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Announcements And Comments > GBAccelerometer Game Contest

#130554 - sgeos - Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:23 am

GBAccelerometer Contest

Please visit the contest home page for rules.

--- Comments ---
I figured I'd give running a contest a shot. The rules are above. They were written in the standard one sided manner that makes things simple for the organizer. Much still needs to be figured out and clarified, but that will come with time. I'm certainly open to questions, concerns, comments or suggestions.


Last edited by sgeos on Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

#130576 - KeithE - Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:31 pm


I'll contribute the following:

2 DS Motion Cards for prizes
2 DS Motion Paks for prizes
2 GBAccelerometers for prizes
up to 5 GBAccelerometers for judges

Also, I'd be happy to be a judge.

#130577 - keldon - Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:39 pm

KeithE wrote:
up to 5 GBAccelerometers for judges

Also, I'd be happy to be a judge.

So would I ^_^

Although I am considering entering which means that I could potentially win one but must first purchase a kit from Sweden - unless I want to risk doing it in the dark, which is also an option.

#130742 - sgeos - Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:34 am

The project page is under construction. Hopefully it will be up by the time I go to bed (ie, in the morning).

KeithE wrote:
2 DS Motion Cards for prizes
2 DS Motion Paks for prizes
2 GBAccelerometers for prizes
up to 5 GBAccelerometers for judges

The contest is off to a fantastic start with a generous prize donation from Keith Epstein, the engineer behind the GBAccelerometer.

KeithE wrote:
Also, I'd be happy to be a judge.

Excellent. There are now two judges, including myself.

keldon wrote:
So would I ^_^

Or maybe three. =) If you are a judge, you can enter, but your entry will not be scored (ie, you will not be ranked, so you can not win any prizes). If you just want to make something and don't care about prizes, judging would be a fantastic way to get a GBAccelerometer.

Although I am considering entering which means that I could potentially win one but must first purchase a kit from Sweden - unless I want to risk doing it in the dark, which is also an option.

If you want to help out and also enter a scoring game/demo, you could become a volunteer organizer. I assume the first five judges who need GBAccelerometers will get them in time for the first status update ranking, but that is up to Keith.

If this contest goes well, I might have a GBAccelerometer Contest 2 so everyone who gets the hardware can continue to use it. =)


Last edited by sgeos on Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

#130756 - sgeos - Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:04 pm

The contest home page can be found here. It has been tested offline, but the server has been slow and I have not been able to test the page online. I suspect the page will work if it will load.


#130764 - Tikker - Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:15 pm

page works fine and looks good ;)

I'd love to help out, altho I'm generally a newbie to this particular scene

I do spend the majority of my working life as a software evaluator/tester for my company (telco/isp/hosting/etc)

#130780 - sgeos - Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:52 pm

Tikker wrote:
page works fine and looks good ;)

IE6 seems to hate the online version of the page. =)

I'd love to help out, altho I'm generally a newbie to this particular scene

You can judge or volunteer. There is nothing for volunteers to do at the moment, but that may change.

I do spend the majority of my working life as a software evaluator/tester for my company (telco/isp/hosting/etc)

Extra judges are always good, if you think you can handle judging.


#130905 - The_Perfection - Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:18 am

Well, I'm interested!

I'm interested in becoming a judge for the competition, but I have absolutely no experience with a GBAccelerometer. How the judging is going to work? I saw on the site something about tallies and scores.

BTW, the page doesn't quite work on AOL... I've had it open for at least ten minutes and it's still trying to load images. When I first opened it, it wouldn't let me scroll or do anything until the background loaded. Although it might have something to do with me being on dail-up.

#130908 - Tikker - Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:06 am

well, sign me up as a judge then

#130922 - sgeos - Sat Jun 09, 2007 6:08 am

The_Perfection wrote:
I'm interested in becoming a judge for the competition, but I have absolutely no experience with a GBAccelerometer.

The GBAccelerometer plugs into the link port on your GBA. Software properly programmed to work with the GBAccelerometer will "magically" detect tilting/motion if the hardware is there.

How the judging is going to work? I saw on the site something about tallies and scores.

Every submission will get a score. The one with the highest score will win. The exact scoring scheme has yet to be determined, but I think points will be awarded for: quality, open source and quantity of reasonable entries. If someone can pull off fifteen quality entries and everyone else only does one or two, that person will probably win. Then again, if one of those one or two is clearly better than everything else, it will win.

