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DS homebrew announcements > [NDS] Negative Space

#152658 - Kojote - Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:46 am

Here is Negative Space for the recently held PDRoms Coding Competition (PDRC) #3.99 - - sponsored by Superfighter Team ( ), CSW Verlag ( ), Mindcandy DVD ( ) and PDRoms. This entry has been submitted by Mia.

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Negative Space is a homebrew puzzle/platform game for the NDS, based on the concept of negative space.

The whole game contains only two colors: black and white. The player controls two 'blob' characters: the white blob moves in the black space, and the black blob in the white space. That's why, empty space for one blob represents solid ground and walls for the other.

The aim of the game is for each blob to capture its corresponding flag. In order to do so, the player can draw directly on the touch screen in black or white and thus modify the levels and create new paths and platforms. But keep in mind that a new path for one blob means new walls for the other!

PDRoms - Retroguru - Giana's Return - Speckdrumm

#152660 - inthearmsofsleep - Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:49 am

Whoa, I like the concept. Downloading now.
Edit: Just beat level one. It took a while for me to understand how to play, I suggest you add an instructions page before the first level. I liked the quote at the beginning even though it was a little hard to read because of the font... but this is a great game. I don't understand why the "ink" runs out so fast, though.
Edit #2: Nevermind, the ink is enough. It's just a matter of being smart with it to pass the levels. And BTW, the level design is genius.

#152668 - garethfc - Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:21 am

it's great
is it going to be developed? I hope so
the concept would be great even for a "Worms"

I'm in level "?"
no idea

Last edited by garethfc on Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

#152669 - inthearmsofsleep - Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:22 am

Well, I got to level ? "This level is possible, this is not the end."
Is it really possible? I don't see any flags and there's no way to paint, so what's left to do?
Also, is there a way to save..or does it just save by itself... or not save at all?

#152674 - asiekierka - Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:42 am

This concept was already made, but a game based on it is hella awesome.
I remember a page and it's goal was to make 300 game concepts. The first of them was this, the second of them was adding a "grey space", either as a block for both or a space for both.

#152728 - Flam - Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:54 am

I'm on level 6 now. This game is AWESOME. And I love the music :)

Ok got to lvl 12 and now im done.
Awesome game. Had to resort to cheating a few times x.x (Using a save state trick I discovered)

Last edited by Flam on Thu Mar 20, 2008 4:28 am; edited 1 time in total

#152730 - nanou - Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:19 am

I love the music too, and have since about 1994... not sure how I feel about that one.
- nanou

#152763 - Darkflame - Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:28 pm

Good stuff.
Dunno, a few of these games seem to have sprung up in the last year;

Not saying copying was done, or even its wrong if it was.
Just curious how sometimes one idea catchs on and everyone does their own variation.
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#152816 - LlamaJuice - Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:47 am

and yet they all play so differently... <3'd shift.. and this kept me entertained as well until that evil level # "?"