#165149 - UnplayedNamer - Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:34 pm
This is based on some code I wrote over a year ago, I decided to polish it a bit and release it as a small tool.
It should run on most slot 1 cards with DLDI support and allows to dump and restore savegames from a GBA game in slot 2 to/from a file on the slot 1 card.
Dump and restore should work with Flash and SRAM, however, EEPROM isn't supported (yet).
I've tested it with all my games and it works fine but it still needs more testing (for examlpe restoring on flash with 'bad' blocks will probably hang the program)
It should run on most slot 1 cards with DLDI support and allows to dump and restore savegames from a GBA game in slot 2 to/from a file on the slot 1 card.
Dump and restore should work with Flash and SRAM, however, EEPROM isn't supported (yet).
I've tested it with all my games and it works fine but it still needs more testing (for examlpe restoring on flash with 'bad' blocks will probably hang the program)