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Coding > an important question

#25505 - tomer - Tue Aug 24, 2004 5:51 am

Which mode will plot pixels faster?
is it faster to draw 8-bit ot 16 bit?
I am trying to improve my 3d engine, and it's important
for me to know, if I can make it faster on mode 4.

Cheers, Tomer!

BTW-> if anyone know, how to construct the viewing frustum normals,
then I have a question.

#25540 - sajiimori - Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:16 pm

Mode 4 is generally faster, and you also get page flipping. Just try to write 2 pixels at a time whenever possible. Even games like Doom, which seem to have to write single columns at a time, hack it so they can write pairs.

#25542 - sajiimori - Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:19 pm

Hey, don't post the same thing twice. I don't want to waste my time answering something that's already been answered elsewhere.