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C/C++ > Platform for learning C or C++

#134222 - Dox-999 - Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:52 pm

Hello, I am a C n00b. I would like to ask something, well last time I was here I mainly used windows XP and vista while I was learning C++ as all the tutorials out there (or the ones I could find) were for windows.

Well I slaked off last time but this time I hope I will be able to learn it without slacking off. I noticed while looking at a couple of DS and PSP home brew tutorials that the preferred dev environment appears to be Linux. This is good for me atm because I have only been using Linux lately (I can't work out how to repair my windows partition).

My question is do you guys think I should start learning C or C++ again today on linux? or wait until I get back onto windows and then move to Linux when it comes to homebrew?


#134228 - gauauu - Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:47 pm

If you are first learning C or C++, I would avoid any handheld or console development, and stick with simpler stuff first.

So that being said, linux would be a fine platform to start with. There will be some differences (not having visual studio do everything for you, for example), but it'll definitely be worth learning the command-line ways of doing things. Go for it!

#135849 - meshounah - Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:11 pm

anjuta might work for you [url][/url]
My Blog

#135938 - sgeos - Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:59 pm

console C


#136131 - kusma - Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:25 pm

Dox-999 wrote:

My question is do you guys think I should start learning C or C++ again today on linux? or wait until I get back onto windows and then move to Linux when it comes to homebrew?

For homebrew you generally need to get your hands somewhat dirty with make and gcc, so there's no big real advantage to wait for your windows-setup to become well. All you need is your favorite text-editor (I see an IDE has already been suggested, but I think the text-editors are in general much more mature and useful than the IDEs on unix-systems), a shell and a target-compiler.