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Announcements And Comments > Ex:Machina Comments

#64847 - lewisrevill - Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:46 pm

As you can see on the main page you can now download my first game. I have spent alot of time on the game and really would like some feed back for future reference. So please tell me what you think. I also have a website were you can post comments and download the game: Check it out. And thank you if you do post a comment!

#64848 - gauauu - Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:42 pm

Cool. i like the way different enemies require different types of attacks...and the way that big nasty yellow guy transforms and goes all ape on me.

A few initial thoughts:
1. is there a way to choose which enemy I'm attacking?
2. It could be more fun if it was faster paced...easier to take damage, faster moving enemies, less hits per enemy. I feel like I'm just mashing the button, but there's not a whole lot of intensity in attacking and avoiding the enemies.
3. I'm not quite sure what causes me damage and when. if it was more clear, it would be more interesting.

Good start!