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Coding > SRAM in Emulator?

#28234 - ScottLininger - Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:14 am

Okay, you guys can slap me down for being too lazy to experiment with this myself, but I thought I'd ask anyway...

Does VisualBoyAdvance properly emulate SRAM? I couldn't find anything on the website about this and there isn't an obviously labelled "SRAM" area in the memory viewer.

My flashcarts are on loan for the next couple of days, and I'm itching to work on the save functionality for my compo entry...



#28244 - ProblemBaby - Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:27 am

I think
VBA and No$gba automatically creates a file called
PojectName.sav and that file is the SRAM, Probably they dont want to change the gba-file all the time when people save.

#28248 - Krakken - Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:34 pm

Yes they both properly emulate SRAM. To see what your saving either look for the file named <romname>.sav/.sgm or for NO$ look in the battery folder.

If you want to view the SRAM on the fly I believe you can use VBA's Memory Viewer.