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DS homebrew announcements > Bitsweeper! - Release 5

#177149 - Izhido - Sun Dec 25, 2011 9:30 pm

Hey! Long time no see...

Just wanted to tell you that the VERY BEST game for the DS that has been ever created... has been updated!

Behold: Bitsweeper! - Release 5 .

* sigh *

All jokes aside, this was a long overdue release to bring it up to date with the latest devkitARM (r36) and libnds (1.5.4). Some of the artwork was slightly improved; here's hoping you like it.

Oh, and in case I didn't tell you, the sources have been moved to Google Code. Makes it easier for me & you all to browse away the magnificent, magnanimous work of art that is my (not commented at all) code. :)

In case you missed the previous link, here is the game: , and here is the source code: .

Hope you like it (again)!