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DS homebrew announcements > JNKPlat : Platdude Turns on Xmas

#147639 - Jayenkai - Tue Dec 25, 2007 12:58 am

The Story
Platdude found himself having to traverse some levels. Within each level were a set of Xmas trees, and he found that if he turned all of the Xmas tree lights on, he could get out the door. It's a rubbish story, but hey, what d'you expect!?

The Controls
DPad to move, A and Y to jump, B to grab. Just like last year.

The Levels
There are 9 Xmas themed levels to play through.
Tap B on the title screen to play last year's 12 levels.

The Download
JNKPlat 0.2

The More
Having attempted 3 or 4 "Bigger/Bolder/Better" JNKPlat versions, I inevitably came to the conclusion that the old one was good enough. Now that I've figured that out, I might as well keep building on it, and see where we get.
Expect to see more JNKPlat levels in the future.
A Game A

#147644 - Markzilla - Tue Dec 25, 2007 5:45 am

Awesome! Can't wait to try this.