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Announcements And Comments > GBA/GBC devkit on Ebay?

#150806 - coolbho3000 - Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:49 am

I'm not sure how rare these are, and how useful/interesting these might be to the homebrew scene, but a lot of GBA devkits, debuggers, and carts are currently going for US$100 on Ebay. The thing that caught my interest was that the GBAs can output video to a TV.

#150808 - SimonB - Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:00 am

The TV thingies are crap 3rd party stuff......GBA2TV or whatever they were called. Crap! The wideboy's were much better.

#150809 - dantheman - Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:04 am

If I had more dollars than sense, I'd buy an old-school GBA, glacier blue, with an Afterburner kit installed, NTSC output port, SNES controller input plug, and GBAccelerator. Then I'd probably use it for a few months before deciding it wasn't worth the money, heh.

#150812 - tepples - Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:17 am

coolbho3000 wrote:
The thing that caught my interest was that the GBAs can output video to a TV.

Big deal. So can the Game Boy Player. ;-)

But still, that item has plenty of GBC and GBA systems. I'd bet some used video game store could make a tidy profit by buying those up and reselling them individually.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#150814 - kusma - Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:29 am

I've got one of those GBA2TV thingies. Or, more precisely, the GBA TV-Transverter (a similar product). Neat for capturing videos of my GBA demos, but the output quality is a bit poor - there's some pixel-glitches here and there.

#150815 - SimonB - Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:42 am

tepples wrote:
But still, that item has plenty of GBC and GBA systems. I'd bet some used video game store could make a tidy profit by buying those up and reselling them individually.

All of which (well, except for one) needs to be modded to use batteries before any regular person would buy it...


#150847 - tepples - Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:32 pm

SimonB wrote:
All of which (well, except for one) needs to be modded to use batteries before any regular person would buy it

True, but not AA batteries. What voltage of DC do they take? I'm sure some hobby shop that sells both radio-control cars (with their NiCd batteries) and used video games would figure it out.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.