#25945 - funkeejeffou - Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:15 pm
I have a structure that is defined like this :
And I would like to include in my ROM(in a .c file) the data from "array[128]", the problem is the "tab" inside each array elements can be of different size(the size is naturally "nb_elements").
example :
-- array[0].nb_elements = 4 so array[0].*tab[8] would be of the kind array[0].tab[4][8]
-- array[1].nb_elements = 7 so array[0].*tab[8] would be of the kind array[0].tab[7][8]
How can I include such data? Please this is really bugging me so if you do have an idea or even better, you've already done it, I would be glad to know how.
Cheers, Jeff.
I have a structure that is defined like this :
Code: |
typedef struct { int *tab[8]; int nb_elements; } EX_STRUCT; EX_STRUCT array[128]; |
And I would like to include in my ROM(in a .c file) the data from "array[128]", the problem is the "tab" inside each array elements can be of different size(the size is naturally "nb_elements").
example :
-- array[0].nb_elements = 4 so array[0].*tab[8] would be of the kind array[0].tab[4][8]
-- array[1].nb_elements = 7 so array[0].*tab[8] would be of the kind array[0].tab[7][8]
How can I include such data? Please this is really bugging me so if you do have an idea or even better, you've already done it, I would be glad to know how.
Cheers, Jeff.