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DS homebrew announcements > Valentines Day Ap I wrote for my girlfriend

#151072 - zajako - Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:13 am

I put this in the root on her ds, so she had to see it :P

Anyways, the controls are simple,

control pad = move hearts
Touch screen = restart song

Its very simple, but I've maybe spent 4-5 days worth of time learning to program for the ds, so some of the code may look familar to some of the demos around, however trying to blend what I learned proved to be a pain :P

Anyways, I went from knowing PHP to programming this in less than 5 days time, and if someone wants to change the image, and use the source for their loved one, have at it :)

#151074 - strongesthylian - Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:53 am

You can keep tapping the touch screen for a comical effect.
Impressive job!
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#151076 - Darkflame - Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:12 pm

Glade to see I'm not the only one giving my girlfriend techy gifts.

I got my girlfriend an augmented reality valintine card :p
(When she held it to my webcam you see a 3d heart)
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#151093 - zajako - Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:57 pm

I just added some bug fixes and new features :P

A adds another heart to the screen
B removes a heart from the screen

I also fixed a few bugs with vertical heart movement.

Also if you remove the hearts, it leaves old hearts on the screen, I could have cleared them, but I left it this way, because if you remove it down to 1 heart, it is a mini game of clear the hearts, with the remaining heart being moved around by the cursor, and as it runs over pixels, it clears them :P

I updated the original Archive file.