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Coding > I can't see through the transparency
#51574 - 3dfx - Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:41 am
Palette entry 0 for sprites and backgrounds is for transparency right? For some reason my first palette entry, pure white, still shows up on my sprites. Any ideas why?
#51590 - zazery - Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:50 am
Are there any other whites in the sprite palette? It?s quite possibly for the sprite to be using that palette entry instead of the first one. Also if you used Photoshop to create the image, it has an annoying habit of reversing the palette (for pcx files) so your white would be in palette 255. (If it?s 256 color) To avoid these problems I either bright green or bright purple. If you need to re-arrange your palette I recommend using Usenti.
If this didn't solve your problem then posting more information might help others determine what is causing the problem.