picture with a few clicks is quarantined until he is able to review it himself.

#136792 - Cancerboy - Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:35 am

Hey Jesse,

Could we possibly get a way to skip the replay of a drawing once we start it. For some of the longer drawings I find I want to skip to the end. Could we press a button or tap the screen so skip? If there is a way I couldn't find it. Thanks.

Also I know it was mentioned before but I didn't see the answer. Is there a way we could stop a drawing part way through replay and continue drawing from the point we stopped? This would of course kill off the remaining drawing from the playback but could allow people to redo sections of a drawing that they feel they could do better.


#136794 - jetboy - Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:58 am

manbitesdog wrote:
Don't worry about your pictures disappearing. I believe jetboy has set it up so that a picture with a few clicks is quarantined until he is able to review it himself.

That is correct.
It seems someone was "having fun".
Fear not. If your picture gets quarntined, but it is ok, it will be back as soon as i approve it.
Please note, that if i have any doubts about any picture, lack of drw file judges it to not be brought back.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#136814 - frosted - Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:53 pm

Hay all, I am an artist who is used to photoshop, so some of these suggestions may be quite a bit advanced.
Let that be my first suggestion, an "advanced" switch that lets you activate some advanced tools.
I'd like to be able to shut off the animation feature.
Also I would like to have a tool that lets me "define a brush". Also known as cloneing, where I would select an area and paint with that, and save the brush.
I would also like to have access to a layer system, yes I know that's a tall order.
Thanks for taking the time to make a great app for the ds!

#136816 - lmn4096 - Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:21 pm

Hi there,

Thanx for this very nice tool.

same suggestions here...

- multiple Layers (I don't know if this is feasible)

- select button as an Undo last stroke

- custom brush (create our own brush)

- and as was said a pause during the playback and start drawing from this point (I think if this is possible why not create a slider to move backward and then redraw from a specific point, that way it could replace a multiple undo...)

anyway keep going :)

#136824 - jetboy - Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:10 pm

frosted wrote:
I'd like to be able to shut off the animation feature.

Do you mean playback feature, that lets you see how the image was paintend?
Dude - the whole idea of this program is based on that feature.
But if that feature was turned off, would it help you in any way? You can save pictures, and you dont have to share drw files, thought the idea of this program is to share drw files, so people can watch them and learn from them, not to mention that watching them is fun.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#136827 - x999x - Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:29 pm

frosted wrote:
Hay all, I am an artist who is used to photoshop, so some of these suggestions may be quite a bit advanced.
Let that be my first suggestion, an "advanced" switch that lets you activate some advanced tools.
I'd like to be able to shut off the animation feature.
Also I would like to have a tool that lets me "define a brush". Also known as cloneing, where I would select an area and paint with that, and save the brush.
I would also like to have access to a layer system, yes I know that's a tall order.
Thanks for taking the time to make a great app for the ds!


We're all advanced photoshop users, if you haven't noticed :P

The changes you're asking for would really degrade the entire application.

This isn't photoshop-DS, it's Colors!

#136833 - LoTekK - Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:04 pm

Woohoo! v1.05 is pure win. I like the snazzy new interface, and it appears the saving and loading issues with the SCLite have been banished. I even managed to salvage a neat doodle my buddy did on my DSLite sometime back in v1.02 (it gave me an error while trying to load the save and resulted in a blank canvas, but the playback option redrew the entire image nonetheless).

I second the request for an opacity slider, especially since once I'm past the blocking stages, I tend to use semi-transparent brushes to refine. For the time being I work around this by messing with the calibration (pressing extra hard on the hard setting), but as that's hardly convenient in the long run, an opacity slider would be ace. :)

#136849 - Mimi is06 - Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:39 pm


I love your Colors ! it's very simple to use and we can draw great things !
Thank you so much

#136865 - calcprogrammer1 - Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:48 am

Well, I'm no Photoshop user (*curses proprietary software*) I use Gimp! :P

Anyways, Colors isn't DS-Photoshop or DS-Gimp, it's Colors, it's designed to be simple but powerful. Layers isn't important, it needs an interface that anyone can use (I was confused with Layers on Gimp at first, now I use them all the time). The playback function is cool, and should NOT be turned off :)
DS Firmware 1, Datel Games n' Music card / Chism's FW hacked GBA MP v2 CF

There's no place like

#136866 - - Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:40 am

calcprogrammer1 wrote:

Anyways, Colors isn't DS-Photoshop or DS-Gimp, it's Colors, it's designed to be simple but powerful. Layers isn't important, it needs an interface that anyone can use (I was confused with Layers on Gimp at first, now I use them all the time). The playback function is cool, and should NOT be turned off :)

heh Normally you sound a bit smarter, but saying that about layers doesn't make you look good :/
Anyone can make a drawing, just put a pencil to the screen and create some lines. When filling that drawing with a bit of color a layer is pretty much a necessary... In Colors! It would increase the usability that still anyone can use, attract 'professional' users, but it wouldn't hurt the 'unprofessional' users, they still will enjoy themselves with the playback option :)

calcprogrammer1 wrote:

I was confused with Layers on Gimp at first, now I use them all the time

So you see how important they are and easy they can be?

Without a layer Colors! is like DS-Paint..
But with pressure control and the compact and portable aspect of the DS, Jesse is building something much more then just Paint.

I've too suggested Jesse the Creator to add one extra layer..
Call the extra layer the 'Colors! Coloring layer', place layer on top / on bottom and for full benefit add an eraser.
Wouldn't that be amazing?

Colors! is already an incredible tool. The devil is in the details...

#136871 - Joaqo - Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:56 am

jetboy wrote:
frosted wrote:
I'd like to be able to shut off the animation feature.

Do you mean playback feature, that lets you see how the image was paintend?
Dude - the whole idea of this program is based on that feature.
But if that feature was turned off, would it help you in any way? You can save pictures, and you dont have to share drw files, thought the idea of this program is to share drw files, so people can watch them and learn from them, not to mention that watching them is fun.

I think that frosted meant to exit playback....

Well... It's the time for ultra-biased posting (woohoo)*

*I am not responsable for anything I type in the rest of this post :)


The program is supposed to be simplistic!
The RAM in the DS can't handle layers... Why would you want layers anyway??? you don't use layers when drawing on a sketchbook (do you?)

"Colors! [...] simplistic [...] application for Nintendo DS [...] perfect
portable digital sketch-book."

If you can't do it on a sketchbook, you can't do it in colors. (Payback is the only exception)

Idea: If you want something less simplistic, program it yourselves.

The rubber-stamp tool would be an excellent addition to this program. Even though layers can't be handled, the "cloning" or copying of a portion of the picture into another place in the canvas would be cool.
Also levels, and some filters.

"Colors! ... digital application for Nintendo DS based ... in programs like Photoshop. ...
advantage of the pressure sensitivity of the DS touch-screen ..."

A blur tool would be also good for making the depth of field in a painting shallower.

Idea: Develop a new application called Colorshop! which has every single feature in Photoshop even if it makes the DS explode.


Yay, super biased


#136873 - calcprogrammer1 - Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:56 am

I do see your point, maybe layers might help, here's a reason I might like it:

I usually use layers in Gimp for pasting in details onto a background, say, a layer of text over a background image, or an icon or something, without the pasting function, layers would still be useful for drawing a background, then drawing a foreground (if you mess up, you won't ruin the background erasing it). I've had this happen a few times, where I couldn't get the colors to blend right after erasing part of something I drew on top of a background. An Undo function would be nice, and I guess if it used layers it wouldn't be too hard, just have the latest brush stroke be the top layer, and the rest of the image be the bottom. If you don't undo the latest stroke (erasing the top layer), then the top layer could merge with the bottom layer, and the new stroke could be drawn on the top layer.
DS Firmware 1, Datel Games n' Music card / Chism's FW hacked GBA MP v2 CF

There's no place like

#136874 - manbitesdog - Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:58 am

I'd love an extra layer to, but wouldn't that double the ram requirements in the worst case scenario? I think Jesse mentioned he was running low as it is.

#136881 - Joaqo - Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:42 am

Yea, it would be useful to have the option to load an image as a background, then you could draw over it and use the eraser tool (which also has an alpha defined by pressure) to erase something on the upper layer...

Would RAM support 2 layers? one modifyable and one locked????


PS: MORE SAVE SLOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#136882 - x999x - Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:43 am

Color me bad, but I just don't like these "photoshop-esque" suggestions being made here. It saddens me.

Colors =/= Photoshop.

The power of Colors has been self evident since the first release. If you want PhotoshopDS then why not ask Tassu to add layers and such to Phideas where it's far more cohesive?

Please don't forget about the charm this program brings to the DS by turning into YET ANOTHER PHOTOSHOP CLONE... Look at the little community this Colors application has spawned all on it's own. The appeal of this program at it's core is very pure, and it's attracted us all here without undo states, filters, or layers...

That has to strike a chord with the artist in all of you, look at what you've done without the "cruise control buttons" from photoshop. Doesn't that make you proud? Doesn't it make you confident in your own ability?

Colors reminds us all that our inner artist is not dead, but that they've only gotten lazy thanks to Photoshop...

#136884 - stu - Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:59 am

x999x wrote:
Color me bad, but I just don't like these "photoshop-esque" suggestions being made here. It saddens me.

Colors =/= Photoshop.

The power of Colors has been self evident since the first release. If you want PhotoshopDS then why not ask Tassu to add layers and such to Phideas where it's far more cohesive?

Please don't forget about the charm this program brings to the DS by turning into YET ANOTHER PHOTOSHOP CLONE... Look at the little community this Colors application has spawned all on it's own. The appeal of this program at it's core is very pure, and it's attracted us all here without undo states, filters, or layers...

That has to strike a chord with the artist in all of you, look at what you've done without the "cruise control buttons" from photoshop. Doesn't that make you proud? Doesn't it make you confident in your own ability?

Colors reminds us all that our inner artist is not dead, but that they've only gotten lazy thanks to Photoshop...

Hear hear!!!

Couldn't agree with you more on this.
The sheer joy of using Colors is mainly down to its "basicness", and I mean that in the most complementary way possible.

The more features that get added, the more bloated the program becomes, and the less charm it holds.

The different brush types, along with the opacity options in V1.05 are more then enough for me, and I'd be happy if this part of Colors never got added to again.

I would much prefer Jesse spends his time working on the exciting sounding WiFi side of things, helping to cement an already skilled and friendly community!

#136885 - nekouma - Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:12 am

I won't help in any way saying that but I'm happy there is no "undo" function in Colors. It reminds me my girlfriend when I asked her to teach me how to draw "Don't use something to erase what you did, just draw again and correct it by drawing".
You can say that even if there is an eraser tool in Colors, I could just forget it and don't use it but... I'm sure I'd use it.

About features, I'd like to zoom more sometimes. I read before that another zoom (x2 maybe) would be added ^^.

I'm also agree with a lot of people "more save slots" ^^. Even though, for now, I just go to DSOrganize and rename files.

Viva Colors ^^.

#136889 - Joaqo - Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:12 am

You are right, we don't need the stamp tool or undo because art is art and every mistake you make in the drawing is also part of it and will help you improve next time... :)

I really would like the defined pressure other than 100% opacity, though. It is easy to maintain an opacity level in paper, but flaws on the DS screen make it difficult.

I also look forward to the wifi feature to easily upload, view and playback paintings from the Colors! database. Even though I don't think the RAM will be enough :P

Playback controls are indispensable.

MORE SAVE SLOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


#136892 - calcprogrammer1 - Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:49 am

Joaqo wrote:
MORE SAVE SLOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...more like:

MORE SAVE SLOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DS Firmware 1, Datel Games n' Music card / Chism's FW hacked GBA MP v2 CF

There's no place like

#136895 - DekuTree64 - Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:11 am

Nice work! The pressure sensitivity is surprisingly good, especially using a finger (although it's a bit harder to slide along the screen). I like how it's nice and simple, and sort of has its own 'feel' due to the blending style used. I'm a terrible abuser of undo though, so it's a bit tough to put a lot of effort into something without it. But then as some have said, real artists don't need undo :p
The best optimization is to do nothing at all.
Therefore a fully optimized program doesn't exist.

#136898 - Dudu.exe - Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:03 am

Pleeeeeassee let us use the microphone to blow the paint ( area touched by the stylus )
pleeeaasee =p

select could turn the mic on and off

and use the d-pad for direcion!

Last edited by Dudu.exe on Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

#136901 - jetboy - Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:59 am

Could you please stop shouting and demanding?
Thank you.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#136915 - LoTekK - Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:38 pm

I've gotta agree with the "less extraneous features" mindset. I'm a heavy photoshop user, primarily for digital painting and texture painting. I do make good use of layers, but for something like Colors!, I'd much rather the focus be on speed and accessibility. Layers would tax the already-limited available RAM, and for a sketchpad, do you really want to be futzing around with lots of layers?

