#40329 - cesium - Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:59 pm
I'm going to edit gba_cart.ld (from devkitarm) in order to increase my irq stack size. I am following the directions from the FAQ.
My question is: Is there a way to do this from the Makefile so I don't have to edit gba_cart.ld?
(Some people confuse me with rubidium.)
#40332 - cesium - Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:32 pm
Oh, and uh,
If you edit the 'ld' file, don't forget to re-assemble (compile) the corresponding crt0.s file.
#40404 - wintermute - Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:32 pm
cesium wrote: |
Oh, and uh,
If you edit the 'ld' file, don't forget to re-assemble (compile) the corresponding crt0.s file.
shouldn't be necessary.
#40412 - cesium - Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:27 pm
the devkitARM file: gba_cart.ld contains:
Code: |
__sp_usr = 0x3008000 - 0x100;
__sp_irq = 0x3008000 - 0x60;
and the devkitArm file: gba_crt0.s contains:
Code: |
mov r0, #0x12 @ Switch to IRQ Mode
msr cpsr, r0
ldr sp,=__sp_irq @ Set IRQ stack
mov r0, #0x1f @ Switch to System Mode
msr cpsr, r0
ldr sp,=__sp_usr @ Set user stack
so wouldn't I need to reassemble gba_crt0.s after I change these symbols? My code wouldn't run until I did so. I'm confused.
#40414 - wintermute - Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:35 pm
the symbols are external & generated by the linkscript which means they aren't resolved until linktime.
#40445 - cesium - Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:16 pm
Do I need to edit the linkscript? Or can I make these changes
from within the Makefile?