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Coding > new to eclipse

#18771 - schoebey - Sun Apr 04, 2004 11:33 pm


i had a major crash today and had to reinstall everything.
I decided to install eclipse instead of vs-ide (wich i used before), but am having some trouble getting gba-projects to work.

I have installed the cdt-plugin, and i'm trying to get an already existing project to work with eclipse.

Where can i set the paths to devkitadv and is there a way i can use my old makefile which i used in combination with nmake.exe?

sorry if the answers are obvious, but i just survived a 8-hour lasting restore 'exercise', so i'm a bit tired....

thanks, schoebey
to an artificial mind, all reality is virtual

#18781 - NoMis - Mon Apr 05, 2004 7:46 am

Sure u can :)

After installing Eclipse with CDT you can make a new "Standart Makefile Project". After that go to File->Import ... and import from Filesystem. Select ur old Projectfolder and select the Project then. "Standart Makefile Project" uses a makefile u have written so u can use the makefile. Open the Make Targets view (normaly its already open on the right side). Right Click on you Projects name and click Add Make Target. You can now make new targets like all (all) clean (clean) Rebuild (clean all). If you want to use nmake just put it in as the command. By doubleclicking an one of these targets it will use ur makefile to compile the project.

If u try to use Managed Makefiles (Eclipse creates and manages makefile) u need to write a plugin which defines GBA Binary as a new target and do the settings. This is a bit complicatet if you don't know the eclipse plugin interface so i suggest using your own makefiles.

If you have any question just ask.


#18783 - schoebey - Mon Apr 05, 2004 11:06 am

thanks a lot, i think i got it working more or less now...

but is there a way to manage a project without having all of the files associated with it listed in the tree-view of eclipse? (i have tons of include-files, as well as tons of other files in my project-folder which i do not need for coding and eclipse seems to be terribly slow when the folder is that big...)

I'd like to have some kind of structured interface, where i can choose the structure myself, without having to alter the paths in the filesystem (like does)

i've seen that i can import a file via reference from the filesystem into eclipse, but this only seems to be possible for single files, not for whole folders...

thanks again ;-)
to an artificial mind, all reality is virtual

#18784 - torne - Mon Apr 05, 2004 12:10 pm

The size of the workspace should not affect speed unduly, unless you have many files that are not source code in your source folders (it will copy them to binary folders if you use its generated makefiles).

Is your machine fast enough and posessed of enough memory to run Eclipse in the first place? I run nightly builds with many plugin features and the JVM in which Eclipse lives frequently uses 250-350MB of ram. Incidentally, if you don't have the most recent Sun JVM, install that. (others are nowhere near as fast).

#18785 - schoebey - Mon Apr 05, 2004 12:38 pm

well, my project folder has a size of about 1.5GB, mostly images, animations etc.

...and my computer _should_ be fast enoug (p4 3ghz, 1024mb ram).
it's just a pain to watch him importing all the files (takes about 5-10 minutes), while i only use about 0.5% of them for programming...

hmm...i just discovered that i cannot save any changes i did to a source-file in eclipse, while i can edit and save the makefile just fine...
I get the error-msg: "save failed. attempted to beginrule: R/, does not match outer scope rule: L/path_of_source"

any advice?

p.s. i'm really sorry if that's all trivial, but there are quite radical differences to vs-ide....

[edit]never mind, it works now....i was using eclipse 3.0. downgrading to 2.1 solved the problem...[/edit]
to an artificial mind, all reality is virtual