I've also really enjoyed the lack of an undo, especially since I haven't run into the "line across the screen" issue in the most recent versions.

The only thing I could really ask for would be an opacity slider. That's all. :)

ps. Blowing paint or ink could be interesting, but to get anything even remotely convincing, wouldn't that require a fair bit of horsepower? And a lot of dev time, too.

#136916 - dy - Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:40 pm

v1.05 is great! im finally able to save!

anyways yes shouting is kinda rude...maybe you should just say sure jesse reads all new posts, plus its already been time try to be more polite

#136918 - sinistergfx - Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:35 pm

Just had to stop in and say 'thanks' for Colors. I'm carrying my DS with me everywhere once again!

It's such a pleasurable and intuitive experience painting in Colors compared to something like Phideas.

I'm definitely more of the opinion that Colors should stay a simple digital sketch book and doesn't need novelties like blowing paint around. It just needs to stay fast and smooth.

As far as features, the only thing I think it -needs- is an opacity control slider.

Things that would be nice:
Higher resolution support (maybe take advantage of the extra ram available on some carts?).
Network mode. Network mode in OpenCanvas is a lot of fun. We used to play around in this a lot at one of the studios I used to work at.

#136955 - krooked - Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:05 pm

Any know why my DS would erratically draw straight lines when im drawing? this happens with Colors v1.04 & 1.05. havnt tried other versions.

My roommate doesnt have the same problem. The only differenct between our DS configuration is that mine has a HORI screen protector.

#136958 - Joaqo - Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:13 pm

Post something so we can know you're alive.


PS: Sure, why not...
MORE SAVE SLOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#136960 - Joaqo - Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:21 pm

Will there be a fully compatible Colors! playback player(PC version)?


#136965 - jetboy - Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:35 pm

krooked wrote:
Any know why my DS would erratically draw straight lines when im drawing? this happens with Colors v1.04 & 1.05. havnt tried other versions.

My roommate doesnt have the same problem. The only differenct between our DS configuration is that mine has a HORI screen protector.

Q: Why did Colors! just draw a big line all over my painting?
A: Stylus jumping (where the DS reports an incorrect stylus touch) in
Colors! can cause long lines to be drawn over your painting. This normally
only appears about once every 5 minutes, but can differ from DS to DS. Also,
having pressure on different parts of plastics close to screen (resting your
hand for example) can make this more common. Stylus jumping is also present
in official titles, which indicate it is not a completely solvable problem
and the current state of libnds seems to work as well as Nintendo's official
libraries. As for Colors!, it is possible that this will be slightly better
in future versions since it may be possible to make some special predictions
of what should be allowed. This could reduce this problem, but it will
probably never completely go away.

This does not depend on HORI foil. This is more like per unit difference.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#136975 - Jesse - Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:58 pm

Hello all. I've just gone through the last pages of posts since the release of v1.05 and I'm really happy that it seems to be working so well for everyone. Still, I understand those who said that this was best left for the card-manufacturers to fix the broken DLDI code, and by bypassing the problems in Colors! I've not helped the state of DS homebrew, but that's a cross I have to bear.

I've read the discussions here with great interest. It?s great to see that the feature-set of Colors! has reached a point where a most suggestions for improvements have more than one side (except for the ?more save-slots? suggestion :). Regarding the layers discussion I believe many of you already know where my preferences are. It would probably be possible to find a good way to integrate a second layer into Colors!, but it would still make the program more complex. Also as mentioned, there are technical considerations as well. So for now, I won?t spend time trying to find a way to implement multiple layers but it could be something I will come back to in the future.

Regarding the opacity control, I thought I would get away without having one, but it seems like there are very many of you asking for it so I?m starting to sway on that one. No promises though.

Could we possibly get a way to skip the replay of a drawing once we start it.
Yes. I hope to get that in when I implement the playback controls.

- custom brush (create our own brush)
Sorry, I have no plans of implementing custom brushes at this point.

I'd like to zoom more sometimes. I read before that another zoom (x2 maybe) would be added ^^.
Correct. That is the plan.

Pleeeeeassee let us use the microphone to blow the paint ( area touched by the stylus )
As I mentioned earlier, I love this idea, but it?s pretty low on my priority list at this point.

Higher resolution support (maybe take advantage of the extra ram available on some carts?).
That?s an interesting idea. I need to research that a bit.

Network mode. Network mode in OpenCanvas is a lot of fun. We used to play around in this a lot at one of the studios I used to work at.
This is definitely something I want to do, but as far as I know this isn?t possible using the homebrew SDKs yet.

Will there be a fully compatible Colors! playback player(PC version)?
Probably not, but the plan is to be able to download a video of your painting from the online gallery.

So, that?s it for the some comments. I?m currently working away on a couple of different things, where one of them is improving precision of the brushes (especially with the small brushes) which seems to go pretty good. Also, I?ve started the initial work on the wifi support. Next version will probably not be out until the end of august, but it?ll be worth the wait!

Thanks for all the complements and feedback!

#136980 - TheYak - Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:20 am

It's awesome that you're taking a lot of people's ideas into consideration.

I don't think I'd ask for much more than you're already planning. It's kinda like the MSPaint drawings in a way, it's more interesting seeing what can be done with limited toolsets (for the record, Colors beats the hell outta Paint).

Thanks again for the awesome app. I'll be eagerly awaiting the end of August and try to refrain from changing my sig line to: More save slots!!1!
DSL Onyx w/ R4 & 1GB Kingston SD. FlashMe'd v.7

#136981 - Na - Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:33 am

your homebrew is really a good one, all my graphist friends tried it and approved it (and bought a NDS to have it :) )
However if I can make a suggestion, the tool we all miss is the eyedropper.

Thanks again for developping this homebrew .

#136982 - calcprogrammer1 - Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:54 am

...Colors has an eyedropper, haven't you looked at the Start menu, it shows all the controls, eyedropper/color picker is one of them, I think it's hold Y to use it.
DS Firmware 1, Datel Games n' Music card / Chism's FW hacked GBA MP v2 CF

There's no place like

#136991 - nekouma - Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:51 am

krooked wrote:
Any know why my DS would erratically draw straight lines when im drawing? this happens with Colors v1.04 & 1.05. havnt tried other versions.

My roommate doesnt have the same problem. The only differenct between our DS configuration is that mine has a HORI screen protector.

Same for me ^^; I thought I played too much to Ouendan and that made my screen bad but it seems it's a problem with all DS.

Na?l wrote:
your homebrew is really a good one, all my graphist friends tried it and approved it (and bought a NDS to have it :) )
However if I can make a suggestion, the tool we all miss is the eyedropper.

Thanks again for developping this homebrew .

calcprogrammer1 wrote:
...Colors has an eyedropper, haven't you looked at the Start menu, it shows all the controls, eyedropper/color picker is one of them, I think it's hold Y to use it.

And me, I need one more eye. Yesterday, I was drawing and tried to find the color I used before, without succeed. I even didn't notice there was an eyedropper ^^;

Thanks calcprogrammer1 ^^.

#136993 - calcprogrammer1 - Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:02 am

I got my DS release week 2004, so it's VERY scratched up from a lot of use, but Colors rarely has stylus jumping problems on it, though DS WiFiVoiceChat Client ALWAYS has that problem.
DS Firmware 1, Datel Games n' Music card / Chism's FW hacked GBA MP v2 CF

There's no place like

#136998 - psymastr - Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:48 am

I just want to say I've been using this app since 1.0 and its probably the coolest thing out for the DS. Keep up the good work :)

#137020 - poopipe - Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:24 pm

sorry if this has already been covered but i'm a complete noob to the whole DS & homebrew thingy

I want colors badly (mostly cos I can't afford a cintiq) so I need one of those homebrew cards and I don't want one that it won't work on, is there a compatibility list or can someone suggest a card/SD card combo I can get in the UK that definitely works on a very recent DS lite?

I did read the thread but there's only a couple of mentions of cards that work - ideally I want one of the small cards rather than the big cart things

ta very much

actually, while I'm here. what file formats are supported for output? I couldn't see that written down anywhere either

#137027 - jetboy - Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:32 pm

poopipe wrote:
can someone suggest a card/SD card combo I can get in the UK that definitely works on a very recent DS lite?

actually, while I'm here. what file formats are supported for output? I couldn't see that written down anywhere either

1. Get R4 - Colors! was always working ok on R4.
2. It saves PNG, plus DRW (Colors own format to store strokes so you can see how the image was painted).

I would like to warn you that Colors! is not replacement for Centiq, and if you expect that, you will be disapointed. Colors is excelent application, its fun to play with, and you can create real masterpieces with it, but its not heavy duty everyday application. I bet you know that already, but i just wanted to be sure.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#137042 - poopipe - Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:32 pm

thanks very much for that :)

I know it's not a cintiq replacement but I see this as a really good way to get quick sketches down while I'm out and about (or more accurately sitting on the toilet)

anyway - I'll stop clogging up the thread now.

#137097 - - Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:41 pm

poopipe wrote:
clogging up the thread now.

But we just love doing that :)
Don't have to read carefully to see us all ask the same stuff over and over again :/
Maybe a forum on jetboy's page would give us more room for chit-chat?

"Get R4 - Colors! was always working ok on R4. "
Same as the 'M3DS Simply' , works perfect! and is pretty cheap.
Those two are the same products, just different name.
I accually ordered a R4 card but instead got a M3DS Simply..

#137102 - calcprogrammer1 - Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:23 pm

If you live in the UK, you can probably get a Games n' Music in local stores (they have them here in the US, and Datel, manufacturers for the GnM, are headquartered in the UK), it's $30 to $35 and comes with 128MB microSD (plenty enough for 9 pictures >.< need more save slots) and USB microSD reader/writer.
DS Firmware 1, Datel Games n' Music card / Chism's FW hacked GBA MP v2 CF

There's no place like

#137116 - znat - Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:17 am

It would be nice to have a FTP-upload feature, so that I can save my paintings on a FTP server. With that feature we would have more save-"slots" and it would be easier to load them on the computer.

#137121 - calcprogrammer1 - Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:26 am


Draw pic in Colors!, turn off DS, turn on DS, boot DSFTP.

Open (or whatever your DS is) on your computer. Drag Colors folder to local folder or Desktop. Upload.

Though, looking back on that method, it takes a reboot and you have to copy it from the computer.

It would be a nice thing to have, but definitely not a top priority, but have it where you can select an FTP and upload, it'd be nice.
DS Firmware 1, Datel Games n' Music card / Chism's FW hacked GBA MP v2 CF

There's no place like

#137125 - manbitesdog - Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:42 am

There really are some amazing drawings being posted to the Colors! gallery lately. How satisfying it must be to have made a program that gives so much back Jesse. Anyway some of you guys should really think about buying a fullsize tablet I think (and that isn't meant as a slight against Colors!).

#137143 - znat - Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:35 am

calcprogrammer1 wrote:
It would be a nice thing to have, but definitely not a top priority, but have it where you can select an FTP and upload, it'd be nice.

Maybe a HTTP-POST upload would be easier to implement. So you can upload a php file somewhere and upload it to that destination. You could even make something like a online gallery.

#137146 - jetboy - Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:52 am

znat wrote:

Maybe a HTTP-POST upload would be easier to implement. So you can upload a php file somewhere and upload it to that destination. You could even make something like a online gallery.

There is online gallery already. And direct upload was ment striaght from the beggining. Current system is just to get going before direct upload gets ready, and will be used for people who do not have wifi connection.

Q: What do you mean by Wifi-support?
A: The first step for Wifi support is to integrate it into the online gallery and be able to upload and download painting directly to your DS. Also, I would really like to allow for multiple people to paint on a painting as once using through connecting between DS-to-DS directly, but that is not possible using homebrew SDK yet.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#137149 - masscat - Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:26 pm


I like the inclusion of random pictures on the front page of the gallery and feel it should remain even when the rating system is implemented. Without it pictures can get lost in the mists of time (there were some 21 pages of pictures last time I looked) and never get on the front page again (people are unlikely to go back through older pictures and rate them).

#137167 - aucifiel - Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:10 pm

I was thinking about the possibility of the pressure being able to control brush size as well. Perhaps, with options such as, normal, opacity, and size, so which ever you choose (maybe possible to choose more than one at the same time), you get the effect with the brush. For example, say if you choose opacity and size, the brush's pressure would decide the thickness of the line and the darkness.

#137172 - jetboy - Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:41 pm

masscat wrote:

I like the inclusion of random pictures on the front page of the gallery and feel it should remain even when the rating system is implemented. Without it pictures can get lost in the mists of time (there were some 21 pages of pictures last time I looked) and never get on the front page again (people are unlikely to go back through older pictures and rate them).

The problem with those random pitures is that they are taken only form te prechoosen list. I made this because quality of newest pictures vary. It may be that there are many great pictures, but it may be that there are only weaker works. But we want to be sure that some good works will be shown when somebody visits for the first time, so he can get interested.

