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C/C++ > Visual HAM Question [Switching Sprite and Moving]

#95422 - dylanb - Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:40 am

how do i make a sprite change and the character move when i press a button like the up button and then it moves back when the button is unpressed.

change sprite
move sprite
can someone tell me

#96264 - Nave Adair - Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:56 am

I haven't used vHAM and the HAM lib in a while, but this is what I remember, might remember wrong.


ham_SetObjXY(object,new x,new y);

Taken right from a random example I opened in the vHAM sample folder:

ham_SetObjXY(g_Monster,     // The sprite number we want to move
                      g_MonsterX,    // x position of the
                      g_MonsterY);   // y position of the sprite

Hope I can help a bit.[/code]