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Announcements And Comments > First WinDS Compo

#58440 - Francesco - Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:16 pm

Hi all.

We on are preparing the first WinDS development compo, sponsored by NeoFlash. Hope you'll like and support the initiative, we're trying to do our best to make it fun and worthy.

Thank you and happy coding. :)

#58502 - headspin - Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:33 am

Does WinDS use the MP or do applications launch from a file system built into a single ROM. How does it work exactly. Also, what functions are available on the WinDS API? Will there be limitations in making an app under this sort of OS? Like for example, are you stuck in tile mode or can you use any mode and restore back to the OS? Any more info please on this system would be appreciated.
Warhawk DS | Manic Miner: The Lost Levels | The Detective Game

#58541 - strager - Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:15 pm

headspin wrote:
Does WinDS use the MP or do applications launch from a file system built into a single ROM. How does it work exactly. Also, what functions are available on the WinDS API? Will there be limitations in making an app under this sort of OS? Like for example, are you stuck in tile mode or can you use any mode and restore back to the OS? Any more info please on this system would be appreciated.

Here's the basic concept:
You have your application, which is a class. Your class opens up windows and those windows make controls, etc.

There is something called an 'appinstaller', which is just a fancy name for the coder's 'main' function. The appinstaller tells WinS to 'install' your application(s) and to add their icon to the desktop.

That's about it. No extra stuff needed to get you started. I think that the form designer (beta) will be released when the compo begins, making it easier to make your windows (with visual aid). The WinS examples helped me, expecially the Tic-Tac-Toe example, which showed multiple button handling.

#58544 - Francesco - Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:22 pm

WinDS applications are directly linked to the core of the system. He have a tool chain from a visual designer generating initial source code and then to a lib containing the app and finally to a tool installing (linking) the lib into WinDS. This means that without writing a single line of code you can build a working mock up and see it on your ds. Then you can add your code.

WinDS is basically a windowing system. It does not feature a filesystem, but external ones are welcome for the compo apps. It does not force you to make apps in a window, even if currently this is not directly supported by the api. It is open source under GPL, so you can modify it if you want.

WinDS feature a virtual keyboard exploiting ds's touch screen.


#59236 - strager - Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:09 pm

DevKit released, and will probably be used in the compo.
Get it here

Get coding! (I've already finished my app! :D)

#59559 - Francesco - Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:05 pm

Here are the prizes:

1st place: MagicKey3 512Kb + 128MB SD card
2nd place: MagicKey3 256Kb + 128MB SD card
3rd place: MagicKey2 + 128MB SD card

Rules and further infos on

P.S. a new topic about that was deleted: I'm sorry if I made something wrong.

#59579 - SimonB - Wed Nov 02, 2005 7:51 pm

Francesco wrote:
P.S. a new topic about that was deleted: I'm sorry if I made something wrong.

Ah yes I was going to PM you and ask you to post it in this thread instead of making a new one, but you beat me to it :)


#60540 - Francesco - Fri Nov 11, 2005 4:07 pm

Compo rules are now official and the dates are set beetween November 15 and January 1st!

Definitive rules are here.

To SimonB (or guys): can you please pass the news?

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