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Coding > Sprite Transparent Color?

#12698 - IsmStudios - Sun Nov 23, 2003 9:55 am

Does anyone here happen to know how to make a transparent index color for a sprite... if it helps, I'm working in mode 4.

I've tried to use the color black from my palette but the bounding box around my sprite still shows. There must be something I missed on!

Lewie [m80]
Interactive Designer

#12699 - NoMis - Sun Nov 23, 2003 12:16 pm

the transparent color is always the first color in the palette (palette index 0).


#12707 - IsmStudios - Sun Nov 23, 2003 10:42 pm

I've made sure and checked in the file (after I coverted to the header file using pcx2gba) that the box is indexing 0 from the palette. I'm not sure what's going on. Are there any other settings I should worry about?
Lewie [m80]
Interactive Designer

#12712 - yaustar - Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:50 am

try gif2sprite. just make the colour you want transparent in the gif before converting.
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