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Hardware > GBA vs Nokia N-Gage

#2833 - hat_eater - Thu Feb 13, 2003 1:03 pm


In terms of processing power, how GBA's ARM7 processor compares to N-Gage's ARM925? AFAIK they're comparable save the built-in DSP the 925 has, but the first one runs at 16,78 MHz, the second at 110 MHz. However, the ARM website lists the clock speeds of ARM7 THUMB starting from 88 MHz. Is the GBA chip custom (or rather castrated) version of ARM chip? Or is the external clock multiplied?

If I got it all backwards, please bear with me - I'm a journalist and I'm trying to get my facts straight.

Lastly, I'm posting to this board not because I'm lazy, but because all my attempts to sort it out for myself failed. And I find the answers I get from professionals much more informative than I could get from the PR folk.

TIA, and may your code be always bug-free