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News > Game: Megatroid

#21144 - krom - Mon May 24, 2004 9:44 pm

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Werner Mendizabal has released a platform game called Megatroid where you
travel in and out of dimensions to get to the exit:

This game was made for the compo at gbax 2004

There is some more information about the game included in the Read Me.txt.
The archive also include the full source code in C++ format.

You can download the game straight from the main site!

#21295 - satanicfreak2 - Wed May 26, 2004 11:37 pm

THis is the best game Ever!!! man the guy that made this game is a genious!

#21301 - MumblyJoe - Thu May 27, 2004 2:55 am

Good stuff Werner Mendizabal, very polished game and a fantastic idea.
Version 2.0 now up - guaranteed at least 100% more pleasing!

#21305 - tepples - Thu May 27, 2004 4:57 am

The whole game seems to run at less than full speed. It seems you're waiting for vsync instead.

You've put code in .h files. Bad bad bad.

The menus are way too slow.

I can't really seem to get the hang of it. I keep getting "Your matter dispersed". Perhaps you could show the other map layer in the background using a darkened palette. Even if not, I remember that Zelda 3 didn't send you back to start if you switched Light World/Dark World on top of an obstacle; it just sent you back to where you switched.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.