I think that totaly random pictures shown too, would be good idea, for the reasons you gave. But the page will need major redesign when rating system gets implemented and running, so i will include that idea somehow.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#137207 - krooked - Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:50 pm

speaking of the website.

how about having accounts so that users can manage their pictures as well as being able to search by user. of course anonymous upload should still be enabled.

#137210 - matriculated - Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:14 pm

I think it'd be nice to include a sharpen filter. There's a lot of blurry pictures in the gallery. The gallery looks great, btw. That dragon picture is amazing!

#137231 - Joaqo - Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:41 am

I know there's no more space in the color and size choosing menu, but this could be possibly squeezed in :D

-There should be two sliders available, size and opacity.
When the standard pressure-controls-opacity option is selected, only the size slider is shown, when you select the constant-pressure option, two more options appear: slider-controls-size (both sliders are shown) or pressure-controls size (only the opacity slider is shown).

-There MUST be a more precise way to callibrate the screen... I really need one...

-SELECT could be quick-save


#137235 - jetboy - Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:50 am

Some moron keeps posting naked photo of lucy liu... pathetic...
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#137237 - zombielove - Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:57 am

Lucy Liu? Yuck! He should at least post someone attractive.

Jetboy, I love the new layout of the gallery. Feels more like an art gallery now.

And Jesse, thanks for putting in so much effort. I can save without gettting corrupt pngs on my N-Card now.

Did anyone ever play that online game where you enter a chat room and one person is given a word? You have to draw a picture of the word and everyone else has to guess. Like online Pictionary. I wish we could do that on DS. Of course DS would need a keyboard...... actually it would be amazing if it had voice recognition. Can you imagine how fun it would be to be drawing and yelling at your DS, playing online with other people? Maybe on DS 2?.....

#137254 - jetboy - Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:11 pm

zombielove wrote:
Did anyone ever play that online game where you enter a chat room and one person is given a word? You have to draw a picture of the word and everyone else has to guess. Like online Pictionary. I wish we could do that on DS. Of course DS would need a keyboard...... actually it would be amazing if it had voice recognition. Can you imagine how fun it would be to be drawing and yelling at your DS, playing online with other people? Maybe on DS 2?.....

I would love that.
If you are drawing then you dont need keyboard, and you could paint on the touchscreen, when you are guessing, you dont need painting, so youcould have virtual keyboard on the touchscreen.

However i think that it would be beter made into different homebre than incorporated in colors. Btw. voice recognition would be too difficult, especialy when shouting is involwed.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#137258 - matriculated - Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:56 pm

You guys are talking about I love this game and a DS version would rock!

#137260 - Mrshlee - Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:24 pm

Pictoblog support would be great :)

#137278 - lmn4096 - Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:47 pm

I just thought it could be fun to throw a theme for a week:
then every one could draw a pic and share it on Jetboy site, kind of little competition.

And something useless but that would add some nice touch to Colors, is sounds.
a sharp noise of pencil when using sharp brush.
and a soft brush sound using smooth brush...

anyway I think this program is really nice :)

#137287 - jetboy - Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:00 pm

Mrshlee wrote:

Pictoblog support would be great :)

What do you mean by pictoblog support?
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#137309 - kprojekt - Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:56 am

So I had an idea for the Colors Gallery site. Currently the vertical layout doesn't seem to utilize the entire site. I was wondering if it would be possible to make it into a horizontal layout with voting options bellow.

The Voting can be constrained to one per IP address and it could be calculated mathematically. 1 unit per star. So the images with the most stars voted appear in the top images section.

Or completely eliminate the voting and display top 5 random images.

Though I would love to see smaller preview thumbnails and a horizontal view of the images, just to utilize the wasted space. Here is a quick 2min mock up I did during work. Any thoughts? I could spend some time and actually make it pretty.

#137334 - OSW - Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:03 am

jetboy wrote:
Mrshlee wrote:

Pictoblog support would be great :)

What do you mean by pictoblog support?

I assume he giving it a similar function to pictoblog.
I read that the source was released.

Personally, rather than adding it to colors i'd love an intermediate app which is basically pictoblog but can upload images from your cart (ie drawn by colors)

The thing with pictoblog is that the drawings are very limited.

er, also this short topic is related


Pictoblg goes Open Source!
April 17th, 2007 by 0xtob

As promised, I’m releasing the source code of Pictoblog. I hope someone will pick it up and develop it further. It should also be pretty easy to use my MetaWeblog API class in other projects.

I would really like to see more blog-enabled homebrew, because I think blogging and the DS go together very well. With the DS you can blog in unusual places (as long as they have WLAN) and in unusual ways (by drawing, recording voice messages etc.)

Get the it here.

If you have any questions concerning the source, don’t hesitate to post in the Pictoblog thread on the GBADev forums!

Have Fun!

#137389 - Za Warudo - Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:20 am

I'm almost certain the answer is somewhere on these forums, but I simply can't find it.

When I load Colours! I get an error message saying something about the FAT file not being loaded and I can't save files. The program recommends a site to visit, but I have no idea what to do there. If it helps, I'm using an R4DS.

#137394 - OSW - Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:59 am

You need to DLDI patch it for your specific cart.

there should be a few patching guides around here.

#137396 - jetboy - Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:13 am

Za Warudo wrote:
I'm almost certain the answer is somewhere on these forums, but I simply can't find it.

When I load Colours! I get an error message saying something about the FAT file not being loaded and I can't save files. The program recommends a site to visit, but I have no idea what to do there. If it helps, I'm using an R4DS.

Strange. R4DS should be able to auto patch it.

Do you have latest firmware for R4? If no then go to and download v11 kernel, then install it on your card.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#137398 - Za Warudo - Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:52 am

jetboy wrote:
Za Warudo wrote:
I'm almost certain the answer is somewhere on these forums, but I simply can't find it.

When I load Colours! I get an error message saying something about the FAT file not being loaded and I can't save files. The program recommends a site to visit, but I have no idea what to do there. If it helps, I'm using an R4DS.

Strange. R4DS should be able to auto patch it.

Do you have latest firmware for R4? If no then go to and download v11 kernel, then install it on your card.

This solved my probelm completely.

Serves me right for not being tech savy.

Thanks again.

#137407 - Jesse - Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:39 pm

Hello all,

I've been working away on the promised precision updates and it seems I've finally nailed a great balance between precision and speed (but it took much more work (and math) than I anticipated). This also means that the "pressure controls brushsize" will be in the next version. Yay!

Other than that I've been working all over the place and there will definitly be some cool things in v1.06.

-SELECT could be quick-save
I rather not. Saving often takes 20+ seconds anyway, so a couple of more seconds to navigate the UI doesn?t seem tedious. The downside of this request would be that you could accidentally press the button as well making the user having to learn one more thing.

-There MUST be a more precise way to callibrate the screen... I really need one...
Working on it. :)

Did anyone ever play that online game where you enter a chat room and one person is given a word? You have to draw a picture of the word and everyone else has to guess. Like online Pictionary
It would be very cool, perhaps that could be made as a spin-off of Colors! somehow. :)

Pictoblog support would be great :)
This as well would feel like bloating? but? I myself would really much like a feature like that so perhaps I could sneak in there somehow. Thanks for the idea!

And something useless but that would add some nice touch to Colors, is sounds.
Yes, I?ve actually been planning to do some simple sound stuff. Not sure if you could have the pencil sounds as you suggested without going mad, but I will definitely try it.

There really are some amazing drawings being posted to the Colors! gallery lately. How satisfying it must be to have made a program that gives so much back Jesse.
You are so right. The gallery gives me all the energy and motivation I need to spend time working on Colors!. It?s wonderful to know that I?ve been a part of creating artwork like that.

Thanks again for all the feedback and support!

#137411 - - Sat Aug 11, 2007 2:31 pm

Jesse wrote:
Joaqo wrote:
While pressing a button (maybe the pan button), when you touch the touchscreen, the circle (the one that shows the size and place where the stroke will appear) is shown (this circle can also be seen with the smallest brush if you look at the screen at an angle). This way you can know where the stroke will appear and see if the size is correct for what you need.

That's a great idea. Gold star for you. :)
I'll have to put it on a wierd button namely the zoom buttons, but I'll try to fix that for the next version. Thanks!

Heay Jesse, this feature you've done nicely in the new version! A bit hidden though.. You could put it under 'select', that way it's easy to name it in the instructions-screen and more important it's easier to use..?

#137488 - Jesse - Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:03 pm wrote:
Heay Jesse, this feature you've done nicely in the new version! A bit hidden though.. You could put it under 'select', that way it's easy to name it in the instructions-screen and more important it's easier to use..?

Hmm. I'm not sure I think it's such an important feature to warrant an own button. Or am I wrong here? Also, having it on select would only work for left-handed people, I think.

#137489 - moket - Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:13 pm

wow nice features coming, Jesse I'm so impressed by the way you drive this project. thanks a lot.
A kind of pictoblog function would be great with free WIFI almost everywhere in perfect places to draw (trains stations, Fastfoods&Coffes).

having it on select would only work for left-handed people

we deserve it ;)

#137497 - quinbd - Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:23 pm

I would really like to see an undo button. I need it. :)
--DS lite -- M3 Simply -- 2GB Lexar --

#137549 - laurens - Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:10 am

i would be very grateful if you would make or add a Colors! where the files get saved in the /data/colors/ map instead of in the /colors/ map.
So maybe a seperate version which does this, or edit a few lines in the code so that it will check if there is /data/colors/ map before it saves things to the default /colors/ map.

#137584 - Jesse - Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:06 pm

quinbd wrote:
I would really like to see an undo button. I need it. :)
I know. A lot of people are asking for it. :)

Here is what the FAQ says.

Q: Will undo be implemented?
A: At the moment no Undo feature is planned. However there is a plan to extend the playback functionality so you can stop the playback and continue painting from there. The reason why there will be no traditional undo is that it would eat up too much memory.

#137585 - Jesse - Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:13 pm

laurens wrote:
i would be very grateful if you would make or add a Colors! where the files get saved in the /data/colors/ map instead of in the /colors/ map.
So maybe a seperate version which does this, or edit a few lines in the code so that it will check if there is /data/colors/ map before it saves things to the default /colors/ map.

From next version on, I will be using efslib for internal file-access to reduce the memory consumtion. This solves the problem of not knowing here the Colors.nds is, which allows me to have the config-file next to it instead of in a hardcoded directory (/colors/). By that I can also allow the user specify where the save-folder should be. Hopefully I can get that into the next version.

#137601 - Dood77 - Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:46 pm

Jesse wrote:
Here is what the FAQ says.

Q: Will undo be implemented?
A: At the moment no Undo feature is planned. However there is a plan to extend the playback functionality so you can stop the playback and continue painting from there. The reason why there will be no traditional undo is that it would eat up too much memory.

But couldn't you just use reverse-playback?
If I use a term wrong or something then feel free to correct, I?m not much of a programmer.

Original DS Phat obtained on day of release + flashme v7
Supercard: miniSD, Kingston 1GB, Kingston 2GB
Ralink chipset PCI NIC

#137606 - Jesse - Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:08 pm

Dood77 wrote:
But couldn't you just use reverse-playback?

Reverse-playback is something that can't be done with the way the Colors! works. The information that is stored for playback is basically just how the stylus has touched the screen. Therefore the information about what was underneath a stroke isn't there and I can only play it in one direction.

#137609 - Jesse - Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:01 am

Did you guys know that there are 442 paintings posted on the gallery right now? That was something I could never have imaged two months ago. Thanks all!!!

#137633 - Dood77 - Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:12 am

Jesse wrote:
Dood77 wrote:
But couldn't you just use reverse-playback?

Reverse-playback is something that can't be done with the way the Colors! works. The information that is stored for playback is basically just how the stylus has touched the screen. Therefore the information about what was underneath a stroke isn't there and I can only play it in one direction.

Ah, I suspected something like this.
If I use a term wrong or something then feel free to correct, I?m not much of a programmer.

Original DS Phat obtained on day of release + flashme v7
Supercard: miniSD, Kingston 1GB, Kingston 2GB
Ralink chipset PCI NIC

#137689 - muchachotron - Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:02 pm

excellent, excellent app. probably the most elegant UI of any homebrew ds app i've seen yet. i'm amazed at how well the pressure sensitivity works with the stroke opacity, can't wait for the brush size to be controlled via pressure as well!

the gallery images really look like they were done in a sophisticated desktop applicaction. who would think that a device marketed as a children's toy could produce such quality output?

colors alone makes a ds and homebrew card worth buying. i love having a little digital sketchbook i can put in my pocket.

great job, i'm very excited to see where this goes. even if dev. stopped it's already a killer app.

i agree, though, that some sort of networking or online collaboration feature would be great. maybe that's for a separate app., when homebrew developing toward online gaming is easier. from the first day i got my ds i thought that an isketch/pictionary-like game would be splendid.

i think sounds should be a very low priority. i'd just turn them off, or turn off the volume. interesting, sure, but just a novelty that would wear out quickly.

