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Hardware > GBA Sp Versions?: Japan, UK, US ?

#4321 - cesium - Thu Mar 27, 2003 10:54 pm

The geeks over on the gbaemu board are also having problems
with their GBASPs and F2A.

They keep saying things like: "Do you have the Japanese version
of the SP or the UK version?"

Others refer to the US version.

How do I know which version I have? (E.g., is there a code on the
sticker on the bottom?)

Don't bother wasting your time by saying, "If you bought it in Japan,
then it is a Japanese version. If you bought it in the UK it is the UK
version. If you bought it in the US it is the US version."

I bought it through a super secret source. Could be imported, maybe not.
Perhaps from UK, maybe not. Could be from US, might not be.

I can't say any more about my super secret, clandestine, covert
GBASP dealer. (Shhhhhhh.)


#4323 - Saikou - Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:20 pm

Well, if you have a Japanese one, you'd know about it ;) There'll be some Japanese on the bottom, and in the bottom right hand corner of the sticker on the bottom will be "C/AGS-JPN". I'm guessing that code would change for the UK/US versions. Just a thought.

#4330 - Daikath - Fri Mar 28, 2003 11:20 am

Didn't know the UK had its own version ;). Ah well another loss for the rest of europe :P.
?There are no stupid questions but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.?

#4331 - FluBBa - Fri Mar 28, 2003 11:49 am

I bought mine today in sweden and it say "C/AGS-EUR".

I probably suck, my not is a programmer.

#4334 - cesium - Fri Mar 28, 2003 3:25 pm

C/AGS-USA here.