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Hardware > Does the GBA cpu have a JTAG interface?

#2803 - erikmaas - Wed Feb 12, 2003 9:37 pm

I am trying to figure out if the GBA does have any JTAG interface on the CPU.

Since it uses an ARM7TDMI core, it includes some JTAG debugging possibilities. But, I am afraid that Nintendo did not put those signals on any pin on the CPU.

Did anyone already figure out if JTAG is possible or not?

I want to test GDB (GNU project debugger) to see if it is suitable for a board I am developing. That board will also include the ARM7TDMI core, so I thought it was good to setup the complete development environment before I freeze my board design. (If GDB works fine, I dare to put some flash memory with fine pin pitch directly on the board instead of some smaller flash memory in a socket)