#109949 - sgeos - Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:43 pm
What would it take to bundle a GBA ROM and emulator as an inseparable package? The fact that the game is actually a GBA ROM running in an emulator should be completely hidden from the user. (Normal users at least.)
#109954 - tepples - Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:55 pm
Conceptually, that will be easy. Microsoft Windows executables can have something called "resources", which are similar to an appended GBFS. Windows programs normally store icons, bitmaps, and dialogs in resources. You could store the ROM in a resource
Practically, that will be hard. Most native games' options for control and graphics configuration are done with in-game styled UI, but most emulators' options for frame skip and control setup are done using plain-looking Win32 UI. Players who enter character names in a native game expect to be able to use the keyboard (not the joystick), and they also expect to have each save file created within the game mapped to a different file on the PC (not a .sav file).
Legally, that will be hard. Some emulators are released under licenses that preclude distribution on the same medium as ROMs or that preclude commercial use. VisualBoyAdvance isn't (it's copylefted free software), but recent versions of that emulator aren't exactly efficient either. If you use VBA or any other copylefted emulator, you also have to distribute the emulator source code, which would reveal the presence of an emulator.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#109993 - Ant6n - Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:33 am
you want something like an application which is actually a rom loaded by some emulator, but you want people to just click and play, without having o worry about emulators etc.
would it be possible to create some kind of .exe which has vba sdl and your rom packaged in it and then put both in some temporary folder and run sdl vba with your rom from there?