#175567 - Pate - Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:11 pm
Hi all!
I decided to release the first alpha version of my DS2x86 emulator (a DSx86 port using the SuperCard DSTwo's MIPS processor), which I have been working on for the last (almost) half a year. It is still missing a lot of stuff and is very buggy, but since I have sort of promised in my blog to release some kind of a version during this year, I thought now would be a good time. Next I need to do some major changes to it so that it will probably get broken for a while, so I wanted to get the first release out before that.
Looking forward to your test reports! Please note that it really is still very buggy, so do not expect to actually play very many games on it yet. I would appreciate your help in testing it, as I prefer coding it instead of testing a lot of different games on it. :-)
You can get it from my download page at http://dsx86.patrickaalto.com/ (also, if you wish to host it elsewhere, that would be appreciated to save the limited bandwidth of my hosting site).
Thanks for your interest!
Ps. I tried to post here immediately when I released it last Sunday, but the forum was down. So, sorry for this late announcement..
Patrick "pate" Aalto
Last edited by Pate on Sun May 22, 2011 8:14 am; edited 6 times in total
I decided to release the first alpha version of my DS2x86 emulator (a DSx86 port using the SuperCard DSTwo's MIPS processor), which I have been working on for the last (almost) half a year. It is still missing a lot of stuff and is very buggy, but since I have sort of promised in my blog to release some kind of a version during this year, I thought now would be a good time. Next I need to do some major changes to it so that it will probably get broken for a while, so I wanted to get the first release out before that.
Looking forward to your test reports! Please note that it really is still very buggy, so do not expect to actually play very many games on it yet. I would appreciate your help in testing it, as I prefer coding it instead of testing a lot of different games on it. :-)
You can get it from my download page at http://dsx86.patrickaalto.com/ (also, if you wish to host it elsewhere, that would be appreciated to save the limited bandwidth of my hosting site).
Thanks for your interest!
Ps. I tried to post here immediately when I released it last Sunday, but the forum was down. So, sorry for this late announcement..
Patrick "pate" Aalto
- Now working on DSx86 http://dsx86.patrickaalto.com
- Get LineWarsDS from http://linewars.patrickaalto.com
Last edited by Pate on Sun May 22, 2011 8:14 am; edited 6 times in total