#64055 - ninogenio - Sun Dec 18, 2005 11:47 pm
heres the game complete after quite a bit of work ironing out the bugs and skinning new gfx on it it now has.
m3 support.
gbamp support with a quit option to jump back to boot loader.
sc cf support.
fc support
sound fx.
new graphics.
runs at a steady 60fps.
and so far no noticed bugs.
i think its turned out quite good for a first ds game enjoy.
game: V0.2
Last edited by ninogenio on Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
#64058 - Durandle - Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:25 am
Any chance of some screenshots? ^_^
#64059 - ninogenio - Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:31 am
i dont have any way of putting pictures of my ds up im sorry.
try it out and see i had some problems with my first releass as it wasnt running on some ds`s but im pretty sure these are gone now.
#64061 - chatterbug89 - Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:51 am
hmmm...weird...it wont run for me..i just get two black screens. I'm using a GBA MP and Moonshell to start it. At first i stuck it in it's own litlte folder and what not ...and i thought maybe that was why, so I stuck it all at the root of the compact flash card and it still diden't work :(
EDIT: I got it to work by copying the directory itself..not just the contents of the directory. it seem spretty cool..though..it would be nice if you coudl select thigns in that first menu without using the touch screen.
Last edited by chatterbug89 on Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:02 am; edited 1 time in total
#64063 - ninogenio - Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:01 am
as longs as all the reasources are in the BREAK_OUT_MANIA folder and that folder is on the root of the cf card it should work the nds file can be anywhere.
#64064 - chatterbug89 - Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:05 am
Hmm, think i may ahve found a bug..i was playing..and the ball sort of got stuck between the bottom of the screen and the paddle and a horrible noise came out of my speakers..it only lasted ofr a secound though and the ball suddenly bounced back up :)
#64065 - ninogenio - Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:09 am
thanks very much mate.
doh)* i remember having found this bug a while back and meant to fix it but must have forgot :p
#64067 - Dudu.exe - Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:41 am
#64082 - Kir - Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:04 am
Looks very good :) But you can modify ball reflection code, because ball's trajectory often becomes straight : upper edge-pad-upper edge-pad... etc. Ball must be reflected at different angles, depending on landing angle and, maybe, some random direction :)
#64113 - joshschw - Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:36 pm
chatterbug89 wrote: |
Hmm, think i may ahve found a bug..i was playing..and the ball sort of got stuck between the bottom of the screen and the paddle and a horrible noise came out of my speakers..it only lasted ofr a secound though and the ball suddenly bounced back up :) |
This also happened to me seveal times. It occurs when you slide your paddle into the ball so the ball hits the side of the paddle. it stays making the noise and stuck until you move the paddle.
also the game is much improved over the last time I tried it, good job.
#64137 - ninogenio - Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:54 pm
thanks very much guys for the feed back its great and noted :)
i actually only made this game as a frame work for other projects as after christmas i plan on doing some big stuff with the ds so hopefully i can build on this code and add lots of new features ;)
#64145 - Lynx - Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:55 pm
Maybe it's just me.. but here's my feedback:
1) Instructions are almost impossible to read with font color/background. Same with text on Hall of Fame.
2) In all modes, I have a hard time getting the ball to bounce to the right, it always wants to go strait. It bounces to the left without issues.
3) Simular, the ball doesn't change directions based off of where it hits the blocks. Meaning, from the start, if I don't press anything (except R or A to release the ball) it will bounce up and down till the column is gone, even if it is hitting blocks on the corners.
4) Pressing start to pause, no way to get back to main menu till you kill off your lives.
5) Sometimes, I get the feeling there are two balls, but they are on top of each other, and fallow the same "path" and therefore never seperate.
Looks great, keep up the good work.
#64161 - Durandle - Mon Dec 19, 2005 10:17 pm
I get the intro screen but it wont move on. Using an M3 CF.
#64231 - ninogenio - Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:08 pm
@ Durandle
im not sure about m3 compatibility as i dont have an m3. i just use m3 drivers and thought it might work.
@ Lynx
wow thanx for all that mate. i might after xmas correct all these issues. i've already stuck chishm`s new cf driver in so hopefully sd and fc are now supported. ;)
#64244 - Lynx - Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:12 pm
Well, I'm running it from a GBA MP and it runs fine. I also like how I can edit the .jpgs and change the blocks, power ups, backgrounds, etc. I can't wait till you get these minor bugs fixed so I can do a full review on ndshb.com
#64286 - ninogenio - Wed Dec 21, 2005 12:06 am
cool a full review would rock mate!
ive gotten quite abit of a micromachienes done but ill put that to the sidelines atm and give this a quick going over with the old bug repelant :)
#64356 - ninogenio - Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:50 pm
right after a couple of hours this morning ive got all the above bugs ironed out the main problem with the ball reflections was that i was converting from floats to int to early now im doing it a bit later theres much more precision and it feels better to play ive also made it so you can jump back to the main menu from the pause screen and fixed it so you can read the text and ive hopfully sorted the bug where the ball gets stuck in the bat.
ohh and ive put chishm`s new cf driver in it to so there should be much better comatibility with diffrent formats.
ive edited the game link in the first post with the new version but ive not updated the source yet ill do that a little later when i have a bit more timw :)
hope its a bit more enjoyable now ;)
#64405 - El Hobito - Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:27 am
Durandle wrote: |
I get the intro screen but it wont move on. Using an M3 CF. |
you do realise the menu is touchscreen right? it works on my m3cf no probs. im not sure whether he made it clear
#64566 - ninogenio - Fri Dec 23, 2005 4:54 pm
thatnks for the awsome review lynx :)
its really nice to have something like this to show for a good couple of months hard work ;)
#120581 - writer1990 - Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:19 pm
After reading these postings, I put the directory at the root, still doesn't work: both screens are blank upon boot. Is DS lite supported?
#120678 - Lynx - Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:38 pm
It's probably more of a question of the device you are running it from. This was written before Chishm released his DLDI drivers. Therefore, it will only work on devices that were supported under the original FAT lib.
NDS Homebrew Roms & Reviews
#120692 - writer1990 - Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:26 pm
It is M3 DS simply with SanDisk 1GB. M3 DS documentation says "standard FAT system support".
I am a complete homebrew novice and have just googled and read a bit about Chishm's DLDI interface...so I know that some homebrew requires the M3 simply DLDI patch but you've said yours doesn't.
#120693 - dantheman - Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:48 pm
The M3 Simply wasn't compatible with the original libfat system, and support was only added through the use of the DLDI system.
#120695 - writer1990 - Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:04 pm
Ah, that is news to me, thank you.