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DS homebrew announcements > HMM based drawing recognition

#148187 - rhaegar - Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:51 pm

A while back there was this discussion on doing essentially handwriting recognition. I've since rigged up a test demo though it didnt work. Had a look at it today and found the bug (forgot to add a 1). Works now, so here it is. Sorry about the crappy link, dont have anywhere else to put it.

It'll try to recognise all the english lowercase single stroke characters. It'll also do f (without the horizontal dash) and j (without the dot). Accuracy is alright. Some letters will work really well (like m), while others will almost always get confused as another (d will either be recognised as a or q). The system is trained with my handwriting only, so some of you might have trouble getting it working properly. It uses angles, so keep your writing neat and upright.

I plan on releasing the recognition library and the training tools once i clean it all up, though I'll be quite busy throughout the next few months so dont expect anything soon :(