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Announcements And Comments > Some devkitPro related news

#177753 - wintermute - Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:13 pm

Wow, sorry - it looks like I've been neglecting the release announcements over here for a while. Apologies for the promotional nature of this post but I'm actually quite excited by the response to this and the prospect of actually earning a living with devkitPro.

Right now I'm doing some final checks for devkitARM release 42 which should hopefully be released in the next week or so. If anyone has any outstanding bug reports or feature requests please speak up now or wait for r43 :p

I'm also in the process of running a chipin to raise startup funds for a devkitPro shop to sell homebrew related gadgets and look at other ways of bringing in money to support me while I continue to move the toolchains on to bigger and better things. There are some more details over at and I've just put up a link on reddit at

Upvotes on Reddit, donations, suggestions for cool hardware you'd like to see and anything you want from the toolchains themselves would be much appreciated.

Donors for this chipin will also be entered in a prize draw for a gamecube complete with BBA, USB Gecko, SD Gecko and a 5.4" Gamecube LCD monitor with external composite input (very useful for other consoles - it's switchable between cube video & external video). Nice little setup I use for gamecube dev and I managed to acquire two of these over the years. Someone else should get the benefit of one of them since I don't really need both.
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