#9026 - krom - Sat Jul 26, 2003 6:04 pm
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Stephen Stair has updated his site with sources from his RPG GameLand and his
card game GBAHearts which came 2nd in the hearts compo:
I was updating my website and realized that I had promised to release the
source, so I decided to - it's a bit late but better late than never :)
I might actually update my website more often from now on, but don't count on it ;)
You can find his updated website at: http://www.akkit.org/sgstair/
Download the source codes from the main site!
Stephen Stair has updated his site with sources from his RPG GameLand and his
card game GBAHearts which came 2nd in the hearts compo:
I was updating my website and realized that I had promised to release the
source, so I decided to - it's a bit late but better late than never :)
I might actually update my website more often from now on, but don't count on it ;)
You can find his updated website at: http://www.akkit.org/sgstair/
Download the source codes from the main site!