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DS homebrew announcements > tapSpeedTest app -- how fast can you tap?

#171456 - Ant6n - Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:20 am

Hi all,

for a class project in machine learning I want to create a model on how fast an average (trained) user can tap up a given button combination.
To collect data I create this little application which records typing speed.

This tool prompts you to tap button combinations and records the speed. It gives you multiple attempts, so that you can get your thumbs to be as fast as possible. It then uploads the data to my server via wifi and prints some stats in comparison to other users. So you get to know how fast your thumbs are compared to others.

These are some example stats that you get when tapping up a sample of sequences and submit them online:


-- Time to record sequence --
your average (ms):      1575.14
average of all users:   1092.48
mode of all users:      1001.38

-- Taps per minute --
your average (tpm):      190.46
average of all users:    274.60
mode of all users:       299.59

your percentile rank:     20.00
your 'tapping IQ':        87.38

total number of submissions:

The percentile rank says how many users's averages are slower than yours. The 'tapping IQ' is the position on a bell curve if we map all users' averages onto a normal distribution with mean 100 and standard deviation 15 (i.e. like a modern IQ test).

you can submit either via wifi directly, or you can take store your recording on your fat card, and submit it online at Please don't submit data from emulators (unless you use the desmume 'yopyop' username which i can filter out later).

You can find the app at

[Images not permitted - Click here to view it]
[Images not permitted - Click here to view it]

Try it out!


EDIT: in retrospect, I should've put 'DS...' in the title ;-)

Last edited by Ant6n on Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:13 am; edited 1 time in total

#171473 - Ant6n - Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:50 am

Thanks to the one person who tried it out ;-). would be cool to get some more data from people acquainted with the device though, since most of my friends don't know the DS and sort of suck.
The ultimate goal would be to be able to rate the difficulty of complicated button combinations used in games (e.g. guitar hero), or to optimize the layout of a possible DS chorded keyboard (

#171474 - Lazy1 - Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:55 am


Currently you need a wifi connection.

That is the only thing stopping me.
Couldn't you allow results to be saved on a flash cart which could be uploaded later from a computer?

I realize you would need to have something to ensure the data is not tampered with though but it would really increase the amount of testers available.

#171475 - Ant6n - Sun Nov 22, 2009 2:10 am

Ok, cool. I can do that :)

#171484 - Ant6n - Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:15 am

The program now stores a *.cbrc file which is the recording compressed. This can be submitted at the link above.

#171486 - Lazy1 - Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:38 am

I've done 3 sequences so far but I'm taking a break for my thumbs sake :)
Looks very interesting, difficult for me because of L/R confusion though.

#171505 - Lazy1 - Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:06 pm

How many sequences are we supposed to do?
I have done 8 so far.

#171507 - Ant6n - Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:52 pm

originally i coded it up to tell you you are done at 20... But somehow it turned out that tapping buttons is harder than I originally thought ;-).
That's also why it's hard to get data from people.

Anyhoo, the online submission doesn't block 'incomplete' records; I just have to make do with whatever comes in (it is a machine learning project, after all, where we have to deal with limited data).

Thank you for your time, tho

#171548 - Lazy1 - Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:39 pm

I completed 20 sequences which I will upload once I remember where I put my DS :)


-- Time to record sequence --
your average (ms): 1118.70
average of all users: 932.93
mode of all users: 808.71

-- Taps per minute --
your average (tpm): 268.17
average of all users: 321.57
mode of all users: 370.96

your percentile rank: 25.00
your 'tapping IQ': 89.88

Well, good luck with your project :D