#137701 - tepples - Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:23 pm

muchachotron wrote:
i agree, though, that some sort of networking or online collaboration feature would be great. maybe that's for a separate app., when homebrew developing toward online gaming is easier. from the first day i got my ds i thought that an isketch/pictionary-like game would be splendid.

-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#137708 - DekuTree64 - Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:38 pm

tepples wrote:
muchachotron wrote:
i agree, though, that some sort of networking or online collaboration feature would be great. maybe that's for a separate app., when homebrew developing toward online gaming is easier. from the first day i got my ds i thought that an isketch/pictionary-like game would be splendid.


Pictochat is just sending pictures back and forth. Collaboration on a single picture is much more fun, and I think would work well in Colors. Since you'd probably either be near a computer or near the other person, I don't think a chat window or anything would be necessary, just a connection screen on the start button menu. It'd be really cool to grab a couple friends and draw some pictures at a cafe or something.
The best optimization is to do nothing at all.
Therefore a fully optimized program doesn't exist.

#137722 - superrune - Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:41 pm

I just want to chime in and say how much I've been wishing a program like this would show up for the DS. It's really wonderful, and the interface is so well designed!

Two things I'd like to mention:

I'm having problems with pressure sensitivity on my NDS Lite, it seems to only be reacting on the edges of the screen. Is this common? If so - I would really like an opacity slider! 25-50-75-100% increments would be enough for me.

With the fear of bloating the program, I would like a two extra types of brushes: A grainy pencil, and even watercolor. That would really make it feel like a real sketchbook :)

Also, you should add some PayPal-contribute button on your site. You should get something back for making an excellent little program such as this.


#137732 - Crass - Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:14 am

DekuTree64 wrote:
Pictochat is just sending pictures back and forth. Collaboration on a single picture is much more fun, and I think would work well in Colors. Since you'd probably either be near a computer or near the other person, I don't think a chat window or anything would be necessary, just a connection screen on the start button menu. It'd be really cool to grab a couple friends and draw some pictures at a cafe or something.

Drawball DS!!

#137747 - Jesse - Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:08 am

excellent, excellent app. probably the most elegant UI of any homebrew ds app i've seen yet.

Ernst did an excellent job with the UI. Many thanks for that.

I agree, though, that some sort of networking or online collaboration feature would be great

That is one of my personal most wanted features. The problem is that no one to my knowledge has managed to do any sort of DS-to-DS communication with the homebrew, so I'm pretty reluctant to dig into it before that.

I'm having problems with pressure sensitivity on my NDS Lite, it seems to only be reacting on the edges of the screen. Is this common?

Yes, it is common but differ between DS'es. The v1.05 workaround is that you can pan the image so that you don't have to use those areas but I'm working on a smarter calibrating system.

A grainy pencil, and even watercolor

For now, I think I've reached the feature set I want for the painting engine and will spend time working on things like wifi features instead. It could change when I'm "finished" with that though. An idea I've been having is to break up the painting into different modes, depending on what you want to do into for example a sketch mode, a watercolor mode etc. With separate palette/brush screens and stuff for each mode, I could still keep the UI simple (perhaps even simpler) and intuative for each mode. Probably a stupid idea, but it would be far off anyway.

#137749 - Jesse - Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:17 am

Crass wrote:
Drawball DS!!

Hey, I didn't know what Drawball was, but that is soo cool. :)
I wonder how hard it would be to do...

#137759 - tepples - Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:35 pm

DekuTree64 wrote:
tepples wrote:
muchachotron wrote:
i agree, though, that some sort of networking or online collaboration feature would be great


Pictochat is just sending pictures back and forth. Collaboration on a single picture is much more fun

In PictoChat, you can collaborate on a single picture by scrolling it to the bottom of the top screen and pressing Select to copy it down to the touch screen.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#137879 - idream - Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:47 pm

I just had to say, awesome app. It's retail worthy in every way and it just keeps getting better.

Is there any chance of implementing HSV sliders, maybe a button to toggle them in or something?

Picking up the exact color you want is kinda hard because of the size and being able to fine tune with an HSV slider would be perfect.

Thanks again for the great app.

#137912 - Jesse - Fri Aug 17, 2007 10:50 am

idream wrote:
Picking up the exact color you want is kinda hard because of the size and being able to fine tune with an HSV slider would be perfect.

What do you mean with "because of the size"? Do you mean that the triangle is too small to get the exactly right color? I know some people prefer sliders instead of the circle/triangle style color-picker and I've been wondering if I should include an option to switch between them.

Thanks for the compliments!

#137917 - lostpapers - Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:49 pm

Just wanted to say thanks for this wonderful homebrew! I've now used fairly enough to say that "colors" justifies by itself the acquisition of a DS card.

Thanks again!

Please try not to clog Colors with too many features. Keep the spirit of it: simplicity

the only drawbacks I see to Colors are:
- stylet "jumping" across the screen (3 times in 3 hours)
- lack of precision for tiny brushes

except from that everything rocks.

What I would kife to see added:
- possibility to select color through HSV or RGB sliders to be able to select a specific color with a better precision
- Ben

#137934 - idream - Fri Aug 17, 2007 6:05 pm

Well, with the pretty small screen size and the fat point of the stylus, the triangle is as perfectly sized as its going to get. Making it any bigger or being able to zoom in on it would probably clutter things up if that's what you were moving toward when you asked if "the triangle is too small."

Thats why like you said, being able to switch in the sliders would be perfect because then you could just use the triangle most of the time, and when you can't get the exact color you want, just switch in the sliders and fine tune the general color you chose on the triangle. But yea, you're right. Some people just use them for everything.

#137943 - Jesse - Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:34 pm

idream wrote:
Well, with the pretty small screen size and the fat point of the stylus, the triangle is as perfectly sized as its going to get. Making it any bigger or being able to zoom in on it would probably clutter things up if that's what you were moving toward when you asked if "the triangle is too small."

Nah. I just wanted to be sure of what you ment. But you are right, with the low resolution and so, it's not possible to get full precision from the color-picker.

I'll note down the slider thing as "a good thing to have". Enough people have been asking for it. Thanks for the feedback.

#137945 - Jesse - Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:37 pm

lostpapers wrote:
stylet "jumping" across the screen (3 times in 3 hours)
Yes, that's a hazzle. I haven't been looking at that issue for a long time, but it's up there on my list. There's some extra info on the issue in the FAQ, if you haven't seen already.

lostpapers wrote:
lack of precision for tiny brushes
This is something that will be much better in v1.06

Thanks for the complements and the feedback!

#138173 - herkan - Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:31 pm

Awesome app !

Definitely the most interesting thing available on the ds... official games included !
I mostly use it while commuting in subways and tramways. I hope I will improve my drawing skills.
Some people posted some amazing paintings on the gallery. I would never have thought so much could be done with so few tools.

#138207 - Iean - Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:33 am

I have to admit, this is definitely one of the most used apps on my DS.
You, sir, are an amazing app writer.
few quick questions though--
1: Is the pressure-sensitive-brush-size brush still in the works? And will that be the only thing the pressure controls on this brush, or will it control the size and opacity simultaneously?
2: Is an 'undo' function completely out of the question? It seems like with the .drw thing, an one-step 'undo' would be possible, without going into the full fledged .drw viewer...or am I completely wrong?
3. Will there be a feature for viewing a different image on the top screen while drawing on the bottom? It would be great to be able to display a reference photo while drawing...
4. A higher zoom function. Please. That would be great.

However, your application is truly amazing. It actually doesn't 'need' anything else, and the fact that you continue to improve it is truly respectable. Thank you.

#138209 - dantheman - Tue Aug 21, 2007 5:05 am

From Jesse's FAQ:

Q: Will undo be implemented?
A: At the moment no Undo feature is planned. However there is a plan to extend the playback functionality so you can stop the playback and continue painting from there. The reason why there will be no traditional undo is that it would eat up too much memory.

#138213 - herkan - Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:43 am

regarding the replay function, it would be nice to be be able to stop it without switching the console off.
So far it's the only improvement I would like to see.
True an undo would be great but the replay as indicated in the faq would be enough...

... except that for a consequent painting, using this kind of function could be quite long. Maybe a one-step undo as indicated above could be thought over ?
Well, even though, I love Colors !!!!

#138255 - kprojekt - Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:21 pm

I would much rather have the calibration and basic levels implemented than to see an Undo. Without an undo you become more careful with your brush strokes. Make them count!

#138294 - jetboy - Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:07 pm

You can paint interesting things not only with colors:

This is somewhat off topic, but i think interesting for the people writting here, so I hope nobody minds.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#138368 - Kiz - Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:02 am

Hiya, just stopping by to say that Colors! is awesome. I tried it out on the bus on the way to uni, and it really seems nice.

However, there was one idea I came up with which I think would really help some people with accuracy issues.

The idea? Giving a handedness compensation/pixel offset. All this would do is when you're drawing, if you set the pixel offset two to the right, then when you hit pixel 100,100, it'll draw at 102,100.

It might sound a bit useless at first, but I've always had a problem with accuracy using the touch screen. I'll let this picture explain exactly what my problem is. I'm not entirely sure what the cause of the problem is. I've experienced it in a number of games, and I always figured it was one of the following:

- I'm left handed, and Nintendo's internal touch screen stuff has a very slight bias to the left, so that a right handed person would find it feels much more natural (very unlikely).

- The default stylus that comes with the DS is shit. The rounded tip, as opposed to one with a pointed tip, would result in part of the rounded edge touching the screen, not the actual tip.

- The distance between the actual LCD screen doing the drawing and the touch screen causes it. In that while I press on the screen at a certain point, the touch screen registers that exact point, but doesn't know what angle my stylus is on. So, while I'm expecting to hit the pixel that continues along the same angle as my stylus, because of the thick touch screen, it appears to be slight off target.

That's all just speculation though. There would be some problems with it in that the angle of your stylus might not always be the same, but it should be easy as pie to program, and could help any others that have the same problem as me.

Keep up the good work.

Edit: if my problem still isn't clear, I'll try and take a digicam photo. There's some clear compensation for right handed people at the moment (holding the stylus straight up and hitting a point, it'll be fairly far off to the left), and it'd be really awesome if there was a handedness option. As is I need to hold my DS on a ridiculous angle for fine details to see exactly where I'm drawing. I've destroyed this poor face's eyeball about ten times.

#138373 - Jesse - Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:41 am

Iean wrote:
1: Is the pressure-sensitive-brush-size brush still in the works? And will that be the only thing the pressure controls on this brush, or will it control the size and opacity simultaneously?
Yes. It'll be in v1.06. Right now it only paints with full opacity, but I'm planning to rework the brush-selection based on recommendations from this forum.

Iean wrote:
3. Will there be a feature for viewing a different image on the top screen while drawing on the bottom? It would be great to be able to display a reference photo while drawing...
I'm not sure yet if I will go in that direction.

Iean wrote:
4. A higher zoom function. Please. That would be great.
Yes. That's on the list.

Thanks for the feedback and the compliments!

#138374 - Jesse - Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:42 am

herkan wrote:
regarding the replay function, it would be nice to be be able to stop it without switching the console off.

Yes, that's on the list.


#138375 - Jesse - Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:45 am

Kiz wrote:
The idea? Giving a handedness compensation/pixel offset. All this would do is when you're drawing, if you set the pixel offset two to the right, then when you hit pixel 100,100, it'll draw at 102,100.

That is a good idea and your design is clever. I'll put it on my list.


#138376 - Jesse - Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:47 am

Kiz wrote:
- I'm left handed, and Nintendo's internal touch screen stuff has a very slight bias to the left, so that a right handed person would find it feels much more natural (very unlikely).

By the way. Colors! use the calibration info from the DS menus, so you could also calibrate that to your liking.

#138377 - Kiz - Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:54 am

Jesse wrote:
That is a good idea and your design is clever. I'll put it on my list.


Glad I could be of help. I've had a DS for ages, but only first ventured into homebrew apps and games last night, and I was amazed at how professional Colors! both looks and feels. Kudos to you for putting in the effort.

Edit: Cheers for the tip about the DS' calibration. Until about ten minutes ago I didn't even know it existed (was toying with some settings just before you posted it).

#138547 - Kiz - Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:25 am

Is there anything that can be done about a corrupted image? I was working on something the other night and it just doesn't load anymore. The thumbnail looks fine, but there's an error when loading it up. When I view the .png on my pc, the bottom ~20% of the picture is all garbled 'n' stuff.

#138549 - Jesse - Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:31 am

Kiz wrote:
Is there anything that can be done about a corrupted image? I was working on something the other night and it just doesn't load anymore. The thumbnail looks fine, but there's an error when loading it up. When I view the .png on my pc, the bottom ~20% of the picture is all garbled 'n' stuff.

