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Hardware > i am the the fastest mouse in all of messyco...

#8144 - superx10 - Thu Jul 03, 2003 12:14 am

i haven't had a lot of time to completely read through everything (i have a life... well... kind of..) so i dont know if someone has asked this before, but has anyone ever tried to overclock the GBA's hardware? i mean, wouldn't that make the DivX movies and the like have faster framerates? I would imagine anything higher than the 16.78Mhz cpu thats already in there would do nicely..
"Two wolves are fighting. One wolf is all evil, hate, jealousy and discontent, and the other good, love, happiness and is content." "Sounds like a tough battle. Who wins?" said the old man. “The one I feed”

#8151 - tepples - Thu Jul 03, 2003 6:18 am

It's possible to overclock the EWRAM in the GBA. There's an undocumented register, listed in the "GBATEK" doc by Martin Korth, that can change EWRAM from 2 wait states to 1 wait state. The EWRAM chip in the GBA is rated at 100ns and could probably run stable if OC'd to 1 wait state (120ns); Nintendo just set it to 2 wait states (180ns) for a safety margin.

I do remember seeing this description of overclocking the GBA itself, but think of it this way: The display controller runs in step with the CPU clock crystal. I'm guessing that OCing the display controller would OC the LCD as well. Wouldn't that damage your [H]ardware?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.