BTW, the page doesn't quite work on AOL...

I can't get the online version to work with IE6. This is funny because the offline version works fine with IE6 and the online version works with every other browser. I'll try to fix the page and prepare a downloadable version of the rules.


#130957 - The_Perfection - Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:37 pm

I gathered that GBAccelerometer worked as such, as I have played with a Wii-mote which I gather is similar - to an extent. If I remember correctly, the Wii-mote has silicon springs attached to a small weight placed between them. Based on the current between the springs, a direction can be determined by combining the different axes together. (So much for "magic"...) Now - I have no idea if that's how the GBAccelerometer works, but if that's the case (or something similar,) I think I have enough knowledge to be a judge of this kind of competition. I'm also one of those people who, if there's a glitch, will find it. In many of the comercial games I've played, I've found at least one.

If it's okay with you, sign me up to be a judge.

So the points would be cumulative per person, if they send in more submissions, correct? I like the idea. I don't quite understand the open source part of it though. Would they get points for it being open source or should there be another requirement along side it?

And I got back on the site again and was finally able to see what a GBAccelerometer looks like. (Last night it was so streched out, all I could tell about it was that it was purple.)

I only have GBAs, no GBA SPs, but they are both in working order, including the link-port. One of them has a sticky right button, but that shouldn't be much of a problem as the other one is in excellent condition. I also have an EZ-Flash II GBA flash cart.

#134209 - Tikker - Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:06 pm

I"m going to assume this has gone no where? I've not heard a peep about it in a long time

#134237 - sgeos - Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:05 pm

It is still going. The rules need to be clarified/finalized. The current rules need to be split into 3 or 4 documents (entrants, judges and other). After that is done, the rules may be translated to French (time permitting). There has been a shocking amount of links to the contest rules from French pages.

Life has put some high priority things on my plate right now, but the contest will come to a conclusion and all entrants will be judged (even if all the judges bail and I have to do it myself =).


#134243 - keldon - Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:43 pm

Well this judge will not bail!

#134352 - The_Perfection - Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:27 pm

keldon wrote:
Well this judge will not bail!

And nor will I.

#134387 - sgeos - Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:16 pm

Excellent, glad to hear that. =)


#138378 - sgeos - Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:50 pm

The entry scoring criteria page is now up.


#138391 - keldon - Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:56 pm

Hmm, how does the 1 point per author submission work?

#138657 - sgeos - Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:14 pm

If somebody submits only one game, that game gets +1 point. If somebody submits 3 games, each game gets +3 points.


#138664 - gauauu - Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:03 pm

Is there any sort of minimum qualification (other than being a working demo that uses the accelerometer)?

Not to be all negative and trollish, but it seems like the way to win is to spam the contest with simple crappy demos, instead of trying to product something interesting.

#138665 - keldon - Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:12 pm

Yes, that's what I was getting at; but then again you can cross the bridge if it happens. For now it would be safe to assume that it won't be abused, and that people will make an effort; otherwise a solution will have to be found.

#138713 - sgeos - Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:11 am

This is the plan. It will be obvious if someone is abusing the scoring system, and adjustments can be made at that time.


#139094 - sgeos - Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:13 pm

The contest will not be accepting anymore entries. Details about the entries and the winner will be posted as soon as they are ready. Thanks for paying attention!


#139118 - Ant6n - Sun Sep 02, 2007 6:36 am

how many entries did you get in total?

#139126 - sgeos - Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:31 am

Not many, but enough to declare a winner. The advantage to having few entries is that judging is less work. So long as the winner receives the prizes, I'm willing to call this contest a success and hope the next contest cycle has more participation.

...speaking of which, another contest similar to this one is being planned. Anything that could have been entered into this contest will be a valid entry in the next one. If anyone was working on something that for whatever reason was not submitted this time, it is probably worth finishing and submitting it to the next contest. Details will be posted when they are ready.

keldon wrote:
Hmm, how does the 1 point per author submission work?

This certainly was not abused this time, but for the next contest this will need to be changed to:
1 point per complete game submitted by the same author prevent demo spamming.


#141615 - Tikker - Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:17 pm

I honestly don't see much value in awarding points for the number of submissions