Hmm. I thought all those problems were solved in v1.05. What flashcard are you using? This is probably due to faulty DLDI drivers so make sure you are using the latest update for your flashcard. To save your image you can try loading the image and after it has failed you hit playback.

#138553 - Kiz - Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:32 pm

I'm using an M3 Lite (with a 1GB Kingston MicroSD card). To patch the .nds I used the "M3 Adapter (SD Card)" found here. To patch it I used DLDI Patcher v0.32 (the GUI one for Windows).

As far as I'm aware that's the most up to date DLDI driver for the M3 Lite.

Thanks for the tip on saving my image, I'll try it later on.

#138560 - - Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:09 pm

Heay Jesse, Why didn't you submit 'Colors!' to the Neoflash coding contest?
It would have won lots of credits for sure!
Anyway, don't hesitate to contact me if you need extra attention to the UI for the new version..

Meanwhile.. I've uploaded all my DS images to
Hopefully will tricker new artists to use Colors! :)

#138617 - KayDat - Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:53 pm

I'm finding that the bottom half, near the middle, of my DS has no pressure sensitivity. I can draw, but it usually just ends up somewhere between hard and soft, depending on calibration. Is it just me? Is there something wrong with my DS?

#138650 - jetboy - Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:48 am

KayDat wrote:
I'm finding that the bottom half, near the middle, of my DS has no pressure sensitivity. I can draw, but it usually just ends up somewhere between hard and soft, depending on calibration. Is it just me? Is there something wrong with my DS?

Presure sensivity is something that is not part of DS specification.
It is exploiting of unsupported features, and it works differently on diferent machines. In other words, its normal.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#138675 - - Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:10 pm

deleting my post here: I've discovered something stupid I did...

#138701 - dy - Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:14 am

So what new functions will be in the next release?

#138716 - Kiz - Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:23 am

Another suggestion I thought I'd offer up:

An option to only allow the brush to draw within the bounds of the bottom screen. Handy so that you could draw straight lines by just lining the part you want up with the edge of the screen. It's a bit limited, just because panning bounds are limited, but it'd be an easy way to allow perfect straight lines.

It took me ages to get a halfway straight horizon in my last drawing, I need new hands.

#138717 - DekuTree64 - Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:39 am

Kiz wrote:
It took me ages to get a halfway straight horizon in my last drawing, I need new hands.

Fun trick:
1) Touch somewhere on the touch screen.
2) While still holding the first point, touch somewhere else.
3) Release the first point.

Voila, straight line :)
The best optimization is to do nothing at all.
Therefore a fully optimized program doesn't exist.

#138732 - bear - Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:42 am

Fun trick:
1) Touch somewhere on the touch screen.
2) While still holding the first point, touch somewhere else.
3) Release the first point.

Voila, straight line :)

This technique works for me except when trying to do diagonal lines between bottom left and upper right parts of the screen which results in a V shape... rather interesting...

Kiz: for horizontal and vertical lines you can press some part of your hand against one of the edges of the DS and try to hold the stylus at a fixed distance from that and then just slide your hand along the edge.

#138733 - bear - Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:51 am

And a more general tip for drawing straight lines is to originate the movement of what you're drawing with further up the arm - you can get much better results easier if you use your shoulder instead of elbow or wrist.

#138741 - Kiz - Tue Aug 28, 2007 12:56 pm

DekuTree64 wrote:
Kiz wrote:
It took me ages to get a halfway straight horizon in my last drawing, I need new hands.

Fun trick:
1) Touch somewhere on the touch screen.
2) While still holding the first point, touch somewhere else.
3) Release the first point.

Voila, straight line :)

Cheers, hadn't thought of that, I'll give it a whirl next time I fire it up.

bear wrote:
Kiz: for horizontal and vertical lines you can press some part of your hand against one of the edges of the DS and try to hold the stylus at a fixed distance from that and then just slide your hand along the edge.

Yeah that's what I've been trying to do so far. I'm not a remotely artistic person, and before this I hadn't drawn anything in a few years, so my hand is just really unsteady, even doing that.

#138742 - OSW - Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:06 pm

nice tips guys. will use them. thx.

#138771 - kprojekt - Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:03 am

Any ETA on the next Colors Release, or Colors Gallery Update?

I was wondering if it would be possible to make the Gallery into an RSS feed.

#138784 - battleroyalex - Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:15 am

Needs line and shape tools, not to mention an UNDO button. As of right now its pretty awesome though, first DS APP i've seen that uses pressure sensitivity.

#138805 - jetboy - Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:51 am

kprojekt wrote:
Any ETA on the next Colors Release, or Colors Gallery Update?

I was wondering if it would be possible to make the Gallery into an RSS feed.

As for gallery, i planned to release new update at the end of the month, but due to some IRL circumstances that cant be done on time. (I need to stay for a while at my parents house where there is no internet connection).

For this update i planned to add user support, logging, simple maitaining submissions, user pages with all pictures of the same artist grouped together, and posibility to leave user comments to pictures.

I will look into RSS thing when i'm done with that.

battleroyalex wrote:
Needs line and shape tools

For gods sake no! That would ruin all the feeling of Colors!
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#138922 - muchachotron - Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:34 pm

yes, i'm salivating in anticipation for the 1.06 colors release. bring on the dynamic brush size! jesse, still looking at end of august?

don't want to rush the progress, just wondering.

#138969 - Jesse - Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:51 am

muchachotron wrote:
jesse, still looking at end of august?

I don't think I will make it for August. I've been rewriting some core things and there is still too much left to do to get a stable release.

Feature-wise, not much has change since my last update. THe dynamic-brush size will definitly be in there as well as the precision improvements. I also hope to get some basic online features in there (no multiplayer though). I'll see what more I can scrape together... :)

#138970 - Jesse - Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:52 am

battleroyalex wrote:
Needs line and shape tools

As Jetboy says, that would not work with Colors! design thoughs, sorry.

#138971 - Jesse - Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:54 am wrote:
Heay Jesse, Why didn't you submit 'Colors!' to the Neoflash coding contest?

Well... Not sure, actually. The thought never crossed my mind, I guess. :)

And I'll definitly take you up on your offer to do interface work on Colors!. But you already know that. :)

#138972 - Jesse - Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:56 am

Kiz wrote:
I'm using an M3 Lite (with a 1GB Kingston MicroSD card).

That is strange. That flashcard has been working well for others. If you like, you could send email me the files that causes a corruped save, and I'll see if there is something special with them.

#138981 - adamrgolf - Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:34 pm

Has there been any talk about an undo feature? This would make a great addition to the program. If playback is possible I think undoing a stroke should be easy.



#138984 - adamrgolf - Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:58 pm

Would it also be possible to have the "COLORS" directory that stores the saved files be created wherever the colors.nds file is located instead of the root directory of the card?

#138988 - jetboy - Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:20 pm

Kiz wrote:
I'm using an M3 Lite (with a 1GB Kingston MicroSD card).

The question is: Do you use latest firmware for your card? If no, try upgrading.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#138992 - jetboy - Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:27 pm

adamrgolf wrote:
Has there been any talk about an undo feature?

yes, but like 10 000 times only.

If playback is possible I think undoing a stroke should be easy.

But it's not.
I think i could explain, but i won't.

edit: sorry for being a retard
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#138996 - moket - Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:39 pm

Jesse wrote:
quinbd wrote:
I would really like to see an undo button. I need it. :)
I know. A lot of people are asking for it. :)

Here is what the FAQ says.

Q: Will undo be implemented?
A: At the moment no Undo feature is planned. However there is a plan to extend the playback functionality so you can stop the playback and continue painting from there. The reason why there will be no traditional undo is that it would eat up too much memory.

should be on top of every pages in this thread ;)

#138999 - Kiz - Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:13 pm

jetboy wrote:
Kiz wrote:
I'm using an M3 Lite (with a 1GB Kingston MicroSD card).

The question is: Do you use latest firmware for your card? If no, try upgrading.

Yeah everything's up to date.

Jesse wrote:
Kiz wrote:
I'm using an M3 Lite (with a 1GB Kingston MicroSD card).

That is strange. That flashcard has been working well for others. If you like, you could send email me the files that causes a corruped save, and I'll see if there is something special with them.

If I come across the problem again, I'll send it to you. I've saved that drawing and done more on it, so it's probably not much use for debugging now. Appreciate the support, and keep up the good work.

#139153 - mawpaw - Sun Sep 02, 2007 9:36 pm

I was wondering if anyone knows of a program that can convert or open .drw files? I would like to make .gifs of the drawings being made. I'm not sure if this is even the right forum for this, sorry. Colors! is amazing though, I really enjoy it.

#139155 - masscat - Sun Sep 02, 2007 10:24 pm

I made a Java application to open .drw files but it does not correctly render .drw files from newer versions of Colors (or older version either).
Jens, the creator of Colors, sent me some info to update it but I have not had time to do it yet.

You can find the app in its current state here.

#139203 - jetboy - Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:35 pm

masscat wrote:
Jens, the creator of Colors, sent me some info to update it but I have not had time to do it yet.

It would be cool if we could integrate it with gallery.
That wayor the other, i'm looking forward for new version of your software.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#139209 - Railk - Mon Sep 03, 2007 4:05 pm


Colors ! is really a fantastic tool, i went into making my ds homebrew enabled just for this software, just love it :3.

Keep up the fantastic work Jesse !

Recently i wanted to make a gallery of the painting, i've done in colors completly in flash, so i've took the oportunity to port Masscat java .drw player in actionscript 3 since the code was posted, i hope you don't disagree Masscat, you can take a look here .

I'm currently working on a better way to render the painting and other functionnality.

I was wondering if it would be possible to have some more information on the .drw file ^^.

#139214 - Spike - Mon Sep 03, 2007 4:36 pm

Railk wrote:


Superb. Flash meets Colors.

#139218 - masscat - Mon Sep 03, 2007 5:34 pm

jetboy wrote:
masscat wrote:
Jens, the creator of Colors, sent me some info to update it but I have not had time to do it yet.

It would be cool if we could integrate it with gallery.
That wayor the other, i'm looking forward for new version of your software.

It is designed so that it can be. If you have a look at the html source of the test page you will see that the location of the .drw file is passed into the Java applet using the drwfile parameter (path relative to the location of the HTML page containing the applet tag):

<applet code="colorsdraw.ColorsRenderApplet.class" archive="classes/ColorsDraw.jar"  width=600 height=500><param name="drwfile" value="hello.drw" /></applet>

So it should be fairly easy to generate a similar applet tag on, say, the picture details page.
Unfortunately I am a bit busy at the moment so I do not know when I will be updating the code.

Railk wrote:
i hope you don't disagree Masscat

Feel free to use the code, I am glad it was useful.

Railk wrote:
I was wondering if it would be possible to have some more information on the .drw file ^^.

Jens requested that I keep the code he gave private so I am not at liberty to pass it on. Message Jens (Jesse on these forums) and he may help.

#139242 - Joaqo - Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:14 pm

I wonder when '06 will come out...


#139290 - mawpaw - Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:59 am

masscat wrote:
I made a Java application to open .drw files but it does not correctly render .drw files from newer versions of Colors (or older version either).
Jens, the creator of Colors, sent me some info to update it but I have not had time to do it yet.

You can find the app in its current state here.

thanks a ton! i just started messin around with colors! and already love it. i dont know the first thing about coding or any of that, so this is a big help. i'll keep an eye out to see if the java app ever gets updated. thanks again!

#139309 - Jesse - Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:25 pm

Joaqo wrote:
I wonder when '06 will come out...

I'm sorry for the delay, but it looks like it will be some time yet, at the earliest next week.

#139311 - Jesse - Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:27 pm

Railk wrote:
I was wondering if it would be possible to have some more information on the .drw file ^^.

Your flash thing looks really cool! I've sent you a mail regarding the info you requested.

#139312 - Jesse - Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:30 pm

mawpaw wrote:
I was wondering if anyone knows of a program that can convert or open .drw files? I would like to make .gifs of the drawings being made. I'm not sure if this is even the right forum for this, sorry. Colors! is amazing though, I really enjoy it.

Converting a painting into a video somehow is pretty up on my list. The big plan is to do it through the online system, but perhaps I can do some temporary feature for the next version that can export an uncompressed avi directly to the flashcard.

#139319 - Railk - Tue Sep 04, 2007 5:50 pm

masscat>> thx yes your code was really usefull ^^, especialy the bytearray part for parsing .drw file.

Jesse>> thx ^^, and i just received your mail, i send you a reply now.

#139330 - masscat - Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:51 pm

Jesse wrote:
mawpaw wrote:
I was wondering if anyone knows of a program that can convert or open .drw files? I would like to make .gifs of the drawings being made. I'm not sure if this is even the right forum for this, sorry. Colors! is amazing though, I really enjoy it.

Converting a painting into a video somehow is pretty up on my list. The big plan is to do it through the online system, but perhaps I can do some temporary feature for the next version that can export an uncompressed avi directly to the flashcard.

