#35174 - Shalted - Mon Jan 31, 2005 8:20 pm
How would I go about writing to flash rom. I recently broke my linker so I build an xboo cable now i want to write to my XG2Turbo Cart. Any sugestions? or is this not possible.
(Ps. Yes I know Xg2Turbo is crap, dont buy one)
#35263 - sasq - Wed Feb 02, 2005 9:15 am
AFAIK the registers for writing to XG2 is not public knowledge so you'd have to disassemble the multiboot-file sent over by the real linker software to the GBA when it flashes - so unless your pretty down with your reverse engineering I think you're out of luck.
#35291 - Shalted - Wed Feb 02, 2005 5:50 pm
Hmm.. I was afraid of that.
What about loading the MB program to the gba then sending the correct data packets to it via Xboo cable?
Ps I've been looking over the disassemble of it for a while I'll just have to keep looking.
#35361 - sasq - Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:30 pm
Shalted wrote: |
What about loading the MB program to the gba then sending the correct data packets to it via Xboo cable?
Well that should work - use an USB-snooper to figure out the protocol and write a windows-application that acts the same but uses the xboo instead. Still, it requires some effort.
#35421 - Vince - Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:18 pm
This is what is done by if2a (and the original f2a that Ulri Recht wrote which is the basis for if2a). This is also what I did (looking at usbsnoop logs to add F2a Ultra support in if2a).
However, this means free software stops at your computer border and does not sit on your GBA (multiboot and loader biinaries). Using Pogoshell leaves only the multiboot binary. BTW, I'm not sure Pogoshell is free software (the FSF way)...
Sasq, do you know how the F2A register info was obtained? I'm not sure Pogoshell uses that. AFAIK it only writes to SRAM and you can flash it with a proprietary client but I may be wrong esp. about the SRAM part (because of bank-switching configuration that is done).
I'm really interested in getting such information ...
Reclaim control of your F2A/F2AU with if2a !!
#35444 - Shalted - Fri Feb 04, 2005 8:50 pm
Great thanks sasq i'll try that and i'll also keep looking in the dissasemble for the registers. havn't found them yet