#8439 - krom - Thu Jul 10, 2003 6:20 pm
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Roberto Bernardinello has released a new snake clone with source:
The game's name is SeSnake and is a simple snake clone. Into the zip are
included a binary version of the game and the source code (released
under the GPL license). The game has a homepage on sourceforge at the
address: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sesnake/
Get the snake clone and it's c++ source code straight from the main site!
Roberto Bernardinello has released a new snake clone with source:
The game's name is SeSnake and is a simple snake clone. Into the zip are
included a binary version of the game and the source code (released
under the GPL license). The game has a homepage on sourceforge at the
address: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sesnake/
Get the snake clone and it's c++ source code straight from the main site!