The Java AVI exporter for FlickBook builds uncompressed AVIs so I could put the facility into the Java Colors .drw application.

The biggest problem with doing the export on hardware is that the uncompressed AVI files get big very quickly. A 512x384 24bit AVI requires 589824 bytes per frame, so running at a cinematic 24 frames per second that means 13.5MiBs per second. Those file sizes are fine on your average desktop but can quickly fill up a smaller memory card.

#139333 - tepples - Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:04 pm

Might it be possible to reverse-engineer the lossless delta encoding format that the GPL'd CamStudio Codec produces, which is optimized for images with very little motion, and have the DS output that format?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#139340 - mawpaw - Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:19 pm

Jesse wrote:
mawpaw wrote:
I was wondering if anyone knows of a program that can convert or open .drw files? I would like to make .gifs of the drawings being made. I'm not sure if this is even the right forum for this, sorry. Colors! is amazing though, I really enjoy it.

Converting a painting into a video somehow is pretty up on my list. The big plan is to do it through the online system, but perhaps I can do some temporary feature for the next version that can export an uncompressed avi directly to the flashcard.

Doing that online would be perfect! (I just found a giant hair in my ice cream(not mine)) If the time is there, some sort of test app would be awesome, just to see it. thanks again!

I'm pretty new to all of this and was wondering if I could get pointed in the general direction of some reading for coding and development? Thanks.

#139347 - masscat - Tue Sep 04, 2007 11:57 pm

I have added an AVI exporter to the Java Colors .drw application.

Run as:
java -jar ColorsDraw_avi_out2.jar

Or maybe double/right click the .jar file.

Note that the rest of the Java app is the same as before, i.e. no support for recent Colors features, incorrect stroke render.

EDIT: There is a limit on the size of film the exporter can generate. This is about 3500 frames. At 24 frames per second this means the film cannot be longer than 2 minutes 25 seconds long.

EDIT: Updated the java app. Changed the image read/write method speeding up export. Set the minimum commands per frame to avoid trying to create an AVI that will be too big.

Last edited by masscat on Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:42 pm; edited 2 times in total

#139348 - - Wed Sep 05, 2007 12:15 am

Joaqo wrote:
I wonder when '06 will come out...Joaqo

Still people are posting better images in the gallery every day, acting like it's not needed to wait :)
I mean Awesome like Hell Yeah!!

#139357 - mawpaw - Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:35 am

masscat wrote:
I have added an AVI exporter to the Java Colors .drw application.

Run as:
java -jar ColorsDraw_avi_out.jar

Or maybe double/right click the .jar file.

Note that the rest of the Java app is the same as before, i.e. no support for recent Colors features, incorrect stroke render.

The export is slow as the reading/writing of the images currently uses a very slow method.

awesome masscat. thanks for that

#139361 - LiteDS - Wed Sep 05, 2007 3:35 am wrote:
Joaqo wrote:
I wonder when '06 will come out...Joaqo

Still people are posting better images in the gallery every day, acting like it's not needed to wait :)
I mean Awesome like Hell Yeah!!

Yay thank you very much! I will try to post more girls for my fantasy school(fantasy school is not the title i am still thinking about the title).

I'm working on 2 girls right now and i am hoping that i could finish it today or on Saturday. I will post the playback too.

Colors is so close to open canvas my favorite drawing software so i find colors pretty easy to use and it became my most valuable DS application.

If Jesse could add a temporary Lock to the save files so no one would accidentally save over their work that would be really fantastic.

Thank you for making Colors it gave my DS another use other than Playing games.

Jetboy thank you for the gallery also i am looking forward to your goals.
Wii will Win

#139363 - muchachotron - Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:55 am

hi jetboy, any idea when the gallery updates will come into effect? the updates you listed to be in the new gallery sound great.

#139364 - kprojekt - Wed Sep 05, 2007 6:05 am

Hi, Jetboy. Can you take off some of the Henti on the colors gallery site. I have my kid brother using colors and submitting pictures and I really don't want him to be seeing and reading suggestive stuff

Just my take on it.

#139365 - jetboy - Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:00 am

kprojekt wrote:
Hi, Jetboy. Can you take off some of the Henti on the colors gallery site. I have my kid brother using colors and submitting pictures and I really don't want him to be seeing and reading suggestive stuff

Just my take on it.

That only proves that perversion is just in ones mind. One see bukake there, other see a girl that eat ice cream on a stick, but was a bit clumsy. On the other hand comment is quite suggestive, and i had to bend my mind to see it as a girl eating ice cream.

Personally i would rather lean toward adding disclaimer when you enter colors gallery for the first time saying that you have to be over 18 to watch it. As this is one of the pictures i like best.

But as I do it for Jesse, it is he who should decide how similar cases should be handled in the future. For the time being i will make this picture not showing in the listing (you will still be able to follow above link).
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#139386 - jetboy - Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:12 pm

Sato: Thanks for uploading censored version. I just love that picture.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#139395 - kprojekt - Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:45 pm


sorry for being a prude :P

#139749 - jetboy - Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:34 pm

comment in gallery wrote:
Angel Wing

The playback stopped somewhere in the middle and i do not know why. Same school with the first girl i uploaded(girl in the comfort room).

Probably drw is too long.
Jesse - you should probably implement some kind of warning when artist gets close to the drw buffer limit.
btw. How big is it? Can it get any bigger?
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

Last edited by jetboy on Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:32 am; edited 1 time in total

#139750 - - Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:03 pm

comment in gallery wrote:
Angel Wing

Same school with the first girl i uploaded(girl in the comfort room).

Looking sharp! Please do mention your name!


#139802 - Jesse - Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:25 am

jetboy wrote:
Jesse - you should probably implement some kind of warning when artist gets close to the drw buffer limit.
btw. How big is it? Can it get any bigger?

I know. It's a hack. :)

I think the size in v1.05 is 1MB before it clamps, I think. It's changed a couple of times depending on how much memory was available for each version. I could do this better throgh some simple streaming to the flash-card, which would also remove the memory requirement, so I guess that is the plan. :)

EDIT: Yes, I saw the picture mentioned has a .drw with a size of exactly 1MB (That's a _lot_ of strokes). I've also been working on reducing the file-format further.

#139805 - LiteDS - Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:43 am

Jesse wrote:
jetboy wrote:
Jesse - you should probably implement some kind of warning when artist gets close to the drw buffer limit.
btw. How big is it? Can it get any bigger?

I know. It's a hack. :)

I think the size in v1.05 is 1MB before it clamps, I think. It's changed a couple of times depending on how much memory was available for each version. I could do this better throgh some simple streaming to the flash-card, which would also remove the memory requirement, so I guess that is the plan. :)

EDIT: Yes, I saw the picture mentioned has a .drw with a size of exactly 1MB (That's a _lot_ of strokes). I've also been working on reducing the file-format further.

Oh now i know why.

I got used to drawing really messy at the start so that is why i erase a lot and redo so many things.
Wii will Win

#139806 - jetboy - Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:49 am

Jesse wrote:
I could do this better throgh some simple streaming to the flash-card, which would also remove the memory requirement, so I guess that is the plan. :)

That would be excelent, however straming data to the flash card can be pretty devastating to the flash, unless you do some buffering and write in larger chunks. If you would stream it stroke by stroke, you would kill the flash memory pretty quickly.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#139821 - jetboy - Mon Sep 10, 2007 2:06 pm

LiteDS wrote:
Oh now i know why.

Excelent pictures! RESPECT!
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#139838 - kusma - Mon Sep 10, 2007 5:28 pm

Jesse wrote:
I know. It's a hack. :)

A better way for the future could be paging the document to disk. You need some abstraction in there to do this in a simple manner, but it should be quite doable. Slow, but at least robust :)

#139849 - kprojekt - Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:43 pm

The latest issue of has mention of Colors along with the Cat image by Mattias Snygg.

If anyone is interested pick up a copy at your local magazine store.

Congrats Jens

#139854 - Jesse - Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:05 pm

kprojekt wrote:
The latest issue of has mention of Colors along with the Cat image by Mattias Snygg.

Yay! I didn't know anything about that. That's pretty cool! :)
Thanks for the info!

#139855 - Jesse - Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:22 pm

I've been pretty quiet for a while so I owe you guys an update.

v1.06 is coming along slowly, but if we are lucky it will be released late this week. As I mentioned earlier, improvements to the precision is one of the big things and I think I'm happy with the result I have now. Pressure Controls Size is also in there and seems to work nicely. I'm currently working closely with Ernst to update the UI for the new features, which also includes an even sharper look. Another big feature I've come a long way on is the Send To Email functionality. By using this you can send your drawing directly to an e-mail address, which is a simple way to extract your paintings from Colors! or to send birthday cards to your friends. I'm not completely sure yet, but I think that will make into v1.06 as the first step of the online functionality. One of the neat things about that is that it is based on the .drw format, so it's repainted on the server in higher resolution before it's sent (1024x768). I still haven't fixed the MORE SAVE SLOTS!!! request, but I probably couldn't get away with releasing another version without doing something about it so I plan to have that fixed as well. :)

Thanks for all the feedback, support and paintings that makes this project so much fun!

#139858 - dy - Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:37 pm

wow Mixtape is good. I fell in love with this one!

keep up the good work jesse!

#139864 - muchachotron - Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:15 am

sounds great, can't wait for 1.06!

one question, will older (1.05 or even earlier, though i started with 1.05) files be able to be opened/played back/drawn upon further in 1.06?

#139865 - Shtroodle - Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:17 am

Some cool features coming up Jesse - looking forward to the new version.

#139871 - - Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:25 am

I was reading on that they needed a user interface, the topic got some reference to Colors! and I've tried the homebrew, it's fun but so ugly I just had to get creative. Apperantly I was a few hours too late since another kid was already ahead of it (and doing a good job at it, I think). Of course I didn't want to copy / paste from Colors, I just wanted to have fun with a interface Mario Paint style. I'll just leave it alone now -( But I am looking for a new project to do though, since the state of v1.06 allows it :) )
Just needed to mention this.

btw pix of Mixtape, really impressive indeed!!
Too bad I don't speak french
Is Mixtape coping Benjamin or are they the same?

#139896 - melw - Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:57 am

Jesse wrote:
Pressure Controls Size is also in there and seems to work nicely.

Btw. hopefully this feature will be optional? I had a talk with a graphics artist who uses Wacom & Photoshop daily and he said the v1.05 was already almost perfect and when I mentioned about this forthcoming update he would've rather use Colors like it already is.

#139897 - jetboy - Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:38 am wrote:
Is Mixtape coping Benjamin or are they the same?

reading coments:

By Mixtape (Original design from Benjamin "ORANGE")

It seems that they are just repainted on DS by Mixtape.

I love them too :)

melw wrote:
Btw. hopefully this feature will be optional?

As far as i understand it, there will be option to chose 1. pressure controls opacity, 2. presure controls size 3. pressure has no effect.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#139898 - Jesse - Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:24 am

muchachotron wrote:
one question, will older (1.05 or even earlier, though i started with 1.05) files be able to be opened/played back/drawn upon further in 1.06?

Yes. Colors! is backwards compatible all the way back to 1.00. Old paintings may look slightly different when being repainted though, but it's usually only for the better. :)

#139899 - Jesse - Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:25 am

melw wrote:
Jesse wrote:
Pressure Controls Size is also in there and seems to work nicely.

Btw. hopefully this feature will be optional? I had a talk with a graphics artist who uses Wacom & Photoshop daily and he said the v1.05 was already almost perfect and when I mentioned about this forthcoming update he would've rather use Colors like it already is.

Yes. It's definitly optional.

#139901 - adamrgolf - Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:47 am

Jesse wrote:
I still haven't fixed the MORE SAVE SLOTS!!! request, but I probably couldn't get away with releasing another version without doing something about it so I plan to have that fixed as well. :)

It may have been mentioned/considered before but how about having the COLORS directory that saves are stored in created wherever the colors.nds file is instead of the root direcoty?

#139902 - jetboy - Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:03 pm

adamrgolf wrote:
It may have been mentioned/considered before but how about having the COLORS directory that saves are stored in created wherever the colors.nds file is instead of the root direcoty?

That is not possible yet. Homebrew program "does not know" form where it was launched.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#139903 - adamrgolf - Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:08 pm

wow thanks for the quick reply :)

I just thought of something else as well, when a drawing is being played back the touch screen is just white until the playback is finished. I'm not sure how complicated this would be, but I'll just throw it out there, would be at all possible to display a graphical (perhaps bar) or numerical percentage of how much of the playback has been completed? I only thought of this while watching the playback on a really detailed drawing and I kept wondering when it was going to be done and how far along it was. If this is a crazy nonsense idea just point your finger and laugh at me ;) but like I said, I just thought I'd throw it out here.

Thanks for listening :P


#139904 - adamrgolf - Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:24 pm

jetboy wrote:
adamrgolf wrote:
It may have been mentioned/considered before but how about having the COLORS directory that saves are stored in created wherever the colors.nds file is instead of the root direcoty?

