#3119 - SimonB - Tue Feb 18, 2003 5:38 pm
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A nice and very addictive game made by Aaron Shadis.
This is my FIRST game on the GBA. The last game I wrote was on the Apple IIe in 1988. (I've been busy with other things for a while!) I really wanted to try writing games on the GBA, so I threw together the first things that came to my mind... Pac-Man & Space Invaders. The rest of the game grew from there.
erm I can actually *feel* the mail from IDSA being delivered as
I type this :P so..erm...remember the author is responsible for
the legality of each demo/game on gbadev.org. If you have any
problem with this, take it up with the author who can then contact
us to resolve the situation.
A nice and very addictive game made by Aaron Shadis.
This is my FIRST game on the GBA. The last game I wrote was on the Apple IIe in 1988. (I've been busy with other things for a while!) I really wanted to try writing games on the GBA, so I threw together the first things that came to my mind... Pac-Man & Space Invaders. The rest of the game grew from there.
erm I can actually *feel* the mail from IDSA being delivered as
I type this :P so..erm...remember the author is responsible for
the legality of each demo/game on gbadev.org. If you have any
problem with this, take it up with the author who can then contact
us to resolve the situation.