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DS homebrew announcements > FeOSMusic - a music player for FeOS

#177493 - Tomwi - Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:01 pm

Hi there,

I'm developing a music player for FeOS. Currently it supports:

-AAC (.aac, .m4a)
-WAV (16 and 8 bit)

If you think there's a codec missing on this list, you can always write your own codec module: FeOSMusic will load this module and use it to decode a certain file (you can configure the module which FeOSMusic should load for a certain extension in audiocodecs.cfg).

I also added support for filtering: FeOSMusic comes bundled with a lowpass filter by default. And yes, you can add your own filters too:)

If you're not willing to compile FeOSMusic, you can download binaries at (a link to the source can be found there too):

The FeOSMusic site


#177494 - Tomwi - Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:45 pm

Oops, I forgot to add the codec modules to the binaries. They're added now, so the package on the FeOSMusic site should work correctly now:D

#177495 - fincs - Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:30 pm

Good stuff. We have a lot of fun on IRC detecting and fixing the many b0rks that come up during the development of this app :)