That is not possible yet. Homebrew program "does not know" form where it was launched.

I know it's not very practical, but lemmingsds uses a config (.txt) file that is put in the root directory that tells where the nds file is located, I guess this could always be an option and then perhaps if that file didn't exist then just assume that the colors folder is located in the root directory.

Lemmings DS Directory
/Other Games/LemmingsDS

#139914 - JLsoft - Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:31 pm

...or use something like to scan for the executable's location, or a \Colors dir

#140041 - kprojekt - Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:16 am

Imagine using this with colors, now thats something I'd love to own. Poormans Cintiq

#140048 - masscat - Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:00 am

I have updated the Java .drw file renderer with the drawing code that Jens sent me. It is not perfect yet but it is much closer to the Colors! render.

The playback is a bit stuttering at the moment as a frame consists of the any command rather than just the end stroke commands.

Test page here

The JAR file

#140076 - Jesse - Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:33 am

masscat wrote:
I have updated the Java .drw file renderer with the drawing code that Jens sent me. It is not perfect yet but it is much closer to the Colors! render.

Very cool! I would love to have this integrated into the gallery.

#140078 - masscat - Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:18 pm

Jesse wrote:
masscat wrote:
I have updated the Java .drw file renderer with the drawing code that Jens sent me. It is not perfect yet but it is much closer to the Colors! render.

Very cool! I would love to have this integrated into the gallery.

I am happy for jetboy to put this into the gallery.

There is currently a problem with my soft brush which means pictures which use it a lot, like fishies, do not get rendered very well. I will look into this.

The stuttering playback is an easy fix. It was getting late last night so I did not do it.

#140085 - jetboy - Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:22 pm

masscat wrote:
I am happy for jetboy to put this into the gallery.

I put it on for test purposes (go into the details of the picture), but it needs alot of tweaking yet.
1. It does not blend into the page well (i wont bother untill i'm done with new functionality of the gallery).
2. Its extremly slow, and does not refresh right if you alt+tab.
3. It only draw to some point on the time line. So only like 1/3 or even less of the drw is being drawn.

I would be glad if you would sent me updated versions, so i could put it online asap. Good job, Masscat!
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140087 - masscat - Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:52 pm

jetboy wrote:
masscat wrote:
I am happy for jetboy to put this into the gallery.

I put it on for test purposes (go into the details of the picture), but it needs alot of tweaking yet.
1. It does not blend into the page well (i wont bother untill i'm done with new functionality of the gallery).
2. Its extremly slow, and does not refresh right if you alt+tab.
3. It only draw to some point on the time line. So only like 1/3 or even less of the drw is being drawn.

I would be glad if you would sent me updated versions, so i could put it online asap. Good job, Masscat!

That was quick :)

I had a look at the code and the download of the .drw file can bugger up hence the 1/3 of the picture being drawn.

I will fix this and the stuttering playback and look into the alt+tab behaviour.

Jetboy, I will email you the updates directly.

#140097 - jetboy - Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:53 pm

I brought the preview down, until i get new version.
It is just wasting bandwith now.

edit: new version is up and running. Thank you Masscat!

It may not be pixel perfect of what DS produce, but at least it gives you idea how the image was painted. And its blazing fast compared to DS :)
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140212 - muchachotron - Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:25 am

the java renderer seems to work well. i'm using safari 2.0.4 on os 10.4.10, and i think the latest version of java for my os/browser.

it seems to be slightly more aliased than the png, but that might just be from the conversion into the png bitmap file that is displayed on the webpage against the final .drw playback frame.

good job everybody! lots of talent interweaving here. like a talent basket. a talent picnic basket.

#140214 - jetboy - Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:35 am

muchachotron wrote:
it seems to be slightly more aliased than the png, but that might just be from the conversion into the png bitmap file that is displayed on the webpage against the final .drw playback frame.

That's not the case.
Actually, PNG is nondestructive file format, so it does not do any preprocessing while being written, and does not change any pixel, not a bit.
However pictures you see on the page, are not PNG, but JPG which degrade pictures slightly, but on the other hand are a couple times smaller (load faster and consume less bandwidth).
You can still save/see original PNG if you wish, so worry not.
BUT the difference between original Colors paintings and those produced by the Java applet, are caused by other drawing alghoritms in Colors and in Masscat's applet. The main difference is that Masscat's algorithm does not use soft brushes, and soft edges (YET).

edit: Masscat and Jesse, it seems problem with my mail has been solved, and you should be able to contact me normaly now.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140244 - muchachotron - Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:04 pm

thanks for the info. of course its a jpg on the page, not a png. stupid, horrible, filthy me.

the aliasing around the brush strokes in playback mode also shows up somewhat within the colors app on the ds, for me. if i'm playing back a drawing, and i compare it in the later stages of playback to the finished drawing shown in the other screen (whether that is the png that is shown or some sort of post-processed or otherwise "finalized" version of the .drw file, i don't know), i notice a little bit more jagginess and hard edges in the playback drawing image. it's only a slight difference, mind you, but it is present. it seemed to be more visible on longer drawings, perhaps some sort of memory issue? if the png is a perfect facsimile of the final stage of the rendered .drw (maybe that's not the case, perhaps there is another pass to get the final render before saving as a png), why would there be this difference?

maybe it's just an unavoidable aspect of the renderer.

just reporting, not criticizing y'all.

#140249 - Jesse - Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:37 pm

muchachotron wrote:
the aliasing around the brush strokes in playback mode also shows up somewhat within the colors app on the ds, for me.

That is strange. You could see some changes in the final image if you playback a painting done in another version, but other than that I know of nothing that could cause that. Anyway, v1.06 will be a lot nicer in this aspect. :)

#140250 - Jesse - Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:40 pm

Progress have been awsome the last two days which means that v1.06 is reaching release state. I wanted to share with you what probably is the final list of major changes for v1.06:

* Major precision overhaul
* Opacity slider in brush-screen
* Pressure-Controls-Opacity option in brush-screen
* New user-interface with graphics by Ernst
* Playback controls with the option to continue painting from mid-playback
* The possibility to send your painting directly to an e-mail address
* Unlimited save slots
* One additional zoom-level

I would guess that v1.06 is ready for release early next week. I'm starting to grow really proud of this puppy... :)

#140263 - muchachotron - Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:32 pm

no pressure-controls-brush size in 1.06?

#140269 - moket - Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:14 pm

Definitely looking forward to the new version with accurate precision ( despite the fact I found Colors! quite precise aldready ) and the infinite saves, no more renaming thru another software.
The mail thing is great too.
you can be proud Jesse !

#140272 - Joaqo - Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:51 pm

* Unlimited save slots

OMG ∞ SAVE SLOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#140280 - tepples - Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:16 am

I thought it already had 8 save slots. What makes 8 save slots turned on their side different? :-)
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#140291 - Joaqo - Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:25 am

I really wanted unlimited save slots. And about the last post...
It would be interesting to write sideways but it would be too limited... the only thing I could write would be

H ∞ >
I 8 U


#140321 - dark nowhere - Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:56 am

About undo. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this (I didn't see it) but as an alternative to wasting memory by using a traditional method, couldn't you just commit the last stroke to the image only after the next stroke is begun? It seems like you do that anyway to an extent -- the top screen doesn't update until you lift the stylus. It would give you an opportunity between strokes for a single level of undo.

If my guess is right, you can probably juggle a few things around and use roughly the same amount of memory. Maybe I'm being ignorant of the amount required to record a single stroke in the first place, but the playback feature seems to indicate that it's small.

Anyway, I love this app. I'd pay for it if I had to.

#140328 - - Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:49 am

muchachotron wrote:
no pressure-controls-brush size in 1.06?

I don't speak for Jesse, so I'll just quote him :)
On his 'major changes list' third point should say brush-zise instead of already implemented pressure-controls-opacity
Jesse wrote:
..Pressure Controls Size is also in there and seems to work nicely....

#140339 - Jesse - Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:57 pm wrote:
muchachotron wrote:
no pressure-controls-brush size in 1.06?

I don't speak for Jesse, so I'll just quote him :)
On his 'major changes list' third point should say brush-zise instead of already implemented pressure-controls-opacity

Yes. My mistake. It should say Pressure-Controls-Brushsize. I guess it wasn't the final list after all. :)

#140366 - jetboy - Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:55 pm

I'm doing update today.
First part is up and i need a break.

Now you can register, and you have to do it to add pictures.
Pictures have author id connected to them since now,
and it will matter after next push.

I'm going for a walk and i ll continue adding features as i come back.
I ll keep you updated.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140374 - jetboy - Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:16 pm

Now you can see all pictures by the same author. The only problem is pictures are not linked. For it to really work authors would need to register and tell me which pictures i should link to them. There is almost 700 pictures now, so i really need your help with linking.

Digg it mechanism is half in place, however it is not working yet, please be patient.

I'm tired, so i will take some rest. Good thing is that the most of the core stuff is already done, so hopefully i will add some more features tommorow.

Comments are next...
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140375 - jetboy - Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:30 pm

mkt & madwurmz: i'm already linking all those pictures i'm sure that were made by you, i also PM you with new passwords.

Seems there was a problem with passwords.
I fixed it, and sent all people who were struck by it new password to the registered emails. Sorry for the inconvininece - it should be working fine from now on.

lol... 3 hours later and still working... ok - that's it. I'm going to sleep. C U tomorow.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140423 - jetboy - Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:18 am

Registered users can leave comments now.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140471 - jetboy - Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:47 pm

Digg it feature is working.
That means you can click "digg it!" link on pictures to both add vote on them and add them to your favorites.

At the moment there is no presentation of the votes nor favorites yet, but the data is being collected, and will matter when peresentation gets implemented. Rating system and first column on main page will depend on how many diggs images got.

Sorry for spamming and lame english (i'm tired).
Colors! gallery ->
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#140473 - Jesse - Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:06 pm

I for one don't consider these awsome updates spam. :)

Wonderful work Jetboy!

#140477 - jetboy - Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:59 pm

There is now ranking page implemented. As for now the list is pretty strange, but it would make more sense when more people start digging their favorite pictures.

I hoped i will manage to add more features during this weekend, but i'm done for now. I think i got all the most important mechanisms in place, so adding new features should be easier for me now. I will be slowly adding them as time allows me.

I'm glad i got digg it, logging and comments features before 1.06 got released.

I still need help from all of you
-If you are an author and you posted some pictures before update, please register, and send me pm telling which images should be linked to your account (links or just id's will do).
-If you are an author, or just a visitor - please register and vote (digg it) for your favorite pictures.
Thank you all for support.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140480 - masscat - Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:38 pm

There is an updated version of the Java application/applet available.


Fix for the soft brush (managed to miss out a shift in my copy and pasting).
Smooth per stroke playback.
Pressing play whilst at the end of a drawing will start the playback at the beginning.

I have sent jetboy a copy so it should appear in the gallery.

Things I will add soon:
Ability to rotate the canvas +/- 90 degrees.
Slicker interface for the applet.
On going effort to be pixel perfect with Colors! on the DS.

PS Jetboy, is there a way for a person, i.e. me, to retreive the password they used to register on the Gallery but then managed to forget not more than a few hours later.
EDIT: remembered my password, but is there a way to recover passwords in case to future forgetfulness?

Last edited by masscat on Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

#140481 - jetboy - Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:40 pm

I was about to go to sleep when i got new applet form Masscat.
Now the soft brush is fixed and the applet blends better into the page.
With fixed brush its almost pixel perfect!

Thank you Masscat!
btw. could you please explain to the guys how to make sure their browser updates java class? thanks again.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140487 - masscat - Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:25 pm

jetboy wrote:
btw. could you please explain to the guys how to make sure their browser updates java class? thanks again.

In order for you to pick up the newest version of the Java applet from the Colors Gallery you may need to clear the class cache of your Java runtime.

First of all you may already have the latest version. The applet displays its version just above the "Download .drw file" button. The current version as of this posting is "test version 20070916". If this version is displayed then you do not have to do anything and can happily use the applet.

If the version has an earlier date then you will have to clear the class cache.
On Windows a Java icon should appear in the botton right corner of your screen (the area of the screen that displays the time) whilst you are on a page which contains the Java applet. Right click this icon and select "Open Console" from the menu that appears. When it appears, type 'x' in the Java console. The console should display something like "Clear classloader cache ... completed.", indicating the cache has been cleared. Refreshing the Gallery page should now cause the latest version of the applet to download.
If the above does not work for you then repeat it but before refeshing the Gallery page clear your Web browser's cache too.

#140499 - dantheman - Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:17 pm

The new rendering applet is incredibly accurate, excellent job masscat. Looking forward to the next version of Colors.

#140541 - LiteDS - Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:49 am

Hello Jetboy

Thanks for devoting time on improving your gallery!

If this is not too much to ask...

Could you add an edit function for personal infos in your gallery?.

