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Announcements And Comments > Wrote Yahtzee for GBA; Now what?

#32591 - Trey - Fri Dec 24, 2004 5:43 am

i'm a newbie to gba dev, so as a learning exercise, i have written a yahtzee type game for the gba. it was written in c++ using visual ham v2.8. i don't intend on making money. there is no sound and the graphics were done with MS Paint, but you can't beat the price.

i was wondering:

to play it on my actual hardware, is a flash cart the best (only) way? any advice on which to get and where?

would anyone want the source and game?

finally, i noticed there were a few threads on an OpenGL type api for gba dev. these threads were over a year ago (TinyGL, etc). has something superceded it or is tinyGL done?

#32592 - ScottLininger - Fri Dec 24, 2004 6:10 am

Trey wrote:
to play it on my actual hardware, is a flash cart the best (only) way? any advice on which to get and where?

Or you can buy a PC to GBA multiboot cable, but only if your game is smaller than 256Kb. But you probably will want a flash cart eventually.

Go to the retailer's forum. There are links there to a variety of online stores with these sorts of things.

Trey wrote:
would anyone want the source and game?

Absolutely! That's a major purpose of this forum: sharing games. Go to the main site and send an email to the news address... they'll post your game for all to see.


#32622 - Kojote - Fri Dec 24, 2004 12:16 pm

if you and in fact whoever has a new program/demo/game whatever... you can also use the news-submission form at pdroms :-) just a small hint :)
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