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C/C++ > Basic C++ help

#116011 - Dox-999 - Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:29 am

Hi guys, I am new to C++ and I have recently started doing some tutroials, when I work I like to fully understand things before I move on and what I don't understant is how to use "&&" and "||" with integers.

I have done it fine with strings before:
if (password == "hello" || "world") {

but I want to be able to do lines like this:
if (age >= 21 && < 100) {

How can I do this?

Thanks :)

#116012 - gmiller - Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:33 am



if ((age >= 21) && (age < 100)) {
 // Do something

#116013 - Dox-999 - Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:47 am

Thanks mate

#116018 - Lick - Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:56 am

if (password == "hello" ..

Warning! This is actually totally not working as you think it would! First of all, in C strings are char-pointers. You are actually comparing the pointers instead of comparing the data that's AT the pointer.
Use strcmp() to test C-strings, or avoid using C-strings and start using C++-strings. Here's an example:
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    char *password = "hello";

    if(strcmp(password, "hello") == 0) // zero differences

    return 0;

#include <string>

int main() {
    std::string password("hello");
    return 0;

Search "std string stl" for more information on C++-strings.


.. || "world") {

This is actually ALWAYS true, because again - you're validating the POINTER instead of the DATA.
So even if("") should be true.

#116023 - Dox-999 - Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:20 am

Ok thats for that :)

#116051 - Quirky - Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:00 pm

If password is a std::string and we are talking C++ then == would do what you expect since std::string::operator== uses std::string::compare rather than comparing pointers. Example:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  string password(argv[1]);
  if (password == "hello")
    cout << "Password Correct" << endl;
    return 0;
  cout << "Password wrong" << endl;
  return 1;


g++ test.cpp -o testString
./testString hi
Password wrong
./testString hello
Password Correct

The line s1==s2 is the same as == 0.

If we are talking C, then all of what was said previously applies. But if you are including <string>, may as well use it ;) (I don't recommend this approach as a security measure BTW :)))

#116059 - keldon - Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:58 pm

The line is faulty even if it is a string as there is an incorrect use of the || operator.