Wii will Win

#140543 - jetboy - Mon Sep 17, 2007 10:03 am

LiteDS wrote:
Hello Jetboy

Thanks for devoting time on improving your gallery!

If this is not too much to ask...

Could you add an edit function for personal infos in your gallery?.


My todo list is one mile long, and this feature is on it :)
I have very limited time durring the week, so dont expect it done before saturday.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140544 - LiteDS - Mon Sep 17, 2007 10:05 am

jetboy wrote:
LiteDS wrote:
Hello Jetboy

Thanks for devoting time on improving your gallery!

If this is not too much to ask...

Could you add an edit function for personal infos in your gallery?.


My todo list is one mile long, and this feature is on it :)
I have very limited time durring the week, so dont expect it done before saturday.

yes thank you.
it is okay i will wait for it!
Wii will Win

#140548 - dy - Mon Sep 17, 2007 10:28 am

Great work on the gallery! By the way think its possible to place a Remember me function? Thanks!

#140576 - jetboy - Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:20 pm

dy wrote:
Great work on the gallery! By the way think its possible to place a Remember me function? Thanks!


-"Remember me" is up and running :)
-I ve changed "Digg it!" into "I like it!"
-Done some minor tweaks here and there.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140589 - dy - Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:12 pm

yay! thanks!

#140592 - kusma - Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:54 pm

We love you, Jetboy!

#140603 - XThe-R-ManX - Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:09 am

hey ill download this once i get off of work and try out the new.

ill give u a review when im done.

i would do it now but im in the middle of writing about 20 game reviews.

God i hate my job but the pay is so so good.

ps. anyone know where i can get some homebrew apps. like
i was thinking of getting into this ive played so many and i would like to create some of my own that would be usefull or improve on others.
The wind blows, The moon howels, But atlas we must turn to the GOD BOX!

Check This Out

#140654 - jetboy - Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:13 pm <- is that cheated picture?
and it got so many stars...
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140657 - - Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:23 pm

jetboy wrote: <- is that cheated picture?

Yeah now that you mention it.. I wonder why he choice that picture, I mean with that trick you can copy anything :)

But isn't Mixtape sort of cheating also? I mean "Original design from Benjamin "ORANGE" He just made me aware of a great artist (being Benjamin) .. I don't like the idea of Mixtape just coping someone's art..

#140658 - jetboy - Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:44 pm

I dont have a problem with someone repainting some other picture. It is excelent way to train technique. Most of "the art" is copying nature.

Of course original works are more valuable than copies.

At least Mixtape copied it himself. And he didnt pretended that it was his design - he wast honest enough to say what was his inspiration.

Good copying is value to me, because i cannot do it myself, even, if i wanted to. And the value is in choosing what to copy too.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140661 - - Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:50 pm

jetboy wrote:
I dont have a problem with someone repainting some other picture. It is excelent way to train technique. Most of "the art" is copying nature.

Of course original works are more valuable than copies.

At least Mixtape copied it himself. And he didnt pretended that it was his design - he wast honest enough to say what was his inspiration.

Good copying is value to me, because i cannot do it myself, even, if i wanted to. And the value is in choosing what to copy too.

Okay I sort of think the same, still I wouldn't call it 'inspiration' ..

#140663 - jetboy - Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:04 pm wrote:
Okay I sort of think the same, still I wouldn't call it 'inspiration' ..

My english is quite limited when it comes to the words about art. I was not able to find the proper phrase. Yes. Inspiration is definitely not the best word here :)

At lest its not scaled naked picture of Lucy Liu :) There was a week i was keeping deleting it, and somebody was keeping posting it :)
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140665 - muchachotron - Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:23 pm

hi jetboy, gallery is looking great. i have a suggestion - could you please add a "favorites" feature"

i'm thinking that registered users could have a little "add to favorites" check box or button or whatever when viewing the details of an image, and if selected it would add it to a mini-gallery in that registerd user's details page. this favorites section should be able to grow, or perhaps span multiple pages or something. i'd just like to somehow mark my favorite images/artists so i don't need to wade through the entire gallery each time to find them.

what other navigation/filtering features do you think you might be adding to the gallery? searching by name, or from a list of names, could be useful.

#140668 - dark nowhere - Wed Sep 19, 2007 12:03 am

jetboy wrote: <- is that cheated picture?
and it got so many stars...

I think it's okay to do that (good for practicing colouring techniques.) Although I wouldn't post that stuff to the gallery. Maybe you should give people a bonus to their rank for including a .drw file for this reason. ;)


#140673 - kprojekt - Wed Sep 19, 2007 12:42 am

If you paint over an image its not really practice. Although in the industry a lot of people will paint over images, but that is more of a way to speed up the process. Practice in my opinion would be to use reference and try to paint an image from that. ;)

#140676 - LiteDS - Wed Sep 19, 2007 1:35 am

Should you lock the suspicious artwork Jetboy?

Maybe you should add a rule? Something like NO tracing artworks?

This kind of stuff needs a debate if it should be allowed or not.

A Little off topic...
I Just noticed my Snow Goddess got so many stars. thanks everyone! I'm working on another girl now i am really motivated.
Wii will Win

#140677 - Jesse - Wed Sep 19, 2007 1:44 am

Colors! v1.06 is currently undergoing testing and will most probably be released tomorrow afternoon (central european time).

Till then!

#140680 - muchachotron - Wed Sep 19, 2007 2:07 am

if y'all are concerned that people tracing images is going to skew the ranking system, there are a lot of other ways for that system to be abused as well. there are also plenty of ways to post artwork on the gallery or even make a drawing in Colors that are not "pure".

many of you can just take pride in the fact that you are already a kick ass visual artist and have already payed whatever dues were necessary for you to get there. if you are trying to learn something, tracing can be very useful - the way light falls on an object, difficult perspective, etc. can certainly be learned from tracing or from studying a photo or situation.

i'm happy that i can work from my imagination, but i know that my traditional painting abilities are nowhere near some of the still life work i've seen on the gallery. i don't have a problem with those artists painting what they see (rather than being a bit jealous of their skills), it's just not my bag. nobody is winning any money or prizes for their Colors work on this gallery - it's basically a digital sketchbook with which to do whatever one wishes. i expect a lot of experimental work as Colors reaches more and more people.

relax, everybody! and don't copy my stuff :)

(btw, LiteDS, did you come up with that big eyes/small mouth/blue hair/big boobs cartoon look all by yourself? glass houses, dude - all that i'm sayin' ;) )

#140682 - LiteDS - Wed Sep 19, 2007 2:30 am

I know that my art style is not original and almost everyone out there uses it.

but as you can see i do not talk about what the style of the artist uses, what i am talking about is what kind of drawing procedure the artist used.

I do not claim that my art style is original but i take pride from drawing something that came out from my mind. All of my artworks are original (no my style is not original but everything that i compose there is original)

Being an artist(a generic word) for so many years now, tracing in my opinion is a good way to practice, but as you can see is an art gallery.

So why am i pointing the obvious? It is because an art gallery is where you should post the finest artworks you have and not something that has been used as a practice material if that was the real intention of the artist that is being accused or he really intend to cheat.

I hope everything would be clear now. I am sorry if this is a wall of text but i just need to make my side clear.

Also do not forget that i said "this kind of stuff needs a debate if it should be allowed or not".

I am just asking questions there I did not directly say that it is illegal.

thank you for understanding
Wii will Win

#140686 - moket - Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:17 am

1.6 ! now, I MUST finish my work before tomorow ^^ .
lots of different styles and techniques on the gallery.Definetely a good thing for inspiration !!

#140694 - dark nowhere - Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:45 am

muchachotron wrote:
if y'all are concerned that people tracing images is going to skew the ranking system, there are a lot of other ways for that system to be abused as well. there are also plenty of ways to post artwork on the gallery or even make a drawing in Colors that are not "pure".

I'm inclined to agree. My earlier comment was made tongue in cheek mostly. I still do think it's a good idea to give people incentive to post .drw files for the obvious variety of reasons.

But people copy stuff all the time. The Orange stuff, for example is worthy of imitation, and any one who can do it well still deserves props. I don't think we're going to see rampant abuse here, 'cause what's the gain? It's not like prizes are being handed out. I'm not up to posting 'cause my skills went down the tubes years ago, but Colors is convenient enough that I'm getting much needed practice (if only it had a built-in mp3 player or .mod player... j/k, Jesse.)

Ok, I've gone off on a tangent, time to shutup.

#140696 - adamrgolf - Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:43 am

Jesse wrote:
Colors! v1.06 is currently undergoing testing and will most probably be released tomorrow afternoon (central european time).

Till then!

Great news, I can't wait! :)

#140697 - jetboy - Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:23 am

muchachotron wrote:
hi jetboy, gallery is looking great. i have a suggestion - could you please add a "favorites" feature"

You already pick your favorites by giving stars to them.
The mechanism is already there since you could "digg it", later renamed to "like it", but there is no presentation for that yet.

what other navigation/filtering features do you think you might be adding to the gallery? searching by name, or from a list of names, could be useful.

I'm thinking about a lot of stuff. Searching is not at the top.


As for the rules, i think there are 2:

1. Pictures has to be done 100% in colors.
2. They shouldnt be offensive.

I know the 2nd ruling is debatable, mainly because of the lack of "offensive" definition.

I guess i would need to write the rules on the page somewhere.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140698 - adamrgolf - Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:36 am

jetboy wrote:

As for the rules, i think there are 2:

1. Pictures has to be done 100% in colors.
2. They shouldnt be offensive.

I know the 2nd ruling is debatable, mainly because of the lack of "offensive" definition.

I guess i would need to write the rules on the page somewhere.

Just curious, how come the "This picture may offend" link doesn't show up for all pictures, only a few?

Screen shot: [Images not permitted - Click here to view it]

#140699 - muchachotron - Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:44 am

dark nowhere wrote:
I still do think it's a good idea to give people incentive to post .drw files for the obvious variety of reasons.

yes, i think that's a great proving grounds. also, i've seen some very nice work in the gallery from what look like trained, traditional media painters. this is great for me because i don't have much background in oils, and i can learn from their additive process which would be similar on a real canvas - no malleable layers, no undos. of course, there are no blending or real color mixing tools in Colors (not a complaint, mind you!), so it's not just like using real paint media.

dark nowhere wrote:
(if only it had a built-in mp3 player or .mod player... j/k, Jesse.)

i've been wishing for that since i started using Colors! i'm sure there are plenty of reasons that it wouldn't be a practical idea, but it would be splendid to have one available.

LiteDS, i was just weakly trying to nail down my point. Your drawings are well done, i have no disrespect for that style.

I'll bet there are kids under 10 years old posting stuff to that gallery that don't even know this thread exists or have much scruples about their artistic integrity just yet. older kids and adults with that attitude, too. those goddamned, stoned reprobates, probably not giving much thought to their careers or producing their finest works for the gallery.

#140702 - dark nowhere - Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:44 am

muchachotron wrote:
dark nowhere wrote:
(if only it had a built-in mp3 player or .mod player... j/k, Jesse.)

i've been wishing for that since i started using Colors! i'm sure there are plenty of reasons that it wouldn't be a practical idea, but it would be splendid to have one available.

Yup. Well music gave me the patience to draw back when I was doing that sort of thing, and it gives me the patience to do the things I do now (writing, coding, sucking at 3d modeling, etc.) and I'd love to have the same box that makes it convenient to art at random provide the tunes to keep me focussed, but the DS can barely handle playing mp3s effectively, doing that while drawing would probably make it unresponsive, and who knows what the memory requirements would be. I think .mod playing would be more realistic but less generally appealing, not to mention the fact that it would complicate the app considerably.

OTOH, I have an mp3 player that I bring whenever I go too far so it usually works out.

#140703 - cornaljoe - Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:49 am

Nice work Jesse! Can't wait for the update.

#140704 - jetboy - Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:04 am

adamrgolf wrote:

Just curious, how come the "This picture may offend" link doesn't show up for all pictures, only a few?

When pictures are added they have this link untill someone of the admins aproves it. Once approved it does not need that link anymore.

W have planned more spohisticated system already, but it's not implemented yet - and its pretty low on my to do list.
Colors! gallery ->
Any questions? Try first, or official forums

#140705 - adamrgolf - Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:06 am

jetboy wrote:
When pictures are added they have this link untill someone of the admins aproves it. Once approved it does not need that link anymore.

This makes sense :) Thanks for the reply

#140708 - dy - Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:17 am

Jesse wrote:
Colors! v1.06 is currently undergoing testing and will most probably be released tomorrow afternoon (central european time).

Till then!


Oh yeah id love to see Colors! have an mp3 player function! Thats something ive really wanted for a long time too, but it might just take up to much of the DS's processing memory. But as we Filipinos would say "libreng mangarap!" which translated means, hoping/dreaming is free.

#140724 - Jesse - Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:24 pm

v1.06 released