#22885 - MonkeyBoy666 - Wed Jun 30, 2004 8:18 pm
Ok i here that Pokemon Ruby and Saphire had some sort of errors that required an update.
so apparently they added the update to the Pokemon Collosieum Game for the game cube. so that when you connect your Pokemon Ruby game to a gamecube running Pokemon Collosieum it installes the update.
Am i just imagining this or could we do the same thing when the pokemon cartriges only with a totally different game
or didi this nintendo update just change the save files or somethign.
I some times ramble so to refesh:
Can we use the pokemon ruby cartrige to save our own games because nintendo did this with there own update?
Also i assume nintendo didn't know that there was any errors when it came out (it wouldn't suprize me it they did) so wouldn't they use the same cartrage as the use for every other game so wouldn't this mean it is possible for every game.
Am i getting my hopes up or could there be something behind this.
so apparently they added the update to the Pokemon Collosieum Game for the game cube. so that when you connect your Pokemon Ruby game to a gamecube running Pokemon Collosieum it installes the update.
Am i just imagining this or could we do the same thing when the pokemon cartriges only with a totally different game
or didi this nintendo update just change the save files or somethign.
I some times ramble so to refesh:
Can we use the pokemon ruby cartrige to save our own games because nintendo did this with there own update?
Also i assume nintendo didn't know that there was any errors when it came out (it wouldn't suprize me it they did) so wouldn't they use the same cartrage as the use for every other game so wouldn't this mean it is possible for every game.
Am i getting my hopes up or could there be something behind this.